
Game of Thrones: The Targaryen Awakens

Author: VFSNAKE Site: Fanfiction.net -------------------------------------- Jon has had enough of the abuse from Lady Stark for being a bastard. She puts him down. Treats him like he is lower than dirt. So he leave Winterfell in the dead of night and finds a cave. A cave with a Sith Holocron inside of it. One that belongs to Count Dooku. Through his guidance, Jon will discover his truth self, his destiny, and claim the Iron Throne... through fire and blood. --------------------------------------

Moon_Lord_ · TV
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74 Chs

Chapter 29

- King's Landing - Red Keep -

Varys was puzzled, if not bit disturbed by what Aegon did. A form of magic he had never heard or seen before today. While he hated magic for the personal reasons, Varys would not hold Aegon's ability to use it against him. In truth, the Spider actually applauded its use in getting the people to the dragon's side without causing them pain, if any. Aegon had shown the people within King's Landing the ugly truth of their lives, the lives of the wealthy, the lives of the Crown, and those of the so called Royal Family. How the poor suffered while wealthy benefitted without fear or care in the world. Why would they? All the wealth was in their hands to spend at their leisure and used it to buy, food, wine, and armed guards with no restraint when ordered to kill someone simply for blinking.

It had always disgusted Varys that people with so much, didn't even spend a fraction of it on those who needed it most. Varys himself knew from his own experience on what it had meant to have nothing and claw for everything that everyone else had. The things he had to do to survive and rise to this position would haunt him to the end of his days.

"Lord Varys," said Aegon while the Spider stopped walking down the hallway of the Red Keep and turned to see him.

"Your Grace," said Varys knowing his King would only appear they were alone.

"The time is almost upon us. The Usurper will be returning soon, but was injured from his hunt. A lethal strike from the boar's tusk," said Aegon with Varys nodding.

"It seems fitting that one of the Stag's vices be the cause of his fall. Though, I take it you wish it was by your hands the man fell?" asked Varys with Aegon shrugging.

"I will have my own audience with him soon enough before the end. The question now is, where is everyone else on things surrounding the workings of the Crown?" asked Aegon since he had been busy winning the hearts and minds of the people to see everything else that was playing out.

"Lord Stark knows the truth about Cersei's children. He intended to tell Robert following his return from the hunt. Told the Queen as much. A horrible mistake on Lord Stark's own part. Honorable as his intentions are to protect Cersei's children from being killed by the Stag. Sadly, the woman will ensure any move made by Lord Stark is countered by her own moves and allies. Allies who possess no morals and no honor. Whose loyalty is only to the promise of gold, titles, and lands when the time comes to act in the name of the so called Royal Family once Robert has been removed from play with Joffrey as the new King," said Varys with Aegon nodding.

"Who else know the truth about Cersei's children?" asked Aegon curiously.

"Stannis will know soon enough. He has recently returned to Dragonstone to prepare his fleet for your arrival by sea. But was met by some Red Woman from Essos trying to turn him to the Lord of Light religion. Lord Stark has only just sent one of most trusted men to give Stannis a message about the whole situation with instructions that it be put in the Lord's hands personally. A wise move given the Queen and her supporters have agents just about everywhere," replied Varys with Aegon nodding.

"My Uncle will be betrayed," commented Aegon with Varys nodding since it would seem to be a forgone conclusion.

"Yes your Grace. The Queen knows all the people currently in high positions and will use them one way or another to betray Lord Stark since she will make it clear that her side is the winning side," said Varys in agreement.

"What of the North? The Reach? The Lannisters?" asked Aegon curiously.

"The North is stirring my King. Angrily I might add. Almost eagerly waiting for a fight and to spill blood. Though not because of you, at least not anymore. But due to hearing of Lord Stark being attacked by Jamie Lannister and no justice being done about it. I have had my little birds discreetly get in contact with the Queen of Thorns in the Reach and spoken to her once or twice in person. She was most surprise to hear what I told her and is open to providing assistance," said Varys with Aegon nodding.

"For a price of course," commented since Olenna Tyrell wanted once thing above all else for her family.

Her bloodline tied to the Iron Throne.

"Her House was the last to bend the knee your Grace. It took Rheagar falling in battle, the Mad King dying by Jamie Lannister, and Lord Stark breaking the siege at Storm's End to make it happen. No doubt she feels the loyalty of her House should be rewarded. Even more so if called upon one more time to support the dragon in claiming the Iron Throne once more," replied Varys with Aegon nodding.

"I can arrange it. What is her Granddaughter like?" asked Aegon curiously.

