
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 96: Rumors Are Truly Unreliable!

The original version of "Jade Dynasty" exceeded 1.5 million characters. The system-modified version divided it into eight volumes, totaling 1.6 million characters. The modified version provided a more detailed introduction to the fantasy world of immortals, with some additions and revisions, keeping Lin Yuan serialized for over half a year.

This situation differed from "Tennis Prince."

This time, Lin Yuan took matters into his own hands.

Fortunately, Lin Yuan's typing speed was astonishingly fast.

After a night's rest, he attended classes at school the next day.

The first class was the counselor's.

Attendance has always been a problem in college, with students frequently skipping classes. However, the counselor's class was an exception. Come rain or shine, students never missed it.

No way.

While professors of major courses might not remember students' names, some could mumble a response during roll call. But counselors dealt with students in the class every day, knowing each one intimately, making it impossible for others to sign in on behalf of their classmates.

Being targeted by major course professors might result in failing a subject, but being targeted by a counselor was a different story.

"It's like this."

Before the class started, the counselor looked at the students: "Didn't we discuss before that for the sophomore year assessment, each of you needs to write a song? Originally, I planned to set the deadline at the end of the month, but the school has new regulations..."

Curious, students raised their heads.

This year's assessment involved grades and exchange student quotas, so everyone was naturally concerned.

"We'll give you an extension of one month."

The counselor raised a finger: "This year's assessment deadline is extended to June. The assessors won't only be from our school but also representatives from external entertainment companies. The specific company is still under discussion. If you perform well, being directly noticed by an entertainment company and signing a contract is not impossible..."

Cheers erupted!

The class buzzed with excitement.

If representatives from entertainment companies were part of the assessment, the importance of this year's assessment would skyrocket! Why was everyone putting in so much effort? To secure a good future after graduation.

If their works in this assessment could impress the entertainment company representatives, it would be like overcoming numerous obstacles in one step!

At this moment, everyone was thrilled.

Lin Yuan also felt quite pleased.

Although this matter had nothing to do with him, for classmates, it was an excellent opportunity to showcase themselves.

"Listen to my song later..."

"My accompaniment has a slight issue..."

"Let's exchange and help each other, give suggestions."

"I wrote this song last year, waiting for an opportunity. Originally, I didn't plan to present it in the assessment, but with representatives from entertainment companies, it's different. I must bring out this song!"


Classmates discussed animatedly.

Several students looked to Lin Yuan, asking, "My piano accompaniment lacks a section, Lin Yuan, you're the best pianist in our class. I feel you're even more skilled than those in the musical instruments department. Can you help?"


Lin Yuan nodded.

He remained as economical with words as ever, but the students seeking his help were instantly overjoyed. They expressed their gratitude profusely.

This was why everyone liked Lin Yuan.

Though he appeared indifferent to everyone and never seemed to engage in casual banter, whenever classmates faced difficulties, he always lent a helping hand.

It happened with the boss battle last time, and now, helping with music arrangements. In the class's unanimous opinion:

That's just Lin Yuan.

This was Lin Yuan's style and characteristic. Once you accepted this setting, you might find it somewhat endearing. After all, many girls in the class said so.


Lin Yuan didn't think of himself as a particularly enthusiastic person, but people in the class treated him well.

Back when he lived on campus, several roommates accommodated his sleep schedule day and night.

So, when classmates made requests, Lin Yuan always agreed. After hesitating for three seconds, he decided not to mention charging for his services.

Generosity for once!

In the following days, he continued to help classmates record piano accompaniments.

It was a challenging task.

Recording piano accompaniments wasn't a one-and-done deal. During the recording, problems inevitably arose, requiring Lin Yuan to discuss and modify with classmates repeatedly, occasionally offering his own suggestions.

Of course.

More often than not, the opinions of his classmates took precedence. After all, these were their own works.

With this helping hand, Lin Yuan found himself almost daily in the recording studio and the campus piano room, even reducing his time spent at the painting club.

And on the third day of assisting classmates in making piano accompaniments.

