

The corvette silently blasted through space. Its thrusters at its maximum output. The empty void was filled by a relatively small ship being chased be a massive beast.

"Captain a Leviathan is closing in," a crew member reported. They were all experienced men, and knew that acting calm was paramount in survival, as their captain sat in his chair and gave out orders.

"Navigator what is our distance to the nearest gate?" Captain Dave asked.

"Sir, it is 10 clicks out, however the Leviathan. will reach us in about 9 clicks,"

Dave thought to himself,' A click is 10 kilometers, and the ship is going at about 60 clicks an hour,'. As David finally finished all of his calculations he finally said," We only have to be in range of the Leviathan for a minute. Have the engineering team prime the engine for a emergency burn,". Men got to work as the silence clocked in. Everybody had a job to do except the captain as he sat down just waiting. The minutes ticked by, and all Dave focused on was a red blip on the main screen coming closer and closer.

"We have a visual captain,"

The main screen displayed a colossal ship. Kilometers long, and had tentacles coming off of it. Infested gun ports were swiveling and aimed towards the corvette.

"Infested drop pods are closing in Captain," the bridge crew reported. David closed his eyes as he visualized where they would impact.

"Have the marines take defensive positions at level A-C," Dave ordered. The pods were coming in hot, but the AA guns were already firing. Dave ordered that the guns focused on the ones coming to the lower decks, as the upper deck was flooded with a few infested pods. Oversized cockroaches started to crawl through an opening that was punctured and sealed by a weird liquid by the pod. The marines started to fire their rifles at the oncoming tide of flesh, but were quickly cut into pieces. Dave just sat at his chair as he listened to all of the screams echoing through the microphones attached to their helmets.

Dave frowned as he decided to snap. A sharp crack created by his thumb and middle finger caused three robots to materialize in front of him. About as tall as a human and armed with flamethrowers, Dave ordered the robots to help the boarding crew. Within minutes later, the main screen projected images of burnt out hallways, along with dead infested.

"Captain the breach has been cleared,"

Dave sighed again. The Leviathan was already firing spores, and globs of acid. The shields were failing, and Dave ordered," Emergency Burn,".

The ship lurched forward as the extra speed caused most of the projectiles to fall short.

However Dave was still alert. The jump gate was within view, but the Leviathan still had one more trick up its sleeve. The Leviathan was the longest known ship, and the cause of this was a gigantic laser that ran through the entire ship. The ship was a gigantic weapon. Already David could see signs of the gun preparing to fire as particles of light started to focus at the tip of the leviathan.

"Captain preparing warp jump," the officer yelled out.

"Captain the Leviathan laser estimated to fire in 10 seconds. We need more time to warp!"

The bridge crew was frantic. Collision seemed inevitable, and the shields started to be powered down in order to warm up the warp drives faster. A loud hum started to vibrate the corvette, all while a gigantic ball of light had solidified in front of the leviathan.

Dave sighed as he stood up. The crew all flicked their heads towards him, and then went back to work. Dave started to channel his energy into his right hand, right before he slammed it into the floor of the bridge. A colossal hexagonal shield was materialized in between the leviathan and the corvette.

"Jumping in T-minus 5, 4"

"Too late," Dave whispered as he watched the beam travel towards his shield of metal. The shield held for merely a second, before shattering. The beam was redirected slightly by the shield causing it to slam into the upper levels where the infested had originally attacked.

"Warp jump initiated," the monotone A.I. uttered as everything bent. Light was being distorted as an oval portal appeared in front of the corvette. The corvette traveled through leaving a giant living battleship to fire its weapons at the wisps left behind after a successful jump.