
Future Progression

Well well well ! Everyone knows about hypnosis or past life regression as it’s termed, taking one through past life journey tapping into ones sub conscious. The events identified during these sessions may be connected with current life events. But do you know if it works other way round. Trust me it does. The female protagonist Rachael in this story gets an opportunity to try the future progression. Less than 10 days leading to new year and in the New Year eve party strange events take place and she gets connected to people she never met. Is her destiny tied with these events. She is also given flashes of her own life and finds it very strange. So hop on people and let’s put on Rachael’s shoes and see where her choices lead to. Well after a happy ending or was it a really happy ending to Rachael after she found her brother (Novel - Finding Ray), Did things look peaceful or did it not? Connect with me on Discord: https://discord.gg/eFYC4BqNUX Instagram: amateur_author_wn Copyright ©️2020 by Amateur_Author

Amateur_Author · Urban
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30 Chs


Rachael realised that Jason had not cleared anyone's memory and she knew she couldn't hide things from Ray for long.

All she asked him for a day or two and then she would talk to him. She had to decide clearly for herself what she had to do before involving anyone else. She knew how her brother was adamant on getting the details out and she would have tell him for sure in a phased manner.

After cleaning the plate and the coffee mug, Rachael went back to the balcony of her room and closed both the bedroom and the balcony doors behind her and sat on the chair. There was an additional guest room in the house if Ethan wanted to rest.

She felt the need of auto-thought book to safeguard her memories. She did have one too as she was a royal now. But she had left hers back on Zon as she had not felt the need to carry it with her when she travelled to earth. She was here to enjoy the holidays with her parents and her brother and not to solve mysteries. But her plans had gone tipsy turvy and she was already inside a mystery.

She was not sure on how to get the auto-thought book. Should she ask Ethan? But that would be shameless on her part to ask Ethan, after having treated him so badly from the time he has been on earth.

Should she borrow the one which was gifted to Ray? She did not want to go back to Zon just to get it. That did not feel right either. It was his gift after all. She decided drop both of these ideas for now and think about it later when her memory got too heavy to stress her out.

There had to be an alternate way to download it and safeguard it like how data could be downloaded from a computer to a hard disc or a pen drive. She decided to explore such options at a later time.

Until then she hoped her brain will hold the memories for a little longer time, before it got lost in her sub-conscious. She was not aware that this specific memory from the party night was well preserved by Ray.

"Ah!" she said to herself as she felt that she was unnecessarily stressing and wasting her time thinking how to get the auto-thought book which was not at all a major concern now.

She changed her thought process and started thinking on what's to be done next.

Certain events in her life did not go as per how she wanted it to be, like the one she was currently in. She wanted to enjoy her time with her family but she was presented with another test of life right at the start of the New Year and she had to choose whether to take the test or ignore it. She weighed the pro's and cons and decided to take the test.

Rachael was a smart woman and believed in planning. If she hadn't been a great a planner, probably her family and her brother may not have been alive today. Nor could she have seen them for the rest of her life. It was her intuitions and her meticulous planning which had saved them.

She was sure and had a very strong intuition that all events that took place till the New Year including the strange flashes she had during the New Year party was an indication and not just a mere coincidence. But what did it indicate?

Well, she would find them in the coming days, as and how she probed and got deeper into the mystery. And she was not one to ignore such indications and most importantly she did not want to ignore her intuitions and regret her decision later.

And this time around she knew she could get help easily right from the start unlike the last time where she got help at a later point in time.

Rachael had to carefully plan and segregate her thoughts and connect the dots. She texted her brother mentioning that she had to be left alone for few hours and asked him to inform Ethan and her parents as well. She did not want anyone disturbing her in the room while she was concentrating or she did not want anyone sneaking into her thoughts as she would be lifting the concealment from her thoughts.

She would be in a highly vulnerable state now as some of her thoughts were no longer hidden and it was easy for Ethan, Ray or her parents to sneak into her thoughts.

Once she got an Okay from her brother, she calmed her mind and relaxed. She removed the concealment and recalled the memories specific to the flash she had the previous night.

She went over them repeatedly to see if she could find any connections between the various images that was flashed to her. She could connect a few but not all.

She decided to break them and solve it part by part. She picked a few fragments from this memory which she felt was important and the ones she should be solving first.

The dark forces, her past where she fought the dark forces with Ethan's help, Ethan's mom, Ethan's brother, prison, Ethan and her behind prison, Ethan being helpless and his life in danger, the leader of the dark forces and evil laughter.

Identifying the connection she had with that girl who she had seen in the party and the flashes related to that girl, she decided to investigate next. She was not even sure where the girl was from.

The child who she never saw before. The amazing aura of the child was still crystal clear in her memory. Whose child was he and why was he dead? Did she have to save the child?

And the other memories such as ancient Greece and purple potion did not make any sense to her right now. And she being coronated as a queen with Ethan as her king was not something she was interested in.

The path she would be taking to solve the mystery may or may not be dangerous but she had to make sure that this path was covered up so that no one should get a hint. Except the people who she wants to know as to what she was doing.

Ethan had the ability to sneak into thoughts just like any of her other family members, but he had avoided sneaking into Rachael's thoughts to avoid making her more angrier or increase her hatred towards him.

He had sneaked into her thoughts a few times while she was in Zon and as they were connected via the soul, she knew it instantly when he had sneaked in.

This had made her very upset with not just Ethan but also the people on Zon as they did not understand what it meant by privacy. Due to this she was forced to constantly use the auto-thought book which she found very annoying at that time.

She realized how crucial were certain things in life especially when it came to privacy. And the auto-thought book would have been really useful now.

She came up with a plan to deal with the mystery one by one.

First things first, she had to get Ethan back to Zon even if it was for just a while and for that she had to take Ray's help.

Apart from her major worry that she could not communicate easily with her brother especially with Ethan around or Ethan may sneak into her thoughts without her permission, she had other plans which had already taken a shape.

And for her to execute this plan, avoiding Ethan for a little while was necessary


Author's note: Dear readers, are you liking the story so far. Do leave a review.

Are there any mistakes in the way the story has been structured, please feel free to comment it out, and I'll rectify them.

Until the next chapter, Happy Reading :)

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