
Isabella's pov

Chapter Three: Isabella's pov.

The bustling cafeteria at Silverpalm Highs was filled with the chatter of students, the clatter of trays, and the savory aroma of the day's lunch. I stood at the entrance with my tray in hand, scanning the room for an empty seat. Most tables were already occupied, so I hesitated to approach any group of students, not wanting to intrude on established friendships. I sighed at the thought of that.


Feeling a twinge of uncertainty, I started making my way to the far corner, where I saw an empty seat. But just as I began to move in that direction, I was intercepted by a friendly, familiar face.


"Isabella!" Amber waved at me. "Over here," she said. I tried to decline, trying to look away, before she said, "Come join us! We've got a spot right here."


Well, let's say I felt a wave of gratitude and relief. Sitting down alone will definitely make me sick.


As soon as I joined the group, Amber introduced me to the group. I exchanged smiles with them, and obviously I recognized a few of them, especially the one she called Lily. "And this is Elena, the group leader." She said that with confidence and a powerful smile on her face like she just met a god or something.


As I sat with them, I noticed something unique or maybe strange about them. They were all wearing the same rare necklace with a strange symbol on it. "This nerd," I muttered to myself. Is this some kind of band or something?


Elena did most of the talking and asking. Just as I got tired of her pestering Amber, I cut in. "Give me your info, and I will hit you on Twitter." What's that? I asked innocently.


"What's what?" 


I mean tweeter. They all paused with an awe expression. "No, it's a tweeter; just never mind; give me your number then." At this moment, I became perplexed, not just because I didn't have a cellphone, but just because I didn't want them to start looking at me like some weirdo.


I don't have one. "Wait, you don't have a cellphone?" Elena asked with curiosity. They all started laughing. I just wished the ground would open up and swallow me, just to save myself from the embrace.


Only then did I hear the familiar voice. "You should all keep your voices down; it could ruin my eye."


I recognized the face. He sat close to that Mario dude. "You should watch it, freak," someone said, "you should keep it down." He said this again, walking towards Elena. but this time almost in a whisper. He whispered something in her ear, and we both chuckled. "I wondered what's so private they don't want to share. Are they lovers?"I wondered, speaking from there, whatever it is they have.


My heart skipped when someone said next to me, and my temperature increased. I could feel my own heart beating out of my chest. "Why would he sit next to me? Why is he making it so hard for me to breathe? Is he doing this on purpose?" I could stop asking millions of questions and trying to find a perfect answer.


"Sabastian, I heard your brother is back in town," Elena asked after giving him a warm look like he knew what she meant without speaking a word to him. "Maybe you should come stay at my place; you'll be safe there, you know."


"What is she talking about—staying at her place, his brother coming back? "Say less; I'll be fine," he finally said. I just got carried away by the sound of his sweet voice. "So his name is Sebastian!".