"A woman of the people your Grace. She is smart like her Grandmother, but has a beauty unto herself. Her Grandmother is making sure the former stays that way when it comes to playing the Game of Thrones," replied Varys with Aegon nodding.

"Interesting. What news of Riverrun?" asked Aegon with Varys sighing.

"Bad your Grace. Tywin Lannister gave his son a large force to attack the Riverlands in retaliation for Catelyn Tully Stark kidnapping Tyrion Lannister. The latter being taken to the Vale. It was already under attack by Gregor Clegane's men acting as bandits on the orders of the old Lion to draw out Lord Stark. Though due to the man's leg injury, such a ploy has failed, and Tywin had to teach Lord's Stark's wife a lesson in another manner. I have no doubt Holster Tully can eventually repel such a force, but sadly his son and heir Edmure is leading the fight. The man can only be described simply as...an idiot," replied Varys with Aegon nodding.

"I understand. I have plans for the old Lion. He'll know what it means to pay his debts and pay them with interest when I'm done with him," replied Aegon while knowing the man had quite a few on him to pay and pay heavily.

"Does this mean it is time your Grace?" asked Varys with Aegon nodding.

"Yes. Contact outside parties first in the South. Namely the Reach and Dorne. I trust the latter is with us?" asked Aegon with Varys nodding.

"You promised them vengeance against the old lion and the justice for the death of their Princess and her children. As long as you deliver on your promise, they will support your claim to the Iron Throne," replied Varys with Aegon nodding.

"And they will have it. Call for your little Varys. All of them in King's Landing. Make sure those who pass messages outside of the city send them to the proper Houses. When the time is right, I will contact you to send the same messages inside of the city," said Aegon with Varys nodding though he did hesitate about something.

"There maybe one minor issue your Grace. Regarding the Reach," remarked Varys with Aegon tilting his head.

"In what way?" asked Aegon with Varys sighing again.

"It is about Ser Loras of House Tyrell your Grace. From what my little birds have told me about him, the young man and Renly Baratheon are...close. Closer then men should be in the eyes of the Seven, if they were discovered," replied Varys with Aegon making a noise behind his mask.

"Meaning if House Tyrells called for their banners in my name, one of their own might not fall line and side with House Baratheon. Meaning House Tyrell might have divided loyalties. Among other things," remarked Aegon sighing with Varys nodding.

"Olenna Tyrell is fully aware of her Grandson's...preferences. Mace Tyrell not so much since the man cannot keep his mouth shut. Lady Margery no doubt knows, but does not hold it against her brother like some siblings would," said Varys with Aegon looking away in thought.

"Which means we will need Renly Baratheon to fall in line. Tricky. But it can be done. For now, we will let the Tyrells deal with their own. We will deal with Renly when the time comes to get House Baratheon in line," said Aegon with Varys nodding.

"I will dispatch my little birds meant for the outside world at once your Grace," replied Varys with Aegon nodding.

- King's Bed Chamber - Days Later -

Robert was dying. He could feel it. The boar had gotten him good. All because he missed his damn thrust while drunk on wine. By the Gods was he so weak that wine and a wild boar had been his end? Not on some battlefield against the Targaryens like in his dreams? Not some brothel where he could enjoy drinking wine and fucking whores to his heart's content?

No. It had to be in this fucking bed. In pain while the damn Poppy that Pycelle gave him was barely working. Ned had warned him time and time again, ever since he appointed the man as Hand of the King. Don't do this. Don't do that. Need to be honorable. The man always had to be honest and true with him about these things.

'Oh Ned. If you only knew the truth about the old days. The truth I kept from you. That Lord Arryn kept from you. But you would have hated me. Hated Lord Arryn. Who am I kidding. If Jon wasn't dead and I wasn't dying, you would have killed us both. And we would have deserved it too,' thought Robert while glancing around the room and stopped when seeing a figure in the room.

The masked figure of Aegon Targaryen. Straight down from his masked helmeted head to the black clothing with a cloak over his right shoulder showing the three headed dragon.

"To think this is what has befallen the great Robert Baratheon. The man who could wield a war hammer with one hand. The Demon of the Trident. The man who waged war and killed Prince Rheagar Targaryen himself at the Trident," said Aegon while walking over to the man's bed and sat down in the same chair his Uncle did not that long ago.

"Guards!" called out Robert, but no one came.

"They can't hear you Usurper. Its just you and me. Right here. Right now. Talking to each other like civilized people," replied Aegon with his power not only projecting his image, but making anyone outside of the room deaf to their conversation.

"So this is how I die. In my bed and by your hands. Through your sorcery. A Kingslayer just like that damn Jamie Lannister," Robert shot back while Aegon laughed.

