
Game Of Two Halves

The story of a young manager attempting to create a footballing dynasty. All characters in this show even though based on real people are entirely fictional. The characterisation and story arcs they may go on have no bearing to real life. I have the utmost respect for all of the people included and have no intent to slander. Please comment and leave reviews, I really appreciate it.

TheBadlands · Sport
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27 Chs

Chapter 15

" The starting line-up will be as follows. Between the sticks is Neil. The defence will be made of George, Ravil, Bafode and Matheus. As the more senior player, I expect you to support the centre backs and focus more on the defensive side than attacking today. The double pivot in the midfield will be Andre and Steve, break up any attacks coming our way and release the attackers. The co-ordination between you two will be crucial if one moves up the other needs to cover. Lino, George H and Facu in the attacking midfield with Troy up top. You've got a host of young players behind you Troy, so make sure to bring them into the game. Is that understood by everyone?" Yusuf called out trying to put as much authority in his voice as possible.

"Yes Boss" the chorus parroted back to him.

"Then go out there and enforce your game from the first minute"

The team streamed out led by their captain who was Troy Deeney, excited to show what they could achieve. The veteran striker who was also the captain had joined the club in the previous season and though he hadn't scored many goals had been a real coup for them. The striker had previously played in the premier league and was a prolific goal scorer who knew everything about what it took to win promotion. His most famous goal had come in a dizzying few seconds at the end of a playoff semi-final where a saved penalty had been immediately booted out and through a rapid counterattack found itself on the other side of the pitch. A knockdown in the box by his then teammate Hogg allowed him to shoot a venomous volley into the back of the net and bring his team to the final. They hadn't gotten promoted that season, but Deeney came back with twenty goals to win them automatic promotion two seasons after that. The striker provided the guile and determination that would be required to gain promotion and was local to the city so knew what it would mean for the fans. The perfect role model for the young players that had been signed, not that he was initially interested in the position. The first thing he had said to the manager was whether or not he was now a babysitter when he saw the ages of the players that were being recruited and the more senior players being moved on. Yusuf had managed to convince him to buy into the project and he was sure that would bring a good result.

The whistle blew and the game started with a rapid flurry. Troy immediately passed the ball back to the midfield as the attackers from the opposing team ran en masse towards the player in possession. The pressing intensity intimidated the team and they kept passing to safe areas until the ball eventually ended up at the keeper who cleared the ball towards the striker. The ball was easily picked off by the opposing team and the first possession of the game was lost so quickly. The ball was played wide by the opponents and run down the channels which from research was the most common direction of attack by them. The full backs also pushed on the assist attempting to overlap the winger who stopped short. The clubs right back Matheus attempted to mark the winger and since his attacking mid Facu hadn't come to support was overrun quite easily. The full back pushed past into a position with which to cross and Bafode decided to take matters into his own hands. The centre back recklessly decided to head out wide and when the full back saw the space behind him, he sent a curling cross into the box. Ravil was bullied for the best position and the striker smashed a header right into the ground forcing it to bounce in front of the keeper and giving him no opportunity. The team was a goal down and it had only been a few minutes.

The team had already begun to panic, and it was only getting worse as the game went on. Andre made a good account of himself showing for the ball as often as he could, but the players seemed reluctant to use him opting for the safest pass they could release. Any of the strategies they had discussed had completely gone out of there mind and the new manager knew it was his fault. He hadn't accounted for the inexperience within his new team, and it was showing. Steve had gotten completely overrun in the midfield and had lost the ball more than anyone else in the team. He would attempt impossible passes and dribbles and the frustration of losing the ball was only making him do it more often. The attacking midfielders had barely seen the ball and were far too obvious in their movement. They also hadn't come to collect the ball often enough which had created two distinct teams. Troy had been completely isolated in the attack and the centre backs had marked him tightly to stop him receiving the ball from any long passes. The team was being cut in half and he was tempted to make a substitution, but he knew the problem was their lack of confidence and changing a player would only make that player feel even worse. The game was a friendly and though the football was horrific, he would sit through it for the good of the squad. He was silent though, barking orders from the bench just like he did in training to make them remember where they were most comfortable.

