
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 83: Enough Time

Lin Yuan had become a celebrity in the painting club, especially revered by students specializing in sketching who considered him a spiritual idol.

However, this fame didn't have a significant impact on him.

Qin Prefecture Art Academy, being the largest art school in the province, housed a myriad of students from various departments, and the number of notable individuals was overwhelming.

Unless someone was a crucial figure closely related to the situation, it was challenging to be remembered.

In the following days, Lin Yuan's life remained unchanged.

One morning, as he opened his eyes, he noticed a raging storm outside. He furrowed his brows; such heavy rain would be inconvenient for going out, and unfortunately, he had a full schedule of classes that morning.

Then, the phone rang.

It was Sun Yaohuo calling.

His tone seemed somewhat cautious, "Junior, hope I'm not disturbing you. We talked about recording songs last time. When do we start? I'm ready anytime!"

"Wait for my notification."

Lin Yuan glanced at the window, suddenly speaking, "Senior Sun, do you have time to help me with something right now?"

"What is it?"

"Can you drive me to school?" Lin Yuan remembered that Sun Yaohuo had bought a car, which he mentioned during their last meal together.

"Send me the address."

Not only did Sun Yaohuo not find it troublesome, but he also sounded somewhat excited. Lin Yuan thought perhaps Sun Yaohuo enjoyed the feeling of driving.

Half an hour later, Lin Yuan arrived at school in Sun Yaohuo's car.

After parking, Sun Yaohuo opened a black umbrella, swiftly got out of the car, using the umbrella to shield the area above Lin Yuan's car door. Simultaneously, he proactively opened the car door for Lin Yuan.

The umbrella's coverage was limited, leaving Sun Yaohuo's back exposed to the rain. He got drenched, but he didn't mind, reminding Lin Yuan, "Be careful, Junior."

"Thank you, Senior."

"Don't thank me for such a small matter. The school doesn't allow me to drive in, right? You're from the Composition Department. Need me to hold the umbrella for you?" Sun Yaohuo always had a cheerful smile on his face.

"No need."

"Take the umbrella, then."

Sun Yaohuo handed the black umbrella to Lin Yuan, covered his own head with his hand, swiftly returned to the car, waved goodbye to Lin Yuan, maintaining his usual warmth.


Lin Yuan waved back, then, holding the umbrella, walked to the classroom.

After putting away the umbrella, Lin Yuan noticed that the atmosphere in the classroom was off.

Even the usually energetic class monitor looked dejected today, like a frostbitten eggplant.

Everyone was complaining:

"Who was on duty yesterday? They left the windows open when they left."

"It's fine if the windows are usually left open, at most some water entering the classroom. But this time, it's really troublesome. The blackboard we worked so hard on for half a month is ruined by this rain!"


"All because the windows weren't closed. The class monitor and the artistic committee spent half a month working on the blackboard, and now more than half of it is ruined."

The blackboard was made of chalk.

Chalk, inherently susceptible to water, was ruined by a night of heavy rain. It was only natural.

"This is a disaster."

"We can only do our best to remedy it. But don't expect any awards because, time-wise, it's too late. Plus, we have a full schedule this morning, making it even more challenging."


Hearing this, Lin Yuan looked at the blackboard.

Indeed, the class's artistic committee had been busy with this blackboard for two weeks.

For this blackboard, they had put in a lot of effort, sometimes working late into the night before returning to the dormitory.

Now, their hard work had been destroyed. If it were Lin Yuan, his mood wouldn't be good either.

At this moment,

In the corner, a bespectacled girl raised her hand, her voice tinged with a sob, "Yesterday was my duty, but I left the window open because I was in a hurry. I'm sorry, everyone..."

"It's okay, not your fault."

The class monitor, Cao Bin, suppressed his disappointment and comforted, "No one expected it to rain today. Yesterday's weather forecast said it would be sunny. Also, blame our classroom design; the blackboard at the back is too close to the windows. Other classrooms don't have this issue."

"Now what do we do?"

The arts committee member, Yan Mengjia, spoke with a hoarse voice, "This afternoon is the blackboard competition. The teacher in charge won't care if our blackboard was ruined by the rain."

You should know,

This blackboard took us half a month to complete, and the effect is outstanding. We were aiming for the championship in the sophomore group!

Last year,

Led by Yan Mengjia and a few classmates who could draw, we created a blackboard and won the freshman group's blackboard championship.

But now,

With only half a day left before the judging, the perfectly good blackboard was ruined by the rain, and there's no time to remedy it. This has left everyone in a sweaty panic.

The academy has a blackboard competition every year.

Blue Star has a very strong artistic atmosphere.

As an art school, the academy places great importance on this.

So, each class is very concerned about competitions like the blackboard contest.

Some winning blackboards from each session can be displayed on the school's official website, showcasing the class and even earning some benefits or credits from the school. It's a significant recognition.

"Let's start the class."

The class monitor spoke, "We'll remedy it during break time. Do what we can, and don't be too upset; there won't be any punishment if we can't fix it."

Everyone nodded.

But today's class, no one was focused, especially the group responsible for the blackboard. They wore worried expressions, and the arts committee member, Yan Mengjia, was in a very suppressed state.

No way,

Every break,

Everyone tried to fix it.

Unfortunately, the effect of this remedy was not good. The differences on the left and right were too obvious, making the blackboard look a bit blurry, and the simplified style on the right clashed with the exquisite picture on the left.

At noon,

Arts committee member Yan Mengjia and others didn't leave. They stared at the blackboard, and even the class monitor, Cao Bin, couldn't bear it. He couldn't help but say, "Let's go to the cafeteria for lunch first, and then come back for some remedies."

"What else can we do?"

Yan Mengjia shrugged and walked out of the classroom.

The other members of the blackboard group also followed suit.

After everyone left, Cao Bin didn't follow. He just looked up, staring at the somewhat disappointing blackboard.

At this moment,

Behind Cao Bin, a somewhat familiar voice suddenly sounded, "How about I give it a try?"


Only then did Cao Bin realize that there was still someone in the classroom: "Lin Yuan?"

Lin Yuan was not only Cao Bin's classmate but also his former roommate. However, Lin Yuan had moved out and lived elsewhere.

But their relationship was still good.

Hardly anyone had a bad relationship with Lin Yuan, and considering Cao Bin's sense of responsibility as a class monitor, he took good care of Lin Yuan, who was not in good health.

"Can you draw?"

A glimmer of hope lit up in Cao Bin's eyes.

Then, he suddenly thought of something, sighed, and said, "Even if you can draw, we don't have enough time. The blackboard competition judging starts in the afternoon."

"We have enough time."

After Lin Yuan spoke, he took out his phone and called Zhong Yu.