

"Change before you have to. Before you're forced too." – Jack Welch.


I got beat all over the training grounds. Bruises labeled my body like a wife who didn't cook the food right. And when it was done, when I was laying bloody on the ground, refusing to give up.

Only then did he let me rest. "I expect this everytime. The will to push through pain is one of the most important traits a person can have, the will to endure. Do well to keep up." He said a little winded. Seems beating some one for hours is exhausting.






'Why am I still here?' Quick flashes of the past came to me. Flashes of this life and the last. Although his words were encouraging…its much harder than it sounds. I never want to go through this ever again. 'Why don't I just- NO! Remember, Pain is weakness leaving the body.'

Small wins, small goals throughout the day would be my best option. Things such as 'make it to lunch' and 'finish training getting better everyday.'

Getting better 1% everyday would add up quickly. Though….working without a goal would not be particularly useful. Otherwise I'd lose motivation quickly.

…..Exploration. Satisfying my curiosity was the only thing I wanted…thinking of all the kingdoms, places, creatures, magic's, and mysterious history that was in the world of Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire.

'What a world you've created, George.' If only you could watch as I ruin it by discovering every mystery, exploring every far and dangerous land and obtaining all the lost treasures of the world.

"Sarnor, Asshai, Ifequervon, Ancient Andals, Valyria, The Shadowlands, Jhogwin, Ulthos, Sothoryos and its ancient civilizations, Ghis, Rhoynar, The Five Forts, Battle Isle, Fisher Queens, Beyond the Grey Waste, IB, Leng and much more."

Valyria's dragons would be mine, I would explore all of Ulthos, Sothoryos and the Sunset Sea, Asshai would be the magic capital of my capital. But what would I do with it though?

I could create a 8000 year old dynasty that spanned all of Essos, Sothoryos and Ulthos, and anything beyond. 'What about Westoros?'....Who knows. Would I even care about Westoros?

My involvement in history would change everything and lead to massive butterfly effects. I would like to meet the main cast but, thats at the bottom of my list….'If it happens, it happens.' Whether or not I took Westoros would be up to my future self.

To achieve all my goals I would need alot of things. Time, I had. I could revive myself in a son.

Resources would be harder. My luck that I was put here as an escaped slave? Dead slave? The only thing I knew about this body was the language, and somehow writing. 'I should add, "solve my past".'

Then there comes my current predicament. A ward to a well known general would grant me some leeway, but not as much as Hanma. The biggest position I could ever gain, would be 'Royal Husband of the Moon Princess'.

The Moon Princess, daughter of the Bloodstone Emperor who both reside at 'Grand Cathay' the current capital of the Empire, located in the North-East province. The capital is said to house many wonders; The Paradise Gardens, The Alchemy Cabal, The Temple of Four Moons and much more. The Moon Princess is said to be able to turn into a dragon because of her fathers dark experiments.

From the descriptions, it doesn't sound like the dragons- or rather, Wyverns that Valyrians rode, but Eastern Dragons. From what I heard, they have serpentine bodies, four legs, and are usually without wings. They are said to be a composite of various other animals, with one of the most common descriptions being - the body of a snake, the antlers of a deer, the talons of an eagle, the soles of a tiger, the scales of a carp, and the eyes of a demon. It is said that Chinese dragons have 117 scales. An oddly specific number.

If this were to be true, and I were to be her husband….my future body would be able to change into a dragon, im sure my magical capabilities would be astonishing as well.

I could imagine me ruling over a Japanese esq. city. My dragon body explodes and out I come and land in the superhero landing.— WAIT! I can't get my hopes up. I shouldn't have gotten so carried away in my fantasy. Extremely childish!