The net bulged a second time when the team had taken a moment to pass the ball around and young George Hall had been caught dawdling on the ball. The possession had switched, and the players had not reacted quickly enough to close the holes which allowed the opponents to send the ball up to the winger who was in acres of space. The defence had switched off and were caught chasing the other winger and striker. The winger in possession of the ball had a simple chance rolling the ball across the front of goal and providing an easy tap in for the striker. The more determined minds had prevailed, and the team had made themselves compact and refused to concede again in the first half. The relief that Yusuf felt when the first half ended was only matched by his uncertainty on how to proceed. He had changed almost an entire team during a single transfer window against the advice of many figures at the club and this was the result. The way he advised the players would have a massive influence on the second half, but he couldn't decide if he should shout or be calm. He decided to implore the players to return to basics and build from there as it was not the time to challenge them rather to support them. The team shuffled quietly back into the changing room as he waited for them all to get there. The players came in little groups still discussing the match and what went wrong

" Everyone should take a seat and refresh yourself while listening to me. The first half was a shambles, you surrendered the momentum and struggled to get it back all half. The reason is simple you started off slowly while they were aiming for your neck. We will work on that; I can promise you we will work on that. The second half is going to be different though, I have three instructions which you will follow to the letter. The first is to be more aggressive, when they come at you, I want them to be hassled and hurried. I want all ten of you pressing them, I want them to not have a moment, I want them to feel suffocated. Second, remember your training and play with confidence. If you play with fear, it is impossible to beat them. Third, whatever you do you will do as a team. Press as a team, attack as a team and score as a team. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes" multiple voices called back while clapping to blow away the aura of desperation.

The two teams left their respective changing rooms and for anyone paying attention it was clear to see that the mentality had changed. The Charlton players were speaking and joking in the tunnel, completely relaxed about how the game had gone. An explosion could have blown up next to the Birmingham City players and they wouldn't have reacted, such was the focus that could be seen on their faces.

The second half started with the Addicks having possession and attempting to run the ball on the wing, in the same manner that had given them so much success in the first half. As quick as a light, Facu had run towards his opposite number who had tried to find the space to go around him. The player had moved the ball to the left and the right and even tried a skill move to find a yard of space but none of it had worked. The young Argentinian was sticking to him like glue and wouldn't let him easily find any of the passing routes he wanted. The player was forced to pass the ball back to his defensive midfield, lest he lost the possession as soon as the game began. The mid was instantly surrounded by Troy who was attempting to cover any passing routes backwards and young George Hall who followed his example to prevent the ball going forward. The midfielder had no option but to switch it over the other wing. Lino immediately tried to follow along but, in this case, the full back had sensed the danger and pushed up to overlap allowing a pass to go through and the opponents to finally move the ball forward. George Friend, the wily veteran had already been tracking the runner and was able to stick a leg in to clip the ball from him.

The ball came lose towards the centre of the pitch where Andre who had pushed up to make that area of the pitch small was able to collect it calmly. Andre had always been a very efficient player and immediately saw that he had space to move forward and drove the ball forward. Lino who had always been an intelligent player and able to find the tiniest pocket of space had pushed on into the gap left by the overlapping fullback and was completely alone. The young midfielder covered the ground well and ran with pace on the wing. The rest of the team attempted to follow along with Troy leading the line. The opposing centre backs who had sensed the danger were sticking closely to the striker and trying any passing routes towards him. Lino was cautious and constantly looked around to assess the situation and he could see the full back gaining on him to cut out any infield passes. He could also see one of his teammates making a dash towards the only piece of space that wasn't occupied. Lino waited as long as he could and right before the full back caught up to him, he cut the ball back towards the eighteen-yard line and into the feet of an eager Facu. The play had been concentrated to the left side of the pitch, drawing the attention of everyone in that direction. This meant Facu had essentially disappeared in the minds of many of the opponents except the full back who was charged with marking him. He had run down his wing full pelt and the full back had made sure to stick tight to him but the need to keep aware of where the ball was currently made him look away from his for a few seconds. Facu had been waiting for that and took that opportunity to cut infield and burst towards the box. The cut back had been perfect, and the ball was in his path for a direct shot. The moment was perfect, and he struck through the ball to rattle the net and get off the mark at his new club. The celebrations were jubilant but muted as the team knew they still had a job to do.

The goal had also woken up the Addicks and they distributed the ball well after the restart. The rest of the game carried on in that fashion with both teams pressing and attacking with all their energy. The score line remained the same and the game ended with two goals to one in favour of Charlton Athletic. The game had been very eye opening from the first half where the club couldn't compete to the second where they made a real account of themselves. It had showed him a lot and told him that all the training in the world wasn't a patch compared to the experience of real games and he would need to take time for his lessons to bed into the squad. This youthful team would need all the help they could get, and he was looking forward to the challenge.


Charlton Athletic were formed in 1905 by a group of fourteen- to fifteen-year-olds in East Street, Charlton, SE London. The club is referred to as the Addicks on account of a fishmongers owned by one Arthur Bryan in the area. Bryan would supply the time-honoured British tradition of fish and chips to the players on either side after the match was over. The particularity of South London linguistics then turned Haddock and Chips to Addick and Chips. The title stuck and here we are, over a hundred years later, still using it.

It was a really long chapter today, so took longer than I expected. I hope you all enjoy it and are supporting the Blues.

I'm on good momentum so far, so you might see another chapter before days end.

TheBadlandscreators' thoughts