
Game Of Thrones: Empire Of The Rising Sun

A man dies. Like any normal man does. But that isn’t the end for him. ROB puts him in the Game Of Thrones universe……..8,000 years before canon. Watch as he builds the greatest empire the world has ever known. From mere slaves of the the ‘Great Empire of the Dawn’ to the ‘Empire of the Rising Sun’. Witness how he bends history to his will. “Gather our banners and call our war masters. It seems as if the Valyrians haven’t learned since last time.” (Has some Dune elements, just some wording.)

Jaquaviontavious · TV
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16 Chs


"To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time." - Leonard Bernstein


"We don't like to talk about it. In general, if you're a soldier and you've killed in war, you lie and say no.

It tends to be the secret we have that we're not proud of. We want to fight bravely, but it's hard to be proud of killing another person." A soldier riding beside me said.

"…..What do you think of their words. Of demons."

"Rambling's of dead men walking, trying to save themselves with a plee of insanity." The soldier scoffed. How foolish.

"Do not entertain such things." The general said from in front of me. "When we return, you will be pushed harder. Next month, Hanma will be formally enrolled and move to the Naval Warfare Academy, as classes start."

I loathed at the future to come, as Hanma, my only friend, went to the academy, I would only see him on breaks, such as the holidays.

I responded. "Yes, General!"


When Han had said I would undergo harsher training, I didn't fully know what I would face. A day ago, Hanma had left for the academy. The thing that kinda stung was that he didn't say goodbye, I reckoned he was The academy was….what it sounded like.

Since this was the Southwestern province, Naval studies took priority of training. There he would learn the intricacies of Naval Combat. Since Yin, the city we're in, is located at the South-Western Coast of the empire, it's described as the greatest port city in the empire. Sitting right on the Jade Sea, its connected to a substantial trade route to Asabhad.

Interestingly enough, some past rulers, such as The Pearl Emperor, ruled from Yin.

'Guess thats why his little scroll of secrets is here.' Thats what I had begun calling the scroll, Han had in his secret display case. 'If I can change into my descendants, eventually I will have that scroll in my hands.'

Thoughts pertaining to my ability surfaced in my mind, like they had in the past. It was tempting to just go to a brothel and go wild, but things such as the ability to stop pregnancies and the fact that I wasn't even 12 yet made me stop. I'm sure when I have a little more time on my hands I would do it.

Since Yin was so important, this required a fierce, thunderous and competent Navy. Free children across the province were sent to the academy, as being in the military was very lucrative to middle-class families as It paved a way to move up the social and economic ladder.

Although Hanma isn't from a middle-class family, it is still seen as a great honor to live, and in the case that it happen, die for the empire. Deserters and cowards were absolutely despised and loathed by the entire Empire. Retreating was seen as incredibly dishonorable and thats why, when it would come for our forces to retreat, recover and win another day, the commander would simply refuse to retreat.

'Pride. One of the 7 deadly sins.' I reckoned. The entire structure, social, economic, agricultural and leadership would eventually lead to this empire falling apart. 'The Bloodstone Emperor is the one to have set in the long night. The men yesterday were talking about demons coming from the far east. Greed, and Wrath will prove easy enough to find in the ruler.'

This empire was fated to fall, and I, whether it be in this body or another, would be there to scoop up the pieces and make an even bigger and better art piece out of it.


2 months later

3rd POV

Time passed slowly. Hanma had left without a word, I guessed due to what we had to do. One thing I noticed, killing those men didn't change me much. No lingering doubt, regret, despair or sadness plagued me. How interesting.

Maybe it was my mind preoccupying training so I distracted my self. Days continued my training progressed.

Intense training of the Dao, Niciao Jiao and of course regular body training. Compared to when I first came here, I am in tip-top shape. But compared to the kids my age, that trained since they were 5-6, I was lacking.

"Again." General Han angled his Dao upward in front of his face as he said "I will shape you into a force to be reckoned with. This year will be brutal-"

I struck out first, not letting him finish as my sword soared upwards. He parried reflexively. Instantly, I saw my life flash before my eyes as sharp, almost crescent like blade, cut empty air by my head.

He pushed me back, his superior strength, speed, reflexes, experience and technique, easily battered me into a quick storm of retreating backpedals.

'Think, stop reacting.'

The months of muscle memory kicked in and I could fell how better I had become. That didn't mean I instantly beat Han. "More!" He ordered as his overhead strike was dodged.

My blade moved to his exposed head. "Good!" He…..he shoulder rolled under my thrust. I felt as his foot hooked around my lead one.

'Nope!' I sank to a knee and-


Searing pain erupted from my face as I crumbled into the dirt. My hands instinctively shot to the spot. Liquid…blood poured out of my nose as my face tingled. My ears were muffled and my eyes watered.

"-e better." Was all I made out. I looked up and caught Han looking at me unapologetically. The graphic cursing and threats I aimed at him in my head were pulverized.

'I can only blame my self. My opponent on the battlefield won't care about the pain im going through as he tramples my body.' At that thought, I forced my body to stand up, my hands uncuped my nose and went for my sword as blood continually rushed out of my nose.

I stared Han down, not letting my hand go to my nose instinctively. The next words that came out my mouth had made a little smirk come to his lips. "Again."

(If you wanna know more about the lore of Game of Thrones and ASOIAF then I suggest the youtube channels 'whycreate' and 'alt shift x'.)