
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 92: Qualifications to Resist

"Great God, are you okay?" Many people surrounded Lin Yuan, expressing their concern.

Lin Yuan recognized them as students from the painting club, nodding to assure them that he was fine.

He didn't even see who pushed him; he just felt a considerable force from the other person.

Jian Yi was a bit dumbfounded.

Xia Fan was also a bit confused.

Of course, they knew Lin Yuan was a favorite among the group.

But Lin Yuan was just pushed a bit, and it led to the arrival of such a terrifying army of protectors.

Wasn't this a bit exaggerated? Looking at Xu Chang's expression as if he had seen a ghost, he was probably questioning his life choices.

In fact, Xu Chang was having trouble standing.

With so many ominous eyes staring at him, who could endure it?

"What's going on?" Finally, the school leaders arrived.

Xu Chang, surrounded like a hornet's nest, unexpectedly had red eyes at the moment. He wished he could hug the leader and give him a couple of kisses. He felt that if the school leader came a little later, he might not see himself!

Too scary!

These people were really too scary!

Anyone standing here, with a crowd of people staring at them, wouldn't fare better than Xu Chang. At this moment, Xu Chang even felt a bit nostalgic for the meals his mom used to cook, even though they had nothing to do with the current situation.

"It's okay."

Zhong Yu chuckled. He didn't want to carry the accusation of causing trouble in a group. Fortunately, everyone restrained themselves. They didn't kill Lin Yuan just because Zhong Yu pushed him a bit. "We're here to cheer for the Composition Department."

The leader was puzzled, "Composition Department?"

Jian Yi whispered, "We're from the Performing Arts Department."

Zhong Yu looked awkward, and the people from the Fine Arts Department all supported their foreheads, silently dispersing.

The school leader glanced at Zhong Yu, didn't say much, just waved to shoo people away, "There's still the second half of the game. Don't fight. Every year, there's a fight during the basketball game. What do they think this place is?"

After speaking, the school leader left.

Xu Chang followed the school leader's backside.

The school leader turned his head, "Why are you following me?"

Xu Chang looked at the eyes that were still warning him from time to time, a bit jittery, "Seeing you, I feel a genuine sense of closeness, I don't know why."

I want to stay. What if I get torn apart?

Could Lin Yuan be the underground emperor of this school?

Like in some violent movies, Lin Yuan gives an order, and all the bad students in the school swarm in?

Xu Chang felt like he had discovered the dark truth of this school.

The leader impatiently said, "Don't follow me."

Xu Chang shook his head frequently, "I am a person who follows his heart."

The leader: "..."

In any case, this dispute ended calmly.

However, during the second half of the game, Xu Chang was obviously out of sorts, almost playing the entire game in a dreamlike state.

Whenever his right hand touched the basketball, he remembered pushing Lin Yuan with that hand once, and then he felt a bit panicked.

In the end, the Performing Arts Department won the championship of this basketball game.

Teammates did not blame Xu Chang because, like Xu Chang, they hadn't recovered from their daze even now.

Lin Yuan, on the other hand, was in good shape.

He returned to the audience seats, continuing to munch on melon seeds.

When Xia Fan asked for the reason, Lin Yuan explained, "They are my friends from the painting club."

"Friends from the painting club?"

Are people from the painting society all so loyal?

Lin Yuan didn't say much more, and when Jian Yi asked, he answered the same way.

The two gradually accepted this fact.

Perhaps it was the upgraded effect of Lin Yuan's team favoritism, but from childhood to adulthood, Lin Yuan had always been the beloved one on the team.

However, Lin Yuan felt a bit depressed. He considered himself a weak warrior who would crumble with a single push. To change this situation, the only option was to let the system modify his physique. So, reputation was the key. He wondered how well Sun Yaohuo had been practicing his song.


Starlight Recording Studio.

Sun Yaohuo, disheveled, was practicing his song.

It wasn't just talk; from the first audition to today, Sun Yaohuo practically lived in the recording studio, except for eating and sleeping.

Company recording was free, but using the recording studio for practice incurred charges.

For the sake of singing "Red Rose" well, Sun Yaohuo had paid countless days of fees.

"Take a break; you've sung it perfectly enough," the monitoring teacher said with a wry smile.

He hadn't seen many singers so dedicated to practice.

Sun Yaohuo nodded.

Just as he walked out of the recording studio, he saw someone approaching—a man in a suit with gold-rimmed glasses.

"Sun Yaohuo, right?" the man asked.

"Hello, Brother Tao!" Sun Yaohuo respectfully replied.

The man said, "Do you know me?"

Sun Yaohuo skillfully smiled, "How could I not know Brother Tao? Besides the chief, you have the most prestige in the company. Even the now-famous Jin Shuyu senior was brought up by you!"

"Sensible," Tao Ran nodded, showing appreciation. "Since you know me, let me get straight to the point. Shuyu has set his eyes on 'Red Rose.'"

Sun Yaohuo's smile instantly froze.

However, Tao Ran showed a gentle smile, "Seeing you're so sensible, you should know the rules. 'Red Rose' is now our Jin Shuyu's song. However, I know you've worked hard practicing for so long. I won't let you go unrewarded. We'll compensate you for several events, and Shuyu's concert next month will have you as a guest."

"Brother Tao..." Sun Yaohuo's voice was dry.

Tao Ran raised an eyebrow, "Not satisfied? Well, how about three hundred thousand? I'll transfer it to your account. Considering the conditions I just mentioned, it should be enough to make up for your losses. This is my card; if you have any issues in the future, just mention my name."

Tao Ran took out a business card from his pocket.

Sun Yaohuo didn't take the card, remaining silent for a long time before saying, "This is Teacher Xianyu's song. I don't have the authority to decide because I haven't signed a contract with Teacher Xianyu yet. You can discuss this with him..."

"What?" Tao Ran chuckled, "You've practiced the song for so long and haven't even signed a formal contract. Teacher Xianyu is quite something. Although you haven't signed an official contract, the conditions I just mentioned still stand. Keep the card; you should understand what I mean."

He tapped the business card in his hand.

Sun Yaohuo lowered his head and took the card.

Tao Ran waved his hand and walked away.

Sun Yaohuo looked at his receding figure, tightly gripping the card, crumpling it in his hand until even the knuckles turned slightly pale.

"What's wrong?" the monitoring teacher passed by and asked.

Sun Yaohuo forced a smile, "Nothing."

He casually threw the business card into the trash, sneering, "Just unlucky."

The monitoring teacher glanced at Tao Ran's departing figure, as if recalling something, patted Sun Yaohuo's shoulder, sighed, and said, "This is the rule in our circle. Even if you're angry, you have to endure it. I've been in this studio for eight years... they should give a decent hush fee. It's customary. Take it obediently; the one who suffers is yourself."

"What if I resist?" Sun Yaohuo asked.

The monitoring teacher glanced at Sun Yaohuo, shook his head, and left, saying, "Ask such questions when you have the qualifications to resist."