
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasie
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71 Chs

[53] The honey trap (part 2)

The tension was palpable in the grand court of the New Roman Empire as Emperor Valerian faced his generals. The opulent hall, usually a symbol of imperial power and grandeur, felt more like a pressure cooker, ready to explode with the slightest provocation.

General Marius, a burly man with a scarred face and a reputation for brutality, stepped forward, his voice booming in the echoing chamber. "Your Majesty, we need more gold. The troops are restless, equipment is deteriorating. We can't maintain order on empty promises."

General Lucius, sleek and sly, a known schemer, added with a sneer, "The empire's safety is at stake. Without proper funding, how can we defend your reign against threats, both internal and external?"

Valerian, his face pale and sweat beading on his brow, shifted uneasily on his throne. "Generals, I understand your concerns. But the treasury is stretched thin. We have no more funds to allocate at this moment."

Marius slammed his fist on a nearby table, making the golden goblets rattle. "Bullshit! We know there's money. It's just being squandered on your pleasures and pointless endeavors. The military is the backbone of this empire, and we demand our due!"

Lucius, folding his arms, gave a cold, calculating smile. "Perhaps if certain... frivolous expenses were cut back, we'd find the necessary funds. After all, the military should be your priority, not your personal entertainments."

Valerian, visibly swallowing his fear, tried to maintain a semblance of imperial authority. "I assure you, every expense is for the betterment of the empire. But I will... find a way to fulfill your demands. Give me some time."

General Cassius, who had been silent, spoke up with a menacing tone. "Time is a luxury we don't have, Your Majesty. The troops are on the brink of mutiny. We need action, not words."

Valerian looked around helplessly, his gaze landing on a few courtiers who quickly averted their eyes. "I... I will convene with my advisors. We'll find a solution. The military will have its funding."

Marius leaned in, his face inches from Valerian's. "You'd better, Your Majesty. Or you might find that your throne isn't as secure as you think."

With those threatening words, the generals left the court, their heavy steps echoing ominously. Valerian slumped in his throne, a picture of defeat and desperation.


Over the following days, Livia persistently worked her charm on Emperor Valerian, exploiting his weaknesses and insecurities. Her persuasive abilities were unmatched, and she played the role of the seductive influencer with perfection.

In the privacy of Valerian's chambers, Livia pressed the issue. "Your Majesty, think of the glory that annexing Vespera would bring to your reign. It would be a show of strength, a testament to your power."

Valerian, pacing restlessly, was clearly torn. "But Livia, annexing Vespera is no small matter. It could stir unrest, perhaps even rebellion."

Livia moved closer, her voice soft and coaxing. "But isn't a strong leader meant to make bold decisions? Imagine the wealth and resources that Vespera could add to our empire. You would be celebrated as a visionary emperor."

After days of her persistent cajoling, Valerian finally capitulated. "You're right, Livia. I will be remembered as the emperor who expanded our great empire. I will announce the decision to annex Vespera."

The day of the announcement, the court was buzzing with anticipation and apprehension. General Marius and his cohorts stood smugly, confident in their victory over the emperor's will.

Valerian, bolstered by Livia's words, addressed the court with uncharacteristic determination. "Noble citizens of the New Roman Empire, the time has come to expand our borders and embrace Vespera as part of our great nation. I have decided to formally annex Vespera. They have one month to accept our generous offer."

The court erupted into murmurs and whispers, some in shock, others in support. Livia stood by Valerian, a look of satisfaction barely concealed on her face.

General Lucius, seeing an opportunity, quickly voiced his approval. "A wise decision, Your Majesty. This will undoubtedly strengthen our empire."

Marius chimed in, his voice loud and commanding. "It's about time we showed our strength. Vespera will be a valuable addition to our empire. The military stands ready to enforce your will."

Livia, playing her part, leaned in and whispered to Valerian, loud enough for others to hear. "You've done it, Your Majesty. This is a bold step into a prosperous future."

Valerian, puffing up with pride, nodded. "Yes, we will usher in a new era of expansion and prosperity. The empire will thrive under my rule."

Q: Have you encountered any honey traps before?