
The interior of the citadel

After docking the ship at the same docking bay that he departed from a few hours prior to go on the mission and sending a message to his higher ups that he was done with the mission he headed to the mess hall to grab a bite to eat as he was starving. He entered a long expansive hallway that had different branches leading to different parts of the structure. Envision the citadel's long, expansive hallway, a grand thoroughfare that serves as a central artery branching off into different sections of the immense structure. Stretching as far as the eye can see, the hallway is adorned with clean, modern lines and ambient lighting, creating an atmosphere of both elegance and practicality.

The walls feature large, panoramic windows that offer glimpses of the cosmic wonders beyond, creating a mesmerizing visual backdrop. A subtle hum of interstellar machinery blends with the quiet footsteps of the human crew, traversing the corridor with purpose.

The hallway is flanked by doors leading to various compartments, each marked with sleek digital signage indicating its function. Offices, laboratories, and living quarters branch off from this central spine, creating a network of interconnected spaces dedicated to human exploration and activity within the cosmic citadel.

The uniformity of design emphasizes efficiency, while the strategic branching of the hallway symbolizes the intricate web of interconnected endeavors undertaken by the human crew in their cosmic journey.

After walking for five minutes he took a left turn and walked another five minutes before finally getting to the mess hall. As he steps in we are introduced to the wonder that is the mess hall. Imagine the citadel's mess hall, a colossal space designed to accommodate the diverse needs of 1,000,000 people navigating the cosmic expanse. The hall is a symphony of efficiency and community, with an expansive layout that caters to both functionality and comfort.

Rows of sleek, durable tables and chairs stretch across the hall, providing ample seating for the bustling crowd. The decor is a blend of earthly simplicity and interstellar elegance, with subtle cosmic motifs adorning the walls. The ceiling, a vast expanse of holographic displays, mimics the ever-changing cosmic panorama, offering a dynamic visual experience.

Food stations line the periphery, offering a diverse array of interstellar and earthly cuisine. Advanced food replicators ensure a seamless supply of nourishment for the diverse crew. The aroma of exotic spices mingles with the hum of conversations, creating a vibrant atmosphere.

Digital screens at strategic points display important announcements, cosmic updates, and entertainment options, fostering a sense of community and connection.

He moved to the stations but not before grabbing a clean nearby tray as he went for his food, and then went to sit down. He took a minute to say grace before he started eating. After fifteen minutes of eating he finished up and left as the cleaning staff came to grab his tray. After stepping out of the mess hall he headed of to his room in the male living quarters. After walking for fifteen minutes he got to the living quarters. Entering his room we are met with another wonder that he had already been used to as his whole life was on the ship.

Visualize a simple living quarters within the citadel, designed for functionality and comfort. The room is modest in size, featuring neutral-colored walls that create a clean and calming ambiance. A large viewport allows a view of the cosmic expanse, bringing a touch of the celestial into the living space.

The room is furnished with essential elements—a comfortable bed with crisp linens, a compact desk with a digital interface for work or leisure, and a small seating area for relaxation. Soft lighting fixtures can be adjusted to suit the occupant's preferences, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Minimalistic decor adorns the space, perhaps a few personal touches or artworks that reflect the individual's personality. Storage units are strategically placed to maximize space and keep the room clutter-free.

He moved to the bed in the room, layed down and fell deep into sleep. He had had a long journey to complete his mission and he didn't feel comfortable sleeping in a ship he just got as he thought that he shouldn't be attached since in his mind, the ships would be returned to the military.

The whole citadel was busy, different work stations and compartments with different types of workers were busy working hard to keep the structure in good condition. The system the structure was on was peaceful, but that peace wouldn't last long as an alien ship entered the system from the very edge, a battleship class spaceship was slowly exploring the system.

The citadel officials that were monitoring the situation in the solar system picked up the ship's entry as they informed military officials about this new piece of information. "This is quite strange indeed, we have never had a ship of that caliber pass by let alone enter the system, and it seems to be progressively getting to planet Murdoch." A bulky man wearing military uniform said as he stared at the information on the screen. "Deploy battleship Epsilon to deal with the problem, am sure they can handle a little challenge, can't they? Anyway I need you to monitor everything that happens around that area, I intend to send our new pilots over there to gather resources once the battle is over." He ordered as he left the room with the subordinates shouting "yes sir" as he left. A fully crewed level 15 battleship with a class of a Star cruiser-class battleship left the citadel heading towards planet Murdoch ready to engage with the interstellar intruder.

A star cruiser class battleship is a type of interstellar warship that combines elements of both a cruiser and a battleship. This hybrid classification typically implies a vessel of considerable size, equipped with powerful armaments and advanced technologies for long-range space engagements. Star cruisers are designed to operate independently or as part of a fleet, capable of both offensive strikes and defensive maneuvers.

The term "star cruiser" often suggests a versatile and formidable spacecraft, well-suited for exploration, patrol, and combat missions in the vastness of space. These vessels are known for their ability to project power across interstellar distances and maintain a significant presence in various regions of the cosmos.