
Game to Live

The start. At the start of the year 2020, a new online community came into existence. No one ever explained what it was, and neither understood what it was about. There was a huge mystery as it seemed people inside were from other worlds. The common theme was them talking about a particular world that combined all the magical stories as well as all of the eastern novels together into the world where it all existed together. The world was named "Game to Live". On January 15th 2020, Kyle saw it in an online community of his favourite MMORPG. An elf character, level 62, mentioned that "I have decided to accept an invite to 'Game to Live' I hope that there I can grind to my heart's content." After reading the thread further, he didn't find anyone else mentioning it. After he refreshed the page, the comment was gone and that persons account got banned. What's more that it seemed anything that person posted ever online was evaporated from the server. Join Kyle in exploring the new world that is full of opportunities. See how Kyle uses the system as well as old and ancient cultivation techniques to stand above everyone. Not a Harem.

Simvolick · Fantasie
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166 Chs

Chapter 149 - Phoenix descendant

Every time the Phoenix also made the rotation, it was as if it got smaller and smaller, finally being only a tenth of its original size.

Kyle understood what the floating objects were but still couldn't believe it.

"Here." The Phoenix voice was much more tired and deep than before

The three small teardrops flew out, and one by one, hovered above Kyle's head.

"This is the pure blood that my body has left. I only have 3 remaining, and I was planning on slowly giving it out over the next million years, but you will get all of them.

"One is to understand the way of the Phoenix and of most pure fire. Two to realise the truth of nature. Three to trample on the existence of the world with the purest fire." Phoenix chanted and cried out.

The first blood teardrop rushed to Kyle and pierced through his head, and headed straight at the dantian. It didn't stop once it reached it but instead flew straight to the Sky Seizing Pearl and went deep inside.