
Family Ritual

"I could use a help down here" I heard my mom's voice echoing. It's a ritual to do house cleaning on Saturday, but I was so tired to get off the bed… 

The doorbell rang just as I walked down tiredly dragging my heavy legs through the floor. "Who could it be this early Saturday morning?" I sighed trying to go get the door.. "Were you expecting anyone today, mom?" I asked. 

"No honey" I heard her voice but this time it was tiny. "Go check who it is, pls," She continued.

I tried the door locks, after a little effort the door gave way so I could see who it was. 

"Hi Bella." My eyes widened when I saw Sabastian standing in front of me.. "what the hell are you doing here?." I replied, closing the door halfway.

"Sorry ma'am, I was just going for road work, so I decided to drop by."

I gasp, I totally forgot he lived down the street. "Wanna join?" He asked. N-noo just go on, I have work to do." I was almost lost staring at him, with his muscular physique and those hot sweat dripping down his body.

"Honey, who was it?." I heard my mom's voice

"No one" I replied instantly, almost in a shout.

"Ok. Why don't you continue with your stuff Sab, maybe we should talk some other time." Just as I was saying, the others came running also, I only recognized Blake and a few others. "Why don't you run along with your friends or is it your pack or whatever?."

"I'll see you tonight" 

"What do you mean tonight?" He gave me a smile and ran off instead.

Just as I was about to go inside I saw my mom behind me. "Mom, you almost scared me." I said, trying to close the door behind me.

"You scared me! What took you so long?" 

"Sorry mom, just the neighbor's obnoxious dog again." I lied. 

"Speaking of dogs, I saw a giant dog or something that looks like it the other day. Haven't seen anything like it before, there's something weird about this town darling…"

"Where did you see it Mom?." 

"Just at the garden before it ran into the woods, only I'm not sure if it's a dog." I feigned ignorance, only remembered the one that almost killed me at the party, if not for Sabastian who came to my rescue.

"Honey pls, come help me in the kitchen."


Sebastian POV.

"He's back" I heard someone say, he was actually talking to my mom. "We have to do something now before it's too late." He was talking almost in rage. I only recognized the voice when I came closer, it was of the elders of the pack. 

"He's still my son Dick"

'"you can't keep soliciting on his behalf, it will only aid in bringing war to our doorstep." I entered the room with the blood on my shirt. The room went quiet, everyone turned their gaze on me.

"Where have you been?, and w-what happened to you? Are you hurt?." My mother was worried. I haven't seen her this terrified for a long time, last time I saw her like this was when my father died.

"Henry is back, um he attacked someone tonight." 

"He is a pariah and we should treat him as such," Dick said, directing his speech to my mom. "A pariah" is a league of outcast werewolves, now my brother happens to be their leader. He was cast out for killing an Elder, it's against our code to kill our kind, not alone an Elder.

"We can't afford to wage war with the Lunastras', we've avoided that for generations. Him attacking their camp is a ban for war."

"There's only one way to avert this." My mom said, looking in my direction, "you've to marry Elena as soon as possible."

"Mom, you can't be serious!" I retorted waiting for her reply or expression. "C'mon mom you can't be serious now, I'm not ready yet." 

"You heard me Sabastian." I may be the Alpha but, I dare not cross my mom, I don't know if I'm ready for that, the thought of it makes me feel awkward. I know I'm supposed to marry Elena, just never thought it would be sooner. I muttered at the thought of that. If only my mother could understand how difficult this is for me right now.

"You're not the first in line to do this, it's a family ritual dear. So, put your ass together and prepare for your wedding, I'll inform the Lunastras' of our plan as soon as possible." She said almost in a command. 

At that moment I felt dismayed. I could only think of Isabella. I don't know why I can't control my thoughts. The wolf in me wouldn't let me let her go. She keeps coming to my mind. I walked out of the room headed to mine, I gasps with a sigh of relief as I lay my head on my bed.

"You smell like a burnt sandwich." My Kate said standing at my door. 

"Oh… not you this time little sis" I gasp trying to take off my blood-stained shirt.

"Thank you too, you're welcome. I think that means you've missed me." She said sitting on my couch.

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