
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 93: Music Dad or Biological Dad

Another workday arrived.

On his way to the company, Lin Yuan called Sun Yaohuo: "Senior, I'll be at the company shortly. You can wait for me in the recording studio or come to the composing department on the tenth floor."


Sun Yaohuo replied.

After hanging up, Lin Yuan felt something was amiss. Senior used to be quite talkative, but today he seemed quieter than usual.

Fifteen minutes later.

Lin Yuan reached the company's composing department and unexpectedly found Sun Yaohuo sitting on a small boss's chair at the entrance. He asked, "How's the song rehearsal going?"


Sun Yaohuo hesitated.

Thinking he might not have practiced well, Lin Yuan was about to offer some words of comfort when a figure appeared at the door, asking, "Is Mr. Xianyu here?"

"What's the matter?"

Lin Yuan looked at the person.

It was a bespectacled, refined man. He smiled faintly at Lin Yuan, saying, "I'm Tao Ran. You must be Mr. Xianyu. You look younger than I imagined. It's not suitable to talk here. Shall we go to the coffee shop upstairs for a chat?"

"Just a moment."

Lin Yuan said to Sun Yaohuo, "I'll come find you in a bit."

"Sure, you go ahead."

Sun Yaohuo raised his head, forcing a smile.

Tao Ran glanced briefly at Sun Yaohuo, then smiled again at Lin Yuan. "Mr. Xianyu, this way, please."

Lin Yuan nodded.

They went to the coffee shop upstairs, and it seemed like Tao Ran intended to treat. Lin Yuan was pleased with that.

"Let me reintroduce myself."

The cultured man volunteered, "I'm Tao Ran, the manager of our company's singer, Jin Shuyu. Today, I'm here to invite you to collaborate. Shuyu really likes the song you recently wrote, 'Red Rose.'"

Upon hearing this, Lin Yuan frowned. "The song hasn't been released yet."

Tao Ran smiled, "Mr. Xianyu, don't worry about how we know about it. The point is, Shuyu really wants to collaborate with you. He's your fan and often mentions you. This collaboration means a lot to him."


Lin Yuan said, "I've already given the song to someone else."

Tao Ran's smile persisted, "As far as I know, you've chosen Sun Yaohuo for this, right? He's just started his career, and his fan base isn't strong. Frankly, it's a bit of a waste for such an excellent song as 'Red Rose.' Of course, we've asked for his opinion. He said you haven't signed a formal contract yet, so it's up to you to decide... Shuyu, on the other hand, is a key singer in our company, and the same song sung by different people may have vastly different outcomes. I believe you understand this."

"A key singer?"

Lin Yuan shook his head and got up.

What's going on? Is a key singer not good enough? Tao Ran couldn't keep up with Lin Yuan's thought process. All composers like to collaborate with key singers. Why is it suddenly unacceptable for you? Do you want a top-tier singer? Then why did you choose Sun Yaohuo? He urgently said, "We can lower the download profit share, which is technically not part of the process, but to ensure your income, we're willing to compromise. Also, we can privately transfer an amount to you. You set the price. How about two million? This is an off-the-record deal, not through the company channels!"

In short, they want to add money! Lin Yuan's steps abruptly stopped.

The other party sighed in relief, indeed, it's all about the price! I should take note; it'll definitely be useful in the future.

The weakness of Xianyu... greed! He smiled again, full of the taste of determination: "Now, can we discuss the specific price, Mr. Xianyu, please have a seat."


Lin Yuan turned to look at Tao Ran and said, "I want to ask you, who leaked the song in the audit department? Can you tell me the name?"

"Mr. Xianyu."

Tao Ran's expression became serious.

Lin Yuan's expression was also serious. "You may think it has nothing to do with your company, but if they can leak the song to you today, they may leak it outside tomorrow. I'm not comfortable with someone like that reviewing my song."

"Let's pretend this didn't happen."

Tao Ran stood up, with a somewhat unpleasant expression.

"If you don't tell me, I'll find out myself."

Lin Yuan took out his phone and, in front of Tao Ran, dialed Old Zhou's number. "Someone in the audit department leaked my song to the company's singer."

Old Zhou was stunned, "Ah?"

Lin Yuan said two words, "Investigate?"

Old Zhou smiled and said, "Someone with such influence in the audit department is at least a top singer in the company. There may be the tacit approval of someone high up. This won't affect you. There's no need to be too concerned. I'll go blow off some steam, and it'll be done. I'll definitely give you justice."

Lin Yuan still said those two words, "Investigate?"

Suddenly, Old Zhou said fiercely, "Investigate! It must be investigated! Investigate everything about him! Dare to make fun of the achievements of our composition department! Regardless of who it is, I'll fire him!"


Lin Yuan hung up.

Old Zhou hung up the phone, not in a good mood. "Which idiot offended Xianyu? I have to go fight with the higher-ups."

Assistant surprised, "Offend Xianyu?"

Old Zhou nodded, "Is Xianyu having a new work? He didn't even notify me before releasing the song. Also, his attitude in the call just now is even worse than Music Dad. This kid is becoming more and more like those difficult artists."

Assistant cautiously asked, "Are you angry?"

Old Zhou laughed heartily, "Why would I be angry? It's not like I offended him. Besides, Xianyu is still a young man, different from us old guys. Young people are supposed to be hot-tempered!"


Within the coffee shop.

After hearing Lin Yuan's phone call, Tao Ran's face had completely changed.

Lin Yuan, however, didn't stop. Without even looking at Tao Ran, he called Zhao Jue with the same sentence, "Someone in the audit department leaked my song to the company's singer."

Zhao Jue said, "Leave it to me."

Lin Yuan hung up, walked to the cashier.

The service staff smiled, "A total of 120 yuan."

Lin Yuan said, "I'm talking about my cup."

The service staff looked at Tao Ran, whose eyes were shooting fire, coughed, and said, "60 yuan..."

"So expensive."

When Lin Yuan paid the bill, he rolled his eyes and muttered to himself.

He didn't know that, to win his favor, Tao Ran had ordered the most expensive coffee here.

Back at the composition department, Lin Yuan saw Sun Yaohuo sitting at the door, looking depressed, holding his head, with a look of despair.

He couldn't help but frown, "Is the song practiced well?"

Sun Yaohuo looked up at Lin Yuan, eyes somewhat red, "Ah?"

Lin Yuan said, "Record the song tomorrow."

After speaking, Lin Yuan returned to his seat.

Sun Yaohuo, sitting at the door, was stunned for a few seconds, suddenly tears gushed down, facing the composition department, he bowed deeply.

In the restroom.

Sun Yaohuo made a call to his agent, wiping away tears, "I'll sing 'Red Rose.'"

"Xianyu didn't agree with Tao ran?"


The agent was silent for a moment, "He is not Music Dad, he is his biological Dad..."