"Kill you? I don't have to do anything to kill you. The boar that gored your stomach did it for me. I just have to sit here and watch as things play out. But before your end, I felt it was only fair and honorable for the two of us to have a nice chat. As civilized men," said Aegon with Robert growling.

"I have nothing to say to you pretender. You or that dragon whore Daenerys. Ned may have convinced me to not send assassins after her, but it will only delay the inevitable," said Robert with Aegon nodding.

"You're right. It is delaying the inevitable with the assassins coming to kill her. Whether by Tywin Lannister's orders or someone else. I can accept that. However, if you call my Aunt a whore again, I will see to it that your last moments are filled with agony beyond measure," replied Aegon harshly and leaning closer to Robert's face.

"Fine! So what do you want to talk about before my end?" asked Robert with Aegon now leaning back against his chair.

"What did you think of Lyanna Stark?" asked Aegon while his words surprised the Stag.

"And why should I tell you?" asked Robert with Aegon tilting his head slightly.

"Indulge me. What was she to you?" asked Aegon with Robert growling at him before he sighed.

"She was everything to me. My woman. My future wife. Ned and I were close growing up under Lord Arryn. Close as brothers. Lord Arryn said to further join our two Houses together to make it last beyond the spirit, I would need to marry his sister. I agreed. We were to marry and she was to be my wife," replied Robert with Aegon scoffing.

"You mean your precious trophy. To brag about to the other Lords. Claiming you were able to tame the mighty she-wolf of the North. A woman no man could hope to win the heart of because she was not one to bow to men like yourself," countered Aegon with Robert growling again.

"She would have been mine if Rheagar hadn't taken her from me!" exclaimed Robert with Aegon laughing.

"Taken her? She went with him willingly. But you knew that already. Didn't you. Its why you and Lord Arryn spread the rumor of her being kidnapped and raped by Rheagar. You wanted to stain my Father's honor knowing it would make people rally to your cause in the pointless war you started," remarked Aegon with Robert looking enraged.

"Pointless? Pointless?! That fucking dragon took what was mine! Lyanna was my woman to marry! To call my wife! He had no right!" exclaimed Robert before coughing violently from the strain and stress at the moment.

"Considering your nature, it was best she didn't marry you. All those nights in your tent, fucking whores and camp followers. And in the morning, you went on and on about your love for her. If you truly loved Lyanna Stark, you would have been faithful and stayed away from other women during the war. But you weren't and that proves your unworthy," said Aegon with Robert looking increasingly angry.

"And who are you to sit here in judgment of me? The King?! Who are you talk to me this way about my Lyanna?" demanded Robert while Aegon removed his mask so the man could see his face.

"I am her son. Her true born son. She didn't just leave you for Rheagar. She married him after he annulled his marriage to Elia Martell just prior to your rebellion," replied Aegon with Robert looking furious at this.

"You lie! Fucking dragonspawn! You would say anything to insult the memory of my Lyanna!" exclaimed Robert while wishing he could reach out and strangle his man in front of him.

"What memory? You can't even remember her. Can you?" challenged Aegon with Robert looking at him in shock once again before slumping back against the bed in defeat.

"No. No I can't remember. I want to remember her face. But I can't. Damn you and your House. I can't remember," remarked Robert before letting out tears for the first time in a long time.

"You are not worthy of remembering her. What she looked like. How she acted. This is my punishment to you before the end. To know the truth. To know that my Mother never loved you. Never wanted to marry you. And before your end, know that Rheagar's hidden son was in the North growing up as Ned Stark's bastard son. That's right Usurper. Your own Sworn Brother, the brother you chose, kept me from you. Lied to you. Lied to your face about my identity. Lyanna knew your temper. She knew how you would react to the truth of my existence. How you would react to seeing me. Now you can die here knowing these things and know your bloodline dies with you. For your so called son Joffrey? He's not your blood. His blood is all Lannister. The Father of Cersei's children? Her very twin brother. Jamie Lannister. The Kingslayer himself. While you were off drinking, hunting, and fucking whore after whore, the Queen was fucking her brother. In fact, the Queen had been fucking her cousin, some Uncles, and a few other people just to spite you. But in the end, the Queen made sure all three of her children were Jamie Lannisters. Her ever precious full blooded Lions. Not Stags. Lions!" replied Aegon before putting his helmet back on and laughed while fading from view.

It was in that moment of fury and rage, Robert Baratheon suffered a massive stroke. His ability to speak had been denied. He couldn't even yell out in rage or call for some kind of help as his whole world was falling apart and dying all around.

All he could see in his mind as darkness took him was the image of three dragons flying over the city while Aegon Targaryen sat on the Iron Throne...laughing at him.