
Fushi Tensei: Undead Reincarnation

Asahi Yamamoto, a 17 year old teen, suffered from cancer at a young age. Now facing imminent death, he is ready to die in peace. However, as he opens his eyes, he sees himself in the body of a skeleton?! -------------------------------------------------- Schedule: Weekly for now Chapter Length: 800-900 words -------------------------------------------------- Support the Author: XXX (Not available atm)

APOPHIS · Fantasie
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15 Chs

System Update

Before I could even think of anything rationally, the voice spoke once more,

<Current Soul Count: 6.>

<Soul Count required for system update: 5.>

<Condition is met.>

<System Upgrading...>

<Time remaining: 30 minutes.>

"The system upgrade?"

"Wow. For a moment there, I had almost forgotten about it."

But before I could calmly analyse the situation, the system spoke once more,

<Conditions are met.>

<Rank change in progress...>

<You are now Rank B.>

<Species evolved.>

<Skeleton leader turned into Skeleton general.>

"What the...?! I only reached rank B? Even after 100 le-"

<Species evolved.>

<Skeleton general turned into Skeleton mage.>

"Urgh... Not this again... I thought I had finally outspoken the sys-"

<Species will now evolve further.>

<Skeleton mage will turn into Lesser Lich.>

Unexpectedly, during this evolution, I was no longer able to talk normally as I had done before. The evolution started to intensify the headache the system had caused, and my entire body started to rapidly vibrate.

I grabbed my skull with my hand and let out an unrestrained scream to lessen the pain as I came on my knees, "Arghhhhhh!!!"

Each and every bone in my body began breaking. As cracks formed, the pain intensified. Later, I noticed that a black liquid began oozing out of my cracked bones.

'Is this my blood?', is what I thought while I was enduring the pain. But right at that moment I shrugged the idea off when I realised that when BDSM broke my hand no liquid flowed out of my body.

Then right after that, the vibration increased. It increased to the point that my whole body was lit on fire. All this time I continued my scream until my whole body became numb with pain.

Soon after the immense amount of pain, my body stopped vibrating as the fire disappeared.


I took a few deep breaths as I finally recovered to a functioning state.

Then, as I looked at my body, I saw the steam leave my grey hands.

"Wait. I got my hand back! I have hands! I can finally use it in the plural form! Not one, but two! I have two hands!"

I had stood up in this short moment of being elated, and as I did, I realised that I was taller.

The previous skeletal state I was in, was nearly about my height. However, in this body, I was 6 feet tall. But why was I grey?

However that wasn't the only change that caught my attention. I was now muscular. I mean I now had muscles. Grey ones for some reason. I could move my left hand properly just as before, and my range of movement decreased to some extent. But the best part of all this was that I was well-built. To the point that even my thighs had crease lines.

"But wait a minute... if I now have a muscular form, where's my w*iner? Where the f*** is my d**k?!"


As anger slowly filled my mind, I looked up in the sky and shouted, "Curse you perry the platypus!"

"Ha... Phew. That deals with one problem gone. At least I don't feel frustrated now."

My mind calmed down, and I looked around.

My eyes widened as I saw that I was in the middle of a crater.

"Did I cause this?", I wondered.

"Well, since I'm in the dead centre of it, I guess I did. Not that I'm proud of it, but heck, I did yet another thing without realising my potential."

And then, after my d**kless misery, the system finally decided to show up.

<System Updated.>

<System is now level 2.>

<Response system is now available.>

Before I could react, a blue translucent pop-up window showed all the things the system had just stated. And an additional window popped up.

<The system will now work on a visual basis.>

I now had mixed feelings towards the system but with my constant answer-seeking mind I wondered, "Is this all the updated system can do?"

And to my surprise, the system replied.


Species: Lesser Lich

Title: [Slayer]

Level: 230

Rank: B

Status: Unknown

Soul Count: 17

Pet(s): [BDSM]

Skills: [Calculative thinking(2)] [Anger(2)] [Poisoner(1)] [Endurance(99)] [Tamer(1)]


Swords: [Poise]

Armour: [Leather Boots] [Leather Glove]

Shield: [Dominator's Shield <deactivated>]

Tools: None