
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

[52] The honey trap (part 1)

Senator Drusus's plan was set into motion with a cunning maneuver designed to distract the Emperor, a figure known for his susceptibility to flattery and pleasure. Drusus had selected a woman named Livia, known for her stunning beauty and sharp wit, to be the gift that would enchant the Emperor.

The Emperor, a portly man named Valerian, whose appearance was as unremarkable as his political acumen, was seated on his ornate throne when Drusus presented Livia.

"Your Majesty," Drusus began, bowing deeply, "I present to you Lady Livia, a jewel of the Empire, whose beauty is surpassed only by her intellect and charm."

Livia stepped forward, her movements graceful and poised. She was the epitome of elegance, her dress clinging to her figure in a way that was both modest and tantalizing. She curtsied before Valerian, her eyes lowered demurely.

"Your Majesty, it is an honor to be in your esteemed presence," Livia said, her voice soft yet resonant.

Valerian, visibly smitten, leaned forward on his throne, his eyes greedily taking in Livia's form. "My, my, Senator Drusus, you have outdone yourself. Lady Livia, your beauty is indeed a treasure. Tell me, dear, what brings a woman of your grace to my court?"

Livia looked up, her eyes meeting Valerian's with a mix of innocence and cunning. "I have long admired your leadership, Your Majesty. The tales of your wisdom and strength have reached far and wide. It is my humble wish to serve you and the Empire in any way I can."

Valerian chuckled, a sound that resembled a grunt more than laughter. "Serve me, you say? Well, I am sure we can find... suitable roles for a woman of your talents."

Drusus, watching the exchange, barely concealed his smirk. The Emperor was already taking the bait.

"Your Majesty is too kind," Livia continued, her tone laced with subtle flattery. "It is said that to be in your favor is to bask in the sun's warmth. I only hope to prove myself worthy of your attention."

Valerian's face reddened slightly, a mixture of arousal and vanity. "Oh, you are worthy, my dear, very worthy indeed. Tell me, what do you enjoy? Jewels? Silks? I can provide anything your heart desires."

Livia lowered her gaze modestly. "Your Majesty's approval is all I seek. To be close to you, to learn from you, that is my heart's only desire."

Drusus interjected, "Your Majesty, I assure you, Lady Livia's loyalty to the throne is unparalleled. She will be a... delightful addition to your court."

Valerian, now fully entranced, waved a dismissive hand at Drusus. "Yes, yes, Senator, I can see that. Leave us. Lady Livia and I have much to... discuss."

As Drusus left the throne room, he exchanged a brief, knowing glance with Livia. The plan was in motion, the Emperor distracted by his new plaything. In the intricate dance of power and manipulation, Livia was now a crucial piece, set to keep Valerian's attention away from the brewing storm that threatened his reign.


In the opulent chamber of Emperor Valerian, Livia played her role to perfection, her seductive allure drawing the emperor further into her web of manipulation. As she led him toward the lavish bedroom, her every move was calculated to inflame his desires.

Valerian, his eyes fixed on Livia with lustful intent, was like a moth to a flame. "My dear Livia, you have ignited a fire in my heart. Your beauty is like a rare gem," he murmured, his voice heavy with anticipation.

Livia turned, her expression a mix of desire and cunning. "And speaking of gems, Your Majesty, the jewelry of Vespera has always fascinated me. Such exquisite craftsmanship, such beauty…"

Valerian, momentarily distracted from his lustful thoughts, nodded eagerly. "Ah, Vespera! Their artisans are unparalleled. I shall have the finest pieces sent to you, my dear."

Livia, however, feigned a pout, her dissatisfaction evident. "While I appreciate your generosity, Your Majesty, mere pieces are not the same as possessing the source. Imagine if Vespera itself was under your dominion…"

The emperor paused, his brow furrowing slightly. "Take over Vespera? That's a… complicated matter. They're a city-state, nominally independent, though they rely on us."

Livia moved closer, her voice sultry yet laced with disappointment. "But wouldn't a true emperor, a man of your power and stature, claim what he desires? Vespera should be a jewel in your crown, not just a distant admirer."

Valerian shuffled uncomfortably, clearly torn between desire and the complexities of politics. "It's not that simple, Livia. There are treaties, agreements… It would cause quite the stir."

Livia turned away, her displeasure clear. "It seems I have overestimated your… capabilities, Your Majesty. I thought you a man who takes what he wants, a true ruler. But perhaps I was mistaken."

Valerian, now desperate not to lose her favor, reached for her. "No, no, Livia. You misunderstand. It's just that these things require planning, strategy. I am emperor, but I must also be wise."

Livia faced him again, her expression cold. "Wisdom is admirable, but so is boldness. I crave a man who is unafraid to seize his destiny. I thought that man was you."

The emperor, flustered and frustrated, stammered, "Livia, please, don't be hasty. I… I will consider your words. Vespera could indeed be a valuable addition to my empire."

Unsatisfied with his half-hearted commitment, Livia stepped back, her disappointment palpable. "I see. Well, when you decide to be the emperor I believed you to be, let me know. Until then, I find my desires unfulfilled."

With that, she left the room, leaving Emperor Valerian standing there, bewildered and unsatisfied.

Outside the bedroom, Livia's expression shifted from the sultry seductress to that of a calculating player in the game of power. She had skillfully used her influence, leaving the emperor in a state of confusion and need. The chess pieces were moving, and Livia had just made a critical play in the intricate game of 'Game of Kings.'

Q: Would you fall for a honey trap online or IRL?