
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 82: Price Increase Plan

Kong An was not only a professor in the Fine Arts Department but also the candidate for the next department head.

This matter was practically set in stone.

With his credentials, having a late-night chat with the university president was not an issue.

However, when President Shi Huainan heard Kong An mention this matter, his initial reaction was:

"Are you mistaken?"

He stared at Kong An seriously, somewhat struggling, "You're saying that the top students in the third-year fine arts department are taught by a student from the second-year composition department?"


Kong An's eyes lit up, "President, I only ask one thing of you, bring this young man to our Fine Arts Department and let him be a mentor!"

"Are you out of your mind?"

Shi Huainan massaged his temples, "You want a second-year student to teach in your third-year Fine Arts Department?"

"Not just the third year."

Kong An said, "He's more than capable of teaching the fourth year as well."

President Shi Huainan, stupefied, "Is he really that exceptional?"

Kong An nodded, "I checked before coming here. The previous sketching scores of these students were relatively ordinary, but after being taught by Lin Yuan, each of them made remarkable progress. Honestly, I feel inadequate compared to his teaching proficiency."


President Shi Huainan hesitated, "This matter cannot be decided by me alone. We need to respect the opinions of the students, the Composition Department, and the parents."


Kong An nodded, "I'll talk to him tomorrow, even if I have to bring him here by force!"

President Shi Huainan chuckled, understanding that Kong An's words were more of a figure of speech; he wouldn't actually abduct someone and force them into the Fine Arts Department.


Kong An waved and left.

President Shi Huainan watched his departing figure, remembering the name "Lin Yuan" for the first time.


The next day.

The results of the major exam were out, and the top fifty in sketching were almost all students taught by Lin Yuan. This caused a stir in the Fine Arts Department!

"Oh my goodness."

"This is too terrifying!"

"Are students taught by Lin Yuan really this amazing?"

"Regret not enrolling my child earlier. I thought it was expensive, but now I'd sell my pots and pans to get a slot in Lin Yuan's sketching class!"

"It's not like you can just decide to learn from Lin Yuan whenever you want. The students who booked his sketching class earlier have to wait for two weeks."

"I was a bit skeptical before, but now I really regret it."

"Offering a high price for the opportunity to learn from Lin Yuan. Whoever lets me cut the line, I'll compensate them double!"

"I'll pay triple!"


After the storm passed, when Lin Yuan appeared in the Painting Club again, he was unsurprisingly surrounded by a large crowd.

At the same time, students who had booked Lin Yuan's sketching class were nearly full!

Lin Yuan found it strange. The number of people booking his sketching class today was unusually high.

Zhong Yu, amused, secretly approached him and whispered, "Big shot, the number of reservations today exploded because we organized a big piece of news yesterday! I led the effort!"

Lin Yuan asked, "How big?"

Zhong Yu hesitated for a moment, about to answer, when a commotion suddenly erupted at the entrance of the Painting Club. Then, a spirited old man leisurely walked in.

Professor Kong An from the Fine Arts Department!

Zhong Yu muttered, "It's this big..."

By now, Kong An had reached the exhibition area of the Painting Club.

The exhibition corner was filled with masterpieces from the Painting Department's prodigies. He paused slightly, gazing at the wall of several Level-10 artworks, finally fixing his gaze on the two sketches on the left with Lin Yuan's name.

Seeing these two drawings.

Kong An's body suddenly trembled.

Then, he asked softly, "Is Lin Yuan here?"

Immediately, a student pointed the way, leading Kong An to Lin Yuan.

Kong An revealed a friendly smile, looking at Lin Yuan as if he were a rare treasure.


Facing the elder, Lin Yuan politely stood up.

Kong An scrutinized him, nodding as he observed, "You must be Lin Yuan, right? Don't be nervous. I wanted to ask you if you'd consider joining our Fine Arts Department."


Lin Yuan shook his head.

Kong An's smile paused, and he looked at Zhong Yu, then cleared his throat.

Initially anxious, Zhong Yu thought his organized event had caused trouble for Lin Yuan. However, seeing Kong An's reaction, he immediately felt relieved.

Guided by Kong An's hint, he whispered to Lin Yuan, "Big Shot, this is Professor Kong from our Fine Arts Department. He oversees the entire department."

Lin Yuan nodded, "Hello, Professor Kong."

Kong An's smile returned, "Come to the Fine Arts Department, and I'll personally teach you."

Just from Lin Yuan's recent artwork, Kong An could tell – Lin Yuan possessed the skills of a professional artist!

Lin Yuan, so young yet so skilled, was undoubtedly a prodigy. At this moment, Kong An's thoughts went beyond just recruiting Lin Yuan into the Fine Arts Department.

He needed a promising disciple.

As the members of the painting society gathered, hearing Kong An's words, their eyes widened in envy. It seemed like Lin Yuan was about to become Kong An's exclusive disciple!

Kong An was a significant figure in the art world. Being his exclusive disciple was a dream for many artists.

Lin Yuan could undoubtedly secure a place in the art world if he agreed.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, Lin Yuan seemed oblivious to the concept. "I don't want to join the Fine Arts Department."

Kong An's smile froze again.

He stared at Lin Yuan with curiosity, "Don't you like painting?"

"I do."

"Then why not join?"

Lin Yuan thought for a moment, "The Composition Department suits me better."

Art has many forms, and the system could provide countless directions for Lin Yuan. However, due to the original owner's influence, Lin Yuan had a preference for music.

"I'll give you time to consider."

Kong An didn't want to press too hard, fearing Lin Yuan might rebel. However, he was determined to have Lin Yuan. Such talent was a rare find, and he couldn't easily let it go.

Kids are easy to persuade.


Lin Yuan believed that, usually, taking time to consider meant a polite refusal.

Kong An sat on the stool handed by a student and asked, "Will you continue teaching sketching in the painting society?"

"Not necessarily."


"It will become more expensive."

Lin Yuan replied.

Kong An's mouth twitched.

The surrounding students couldn't help but facepalm. Five hundred per hour was already high for students, and Lin Yuan wanted to raise the price?

Kong An asked, "How much?"

"One thousand per hour."

Kong An's mouth twitched again. This price matched his own, but considering Lin Yuan's superior skills in sketching, it wasn't unreasonable.

"When will you raise the price?"

"Don't know."

Lin Yuan wouldn't raise the price now. He would only consider it when the effectiveness of his teaching had significantly improved. Doing business required a clear conscience; he didn't want to become a profiteer.


Suddenly, Kong An stood up, "When you decide to raise the price, remember to come to the Fine Arts Department. We can sit down and talk. The school can also cooperate to pay you a certain reward. They won't bully you just because you're a student."

Lin Yuan nodded, "Okay."

The surrounding society members watched this scene in almost stupefied silence.

They could never have imagined seeing the head of the Fine Arts Department negotiating business with a sophomore student.

No matter how you looked at it, this scene was bizarre.

However, considering the recent art department exam where Lin Yuan's students dominated the top fifty in sketching, it somehow made sense that a price increase wasn't unreasonable.