Lin Yuan, as expected, ran into Gu Xi in the piano room.

"It's you!"

Seeing Lin Yuan, Gu Xi was pleasantly surprised, momentarily unsure of how to address him.

Calling him "Music Dad" sounded odd.

Referring to him as a "great god" felt abrupt.

Addressing him as Lin Yuan seemed too formal.

After much thought, she could only tentatively say, "Classmate Lin..."

Lin Yuan nodded as he walked past her.

Every time he encountered Gu Xi, trouble was sure to follow. It was better to avoid her quickly.

"Classmate Lin!"

Gu Xi nervously called out again.

Lin Yuan didn't turn around but slightly paused, "What's the matter?"

Gu Xi awkwardly said, "Um... if you need anything, feel free to let me know..."

Gu Xi had been feeling troubled lately.

She had been contemplating ways to get closer to Lin Yuan.

Since Lin Yuan rarely visited the piano room, actively approaching him seemed too contrived and might cause his displeasure. So, she hesitated for a long time.


Lin Yuan nodded and returned to the piano room.

Today, there seemed to be more people in the piano room than the previous days.

One of them, upon seeing Lin Yuan approaching, felt a bit embarrassed, "Lin Yuan, we also want to ask you to record piano accompaniments. We know you've been helping everyone these days, and if you don't have time, it's okay."

Lin Yuan: "..."

At this rate, the whole class would come looking for him.

Normally, he would definitely have time to help these classmates.

The issue now was that he hadn't completed the reputation task for painting. If he spent every day in the piano room and recording studio, it would easily delay the progress of that task.

However, Lin Yuan could understand why everyone sought his help.

In terms of piano skills, the people from the music department were likely not on his professional level.

As expected.

Encountering Gu Xi meant trouble.

Seeing Lin Yuan hesitate, a classmate joked, "Forget it, forget it. If we keep this up, Lin Yuan will be exhausted by all of us. Let's go ask for help from someone in the music department."

Lin Yuan: "..."

So many people asking for help, and Lin Yuan indeed felt a bit overwhelmed.

"Wait a moment."

Lin Yuan remembered his roommates accommodating him and his classmates' usual care, and he couldn't bear it.

Everyone paused, "But we have so many people..."

Lin Yuan didn't speak. Instead, he walked to the door and glanced at Gu Xi, who hadn't left the corridor.

Gu Xi, not knowing what he was thinking, stood there in a daze.

"Oh my goodness."

"Isn't that Gu Xi?"

"The legendary piano goddess!"

"She looks beautiful every time I see her."

"If Gu Xi could help me record a piano accompaniment..."

"You're thinking too much. Can you even ask Gu Xi? Besides, I think Lin Yuan is no worse than her."

"All goddesses are aloof creatures. Gu Xi is especially cold, like a sign that says 'strangers not allowed.'"


Seeing Gu Xi, everyone began excitedly whispering.

Gu Xi was a celebrity in the school, especially relevant to the composition and music departments. Lin Yuan and his classmates naturally knew about Gu Xi, the renowned piano goddess, and were familiar with her aloof personality.

While everyone was discussing.

Lin Yuan suddenly spoke to Gu Xi, "Can you help with something?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's voice, Gu Xi suddenly looked up.

Lin Yuan's classmates were dumbfounded.


Lin Yuan dared to ask Gu Xi for help?

Well, that's very Lin Yuan.

Everyone felt deeply moved.

While moved, they also found it somewhat funny. Probably Lin Yuan thought Gu Xi was as enthusiastic as he was?

Lin Yuan was indeed naïve.

How could Gu Xi agree?

With her personality, and not knowing these classmates, she would definitely refuse without leaving any face.

Everyone thought so, feeling even more guilty.

However, in the astonished gaze of everyone, this renowned piano goddess, known for being aloof, nodded vigorously, her tone even carrying a hint of excitement:


At this moment, the students from the composition department collectively blanked, even suspecting they had encountered a fake Gu Xi. What happened to rejecting people from a thousand miles away?


Rumors are truly unreliable!