
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 78: Big News

"You've been busy lately; I hardly see you around."

On the second day of April, inside the school cafeteria, Jian Yi inquired about Lin Yuan.

Xia Fan also stared at Lin Yuan; indeed, he had been rarely seen lately, giving off an air of mystery.

Lin Yuan replied, "I've been painting in the painting club recently."

Jian Yi was momentarily surprised, then smiled and nodded, "I didn't expect you to be interested in clubs. But occasionally participating in club activities is good; half of my university life was enriched by them."

Jian Yi was a key player in the basketball club at the Qin Prefecture Art Academy.

He had loved playing basketball since childhood, and he joined the basketball club as soon as he entered university.

"Oh, by the way," Xia Fan spoke up, "Our school has a basketball game next month. As an active member of the basketball club, are you going to represent our department?"

"No way," Jian Yi proudly smiled, "I am the star player of the drama department. How could I miss the basketball game? Our department's goal this year is to be the first!"

"That's not necessarily," Xia Fan chuckled, "I heard your drama department in your freshman year basketball game got third place."

"In my freshman year, that guy from the dance department used some dirty tricks."

Jian Yi brought up the incident indignantly, "We could have made it to the finals, but that guy Xu Chang from the dance department fouled me and got me injured."

Xia Fan clicked his tongue, "Wow, that grudge. You remember the name so clearly."

Jian Yi snorted, "This year, watch how I get my revenge. He's good at shooting, but I plan to block him completely. Both of you better cheer for me then."

"I'll be cheering for the composition department," Xia Fan said.

Jian Yi shrugged, "Don't worry; the composition department will be out in the first round."

Lin Yuan interjected, "I..."

Xia Fan interrupted, "The composition department might make it to the second round at most."

Jian Yi laughed heartily, then said, "Putting aside the basketball game, Xia Fan, when does the audition for 'Rising Star' start?"

"It starts in May this year," Xia Fan said, "If I make it to the top 100, I might not be able to go home during the summer vacation."

Lin Yuan thought for a moment, "I won't be going home during the summer either; I have work."

Lin Yuan could take annual leave, but the summer vacation was too long, and he couldn't afford to be absent from work for such an extended period.

Jian Yi sighed, "You guys are only in your sophomore year, but it feels like you're already so busy. Lin Yuan has his job, and you're striving for the future. Our time together is getting less and less."

"It's still early," Xia Fan said, "We have a total of five years in university. The fifth year might be busy with thesis and job hunting, but at least in the third and fourth years, we'll stay in school obediently. Of course, if I become famous through 'Rising Star,' I might be busier in the future."

"Not just you..."

Jian Yi sighed, "I might leave in my junior year."

Lin Yuan and Xia Fan almost simultaneously looked at him, "Why?"

Jian Yi shrugged, "Like you guys, for my own life. In the junior year, the school has exchange student slots, right? I'm probably going to Qi Prefecture then. As you both know, in Qi Prefecture, there are more opportunities for acting majors."

Jian Yi was a drama department student.

The film and television industry in Qi Prefecture was the most developed in Blue Star.

Just as many musicians liked to develop in Qin Prefecture, students like Jian Yi, who studied performing arts, preferred to go to Qi Prefecture for opportunities.

"Exchange student, huh."

Lin Yuan and Xia Fan fell silent.

Jian Yi smiled, "Don't make the atmosphere so melancholic. What if I don't get the exchange student slot? You both know, the requirements for grades for exchange student slots are quite high."

"You will definitely get it."

Xia Fan felt a bit sentimental. Although Jian Yi looked casual, he had the best professional performance among the three.

"Thanks for your kind words."

Jian Yi said, "Think about it, if you debut with 'Rising Star,' even if I stay at the academy, our time together will still be limited. Artists have a lot of commitments, and our school isn't short of celebrities. Look at those stars, how many days have they attended classes? They often take a month off without hesitation."

"That's true."

Xia Fan lowered his head.

Lin Yuan, Jian Yi, and Xia Fan have been inseparable since elementary school, even managing to enter Qin Prefecture Art Academy together.

But university is the last ivory tower of life.

Leaving this ivory tower, most people find it challenging to stay on the same path. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many university couples breaking up after graduation.

Study abroad?

Participate in competitions?

Start working early?

These life choices merely bring the inevitable parting a bit sooner.

"Now that you mention it, our time together is indeed running out." Jian Yi's tone carried a hint of sadness.


After dinner, Lin Yuan appeared at the Painting Club.

Zhong Yu, who had been waiting for Lin Yuan, smiled, "Master, how many students are you teaching today?"


Lin Yuan's mentor effect had improved, allowing him to teach an extra student each day.


Lin Yuan said, "Don't call anyone yet. Do you know about exchange students?"

"Exchange students?"

Zhong Yu was momentarily surprised, then nodded, "Exchange programs start in the third year. Each department has a few slots, usually reserved for the top-performing students. It's a welfare program—school-sponsored, with allowances for living expenses and tuition waivers. It's also beneficial for finding a job after graduation. I tried to apply last semester, but my grades fell a bit short."

Lin Yuan contemplated.

Curious, Zhong Yu asked, "Master, why are you suddenly asking about this? Are your friends, or perhaps yourself, interested in becoming exchange students?"

"Nothing like that."

Lin Yuan said, "Let's start the class."

Zhong Yu nodded, refraining from further questions, and began calling people to attend the class.

In fact, there was no need to call.

As soon as Lin Yuan arrived at the Painting Club, many members gathered spontaneously. Those scheduled for today's lesson had already brought out small stools, eagerly awaiting Lin Yuan to begin.

Other students just stood by, observing.

Although they couldn't benefit from Lin Yuan's hands-on teaching, being present and watching was akin to auditing the class and still offered a valuable learning experience.

However, they missed out on the teacher's buff.

Lin Yuan never shooed away these onlookers.

He never considered teaching multiple students simultaneously.

The system explained that the mentor's blessing was one-on-one. If Lin Yuan taught a group, the effect would be diluted.

For this reason, Lin Yuan dismissed the idea of broadening his teaching scope and continued with the one-on-one teaching model.

After concluding the first student's lesson for the day, Zhong Yu mysteriously remarked, "Master, in a while, we're planning to create a big piece of news!"

"What news?"

"You'll know when the time comes." Zhong Yu teased.


Lin Yuan was not particularly curious about what big news Zhong Yu planned to create.