
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 61: Piano Class

After spending a few days at the company, Lin Yuan, the winter vacation officially ended, and major universities gradually resumed classes, including the Qin Prefecture Art Academy.

Putting aside his work for a moment, Lin Yuan returned to campus life.

In this new semester, Lin Yuan's schedule included a new major course, which, fortunately for him, was quite friendly:

Piano class.

While composition students didn't need to excel in various instruments, a certain level of understanding was essential, and the piano was a significant instrument for composition students.

Undoubtedly, Lin Yuan was a diligent student at school.

Although the system claimed that Lin Yuan's piano skills were at a professional level, he obediently appeared in the piano classroom. Not just for the credits, but also because someone had commented on his inadequate piano skills last time, so he thought of taking this opportunity to improve.


The piano teacher was a man, not very tall, but with a handsome face and long hair tied in a small braid, exuding an artistic aura. He set a bad example for the students by violating the school's recommendation against long hair.

"You, students of the Composition Department at Qin Arts, should mostly have a certain foundation in piano, and some of you might even be quite skilled. So, hearing that there's an additional piano class this semester, many of you must be eager to show off your piano skills in front of your classmates, right?"

This was the piano teacher's opening statement for the first class.

With just one sentence, he hit the psychological chords of many students in the class.

Then, he introduced himself, "I'm Huang Benyu, you can call me Teacher Huang, and I'll be your piano teacher from now on."

Fifty students in the class applauded.

Huang Benyu smiled slightly, "Every year, students of the Composition Department think they're quite good in the first piano class. Put away those thoughts. Don't think that just because you have some piano foundation, you can disregard my class. Except for Gu Xi, whom I consider unteachable, all other students should learn diligently because your skills are far from enough!"

This was a show of authority.

Huang Benyu lazily sat in his chair, "You've studied the theoretical knowledge last semester. In this class, we'll teach compositions, starting with relatively simple ones. By the way, some of you want to show off, right? You all know 'Qin Melody,' don't you?"

The students nodded.

Most beginners in piano learned similar pieces, and 'Qin Melody' was a classic introductory piece.

"Very well."

Huang Benyu said lightly, "Let's have someone play 'Qin Melody' first. If you want to show off, here's your chance."

Swish! A group of students raised their hands.

Huang Benyu's lips curled up; he liked the students who were eager to make mistakes. It was a routine he played with new students before every class — picking a student who thought they were good at the piano.

He'd wait until the student finished playing, ready to enjoy the admiration from their classmates. Then, from a professional perspective, he'd point out each mistake and crush the confidence of these students, making them realize that their skills weren't as high as they imagined.


Look at these excited students.

Adrenaline and hormones must be surging, right?

Just like me in my younger days, probably eager to impress their classmates, especially those in the front row who all raised their hands...


Huang Benyu suddenly noticed that among the students in the front row, there was one who didn't raise their hand?

Huang Benyu looked at Lin Yuan, who stood out both in terms of "not raising a hand" and "appearance."

Is not raising your hand a form of reverse psychology? The clever child who, instead of being deceived by cleverness, is chosen to be the unlucky one, Huang Benyu looked at Lin Yuan, who didn't raise his hand. "Can you do it?"

Lin Yuan replied, "A little."

Indeed, it was a reverse move. Clearly capable, but not raising his hand. In a situation where everyone else raised their hands, your decision not to raise your hand has successfully caught my attention.

Huang Benyu said, "Then, play the piano for us."


Lin Yuan reluctantly stood up.

He found this teacher quite peculiar. Eighty percent of the students in the class raised their hands, yet he chose the one who didn't.


Other students, realizing they weren't chosen, put their hands down with some disappointment.

Lin Yuan sat in front of the piano.

He had learned "Qin Melody" before, so he could indeed play. However, there were many versions of this piece, and since the teacher did not specify a version, Lin Yuan simply chose one that he personally liked.

Spread out the five fingers.

Right hand on the keys.

The first set of chord sounds echoed heavily, strongly, and powerfully. Then Lin Yuan's left hand followed, and the ten fingers danced on the piano keys.

"A reworked version of 'Qin Melody'?"

Huang Benyu raised an eyebrow. This piece had numerous versions, and Lin Yuan deliberately chose a highly difficult one, a version even he couldn't guarantee to play well.

Lin Yuan immersed himself in the performance.

The cascading sound of music, like arrows flying in the sky, in clear contrasts of strength and weakness, with the round accents interspersed, was not at all abrupt.

Huang Benyu's expression gradually changed.

As the music reached the tenth measure, the notes under Lin Yuan's fingers showed remarkable elasticity, with almost no wrong notes. There were occasional sticky sounds, but Huang Benyu knew that even he couldn't avoid them.

Matured playing technique...

The handling of small notes by Lin Yuan was exceptionally delicate, clear phrasing, and perfect delineation of small motives, vividly interpreting the artistic conception of the music.

Not only Huang Benyu.

Even the students in their seats couldn't help but widen their eyes. Some girls looked at Lin Yuan with a slightly mesmerized gaze.

"The last section."

When a long note sounded, students familiar with this piece instinctively felt it. It was the ending part of the music, and also the most emotional part of the piece.



Emotions conveyed through the piano keys. Lin Yuan's arms moved back and forth rapidly, his fingers almost falling in a striking pattern, and finally, a mournful piano sound served as the ending of the piece.

He sat up straight.

Lin Yuan finished playing.

Anyone with a little knowledge of the piano knew how well Lin Yuan had just played.

Everyone applauded, and Huang Benyu couldn't help but stand up, his mind a bit blank.

What? What was that?

You call that knowing just a little?

Does your family's "a little" look like this?

Teaching when Qin Yi was the teacher was already difficult enough!

There's already someone like Gu Xi, who never attends piano lessons but still has to give credit because she's a rare piano genius. She even stepped onto the golden hall that he dreamed of...

Although it's not good to say this, Huang Benyu actually doesn't want Gu Xi to come to class because, with Gu Xi in the audience, he always worries that she'll suddenly stand up and teach him piano.

But now, how come there's another student who's so extraordinary?

His skill is not inferior to mine!

Then how am I going to teach piano classes in the future?

After the applause subsided, in the quiet classroom, Huang Benyu swallowed hard, then coughed and said with a smile, "If all of you are at this level now, I'll immediately resign and go to the principal's office in the next building."

Everyone burst into laughter.

Huang Benyu asked Lin Yuan, "What's your name?"

"Lin Yuan."

"Who did you learn the piano from?"

"My mom," Lin Yuan calmly lied.

Huang Benyu respectfully asked, "Which master is your mother?"

At this moment, a series of names of current piano masters who had stepped onto the golden hall appeared in his mind.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Yuan said, "The music teacher of Class Three in the fourth grade of Yongning Village Hope Elementary School."