
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 84: Startling Winds and Rain with a Brush

Dialing the phone, Lin Yuan asked, "Do you have time now?"

Between his ear and shoulder, Zhong Yu held the phone and replied, "I'm having lunch in the cafeteria. What do you need, big shot?"

Lin Yuan said, "After you finish eating, please bring all your watercolor tools and come to Classroom 52 in the East Building."

"What for?"

"We're putting up a blackboard display."

Zhong Yu was momentarily stunned, then quickly responded, "I'll be there right away."

Without finishing his meal, Zhong Yu stood up and declared, "Those of you with me, let's go."


There were quite a few students around Zhong Yu, and they all asked, "What's going on?"

Zhong Yu said, "It seems the big shot wants to put up a blackboard display."

Everyone paused for a moment. "Isn't the big shot from the sophomore class? The sophomore class's blackboard display is going to be judged this afternoon. Isn't the time too tight?"

Zhong Yu impatiently replied, "What have you all been doing?"

Everyone suddenly realized and burst into laughter. "Right, with so many art students gathered, can we be stumped by a blackboard display? Is the big shot planning to do a watercolor blackboard display?"

"Yeah, grab your tools."

Zhong Yu moved, and also sent a message in a group: "The big shot's class needs to put up a blackboard display. Those skilled in watercolor, come to the Classroom 52 in the East Building."

The group buzzed with activity.

"Wait, I'm on my way!"

"The big shot needs us, how can we not come?"

"Does the big shot need us, a bunch of novices?"

"Are you stupid? The big shot is good at sketching, not watercolor. These are two different things."

Watercolor is watercolor.

Sketching is sketching.

How well someone does watercolor has nothing to do with how good they are at sketching; they are completely different skills.

"Right, I never thought the day would come when the big shot needs me."

"It's time to show the big shot my watercolor skills. I'll use my watercolor prowess to regain the dignity I lost in front of the big shot when I was sketching!"

"Guys, calm down. We don't need so many people for a blackboard display."

"Fine, let's cut down a few. Only bring the best watercolor artists."

"There are still a few hours until the blackboard display judging. Seven or eight people should be more than enough."

The group chat was undoubtedly lively.

Because the group's name was the letter "L."

The remaining group in the cafeteria also abandoned their meals and followed Zhong Yu. They were also Lin Yuan's sketching students.

"Who are you calling?"

In the composition department's classroom, Cao Bin looked at Lin Yuan in surprise after he finished his call.

Lin Yuan said, "A friend from the fine arts department."

"What year?"


Cao Bin's mouth widened, suddenly overjoyed. "Exactly, if we talk about who can handle a blackboard display in such a short time, it has to be someone from the fine arts department, especially an experienced junior! Remember to call more people over, we still have hope!"

Lin Yuan said, "I only called one."

Cao Bin became anxious, "One is not enough. We must have more people, or we won't make it in time. Can you make another call, ask your friend to please ask the senior students in the painting department for help? After all, it's a big blackboard, and you may not know the seriousness of the situation. Due to health reasons, Yan Mengjia took a break last semester, so she didn't accumulate enough credits. Now she's the organizer of this blackboard display, and if it gets a good result, she can get credit rewards. You know the rules of our school; if you don't have enough credits, you won't be allowed to graduate. This blackboard display is causing her a lot of pain, but she didn't blame her classmates on duty..."

Cao Bin became more and more urgent as he spoke.

He was indeed a good class monitor.

But as he spoke, Cao Bin's voice suddenly stopped, and he stared blankly out the window.

Suddenly, a densely packed crowd appeared in the corridor. They surged through the classroom's entrance, and because of the exaggerated number, the classroom door was almost unable to contain them.

"Are you calling this a person?"

Cao Bin looked at Lin Yuan in confusion.

Lin Yuan was also surprised. Leading the group was Zhong Yu, but the people behind Zhong Yu seemed to be students from the art club that he had taught.

Zhong Yu smiled, "Master."

Lin Yuan nodded, wasting no words, "Time is a bit tight. Can you help me organize the paints?"

At this moment, Zhong Yu was contemplating the composition of the chalkboard. He didn't catch Lin Yuan's words clearly, speaking rapidly, "Time is tight, quickly, get people to prepare the paints. Also, remember to fetch some water. Everyone, do your part, hurry up..."

As he spoke.

Zhong Yu took out his phone, checking the composition online. The chalkboard, in fact, belonged to the category of imitative art. As long as you find a good picture, you can reproduce it.

A few minutes later.

Zhong Yu found a satisfying image. But when he turned around, he found everyone staring at the chalkboard, seemingly stupefied.

"What's going on?"

Zhong Yu also looked at the chalkboard, and then he saw an extremely shocking scene:

Lin Yuan was standing on a neatly arranged chair, holding a large brush. With incredible speed, he applied a layer of base color, completely skipping the process of chalk sketching. Then, using a large brush, he rapidly outlined a mountain range with a strong and ethereal blue-gray alternation!

Two students were responsible for holding the paint box.

Lin Yuan switched to a thicker brush without hesitation, as if without thinking, he dipped it in several color shades, precisely creating the colors. Just as he started the three-dimensional sense of the mountains, he demonstrated it vividly! Three minutes...

Seven minutes...

Fifteen minutes...

Thirty-two minutes...

Time flowed silently, and no one spoke. Everyone stared in amazement as Lin Yuan wielded his brush in front of the chalkboard. The group of students who were supposed to be the best at watercolor painting in the fine arts department now found themselves relegated to the role of holding Lin Yuan's paint boxes. Yet, no one was discontent. Their eyes seemed to sparkle!


Lin Yuan painted at the fastest speed, as if he could recite which pigments could be mixed to produce which colors. It seemed like he didn't care about the underlying structure; every stroke was precise, as if the groundwork had already been laid.


Someone changed the color palette, and the students holding the paint boxes switched them out. After all, holding paint boxes high for so long was tiring.

Lin Yuan focused intently.

After establishing the overall color scheme, he used smaller and smaller brushes. On the sea were bamboo rafts, on the rafts were small figures with straw hats. With strong light and dark contrasts, this painting seemed dynamic:

Green mountains and indigo hues!

Waterfalls flowing freely!

Swift water currents! Majestic pine trees standing tall!

High sky and deep clouds!

Lin Yuan's state was unprecedentedly exaggerated. He held three brushes in his hand, had one in his mouth, and each hand held another one. After using one, he casually discarded it. Apart from adjusting pigments, his eyes almost never left the chalkboard.

On the shore were unidentified buildings.

In the water swam unknown fish.

On the beach, crabs walked horizontally.

On the horizon, white sails billowed in the wind.

When the small brush completed the final stroke, Lin Yuan felt his neck and wrist ache. He was in a state of extreme exhaustion.

And on the chalkboard.

Mountains and seas were interconnected. Pine trees hid in the misty half-mountain slope. The ground was covered with the splendor of a colorful sunset, with seagulls and autumn water embracing the vast sky.

The brush fell, stirring up winds and storms!

At this moment, the students responsible for holding Lin Yuan's paint, passing him brushes, fetching water, and cleaning the color palette, two conflicting emotions intertwined in their hearts.

Honor and self-doubt.