
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 40: Royalties

Following the contact information provided during submission, Yang Feng reached out to Lin Yuan that very evening. "Hello, may I ask if you are Chu Kuang himself? I'm Yang Feng, the reviewing editor for the Silver Blue Library's Super Rookie Award."

"Hello, it's me."

Lin Yuan answered the call from his dorm.

Yang Feng chuckled, "Congratulations. As per our Super Rookie review committee's decision, 'Tennis Prince' will be chosen as the fifth entry for this Super Rookie Award. This means your novel will receive a publishing opportunity. I can send you the specific contract via email. Could I add you to my contacts first?"


Though the system had exaggerated its significance, Lin Yuan wasn't entirely certain that 'Tennis Prince' would definitely pass as a new entry for the award. This call, however, eased some of his concerns. It seemed the system was indeed trustworthy.

After the call ended, the two added each other to their contacts.

Yang Feng promptly sent over a contract. Within the contract, it specified an initial publication of 'Tennis Prince' at 100,000 copies, priced at 20 yuan per copy, with a royalty rate of five percent, a relatively standard rate for new authors.

Let's clarify here.

The so-called royalties aren't your regular taxes, as commonly understood. They are fees exercised by publishing companies for the use of intellectual property. It's the monetary benefit the original creator or copyright holder receives from others using their intellectual property.

Lin Yuan didn't find this to be a pitfall.

In the physical novel market of his past life, new authors' first books were usually bought outright by the publishers. There were no profit shares for reprints until the author had gained a certain amount of capital. Unless a new author had connections within the publishing industry, they couldn't expect special treatment. So, in this aspect, Blue Star was relatively fair.

After reviewing the contract, Lin Yuan agreed to sign it. He also casually sent around the upcoming plot of 'Tennis Prince,' around 100,000 words, to the publishing house. The publishing house required time for certain corrections in the novel, such as unsuitable sentences or typos.

Lin Yuan understood this well.

Unfortunately, they wouldn't have many opportunities to intervene, as the system's typo correction was the most accurate. Thus, adjustments would likely be made in terms of phrasing, which was somewhat subjective.

Receiving the manuscript, Yang Feng was unsurprised.

Since it was submitted, it must have been prepared for approval. Having the first volume's plot prepared in advance was entirely normal. However, just as he was planning to have a brief chat with Chu Kuang, he was astonished to find that the latter had already gone offline!

Yang Feng: "..."

In this industry, new authors typically cater to the editors. Even some less renowned novelists would lower their stance significantly to receive special attention from editors. Faced with editing requests, most would timidly confine themselves in a dark room, obediently typing away.

But this Chu Kuang was different.

After discussing the contract matters with himself, he unexpectedly went offline, leaving Yang Feng somewhat puzzled. He hadn't expected Chu Kuang, this newcomer, to flatter him. In fact, he was quite averse to authors flattering editors.

But here's the issue.

He still wanted to have a good conversation with Chu Kuang. After all, he had high hopes for Chu Kuang. So, he had originally intended to discuss the market and the future direction of novel creation with the other party, as well as offer some professional guidance...

Now, facing a black profile picture,

He swallowed his words back.

Considering the other was a student and probably lacked social experience, Yang Feng wasn't angry. He just found it amusing. If this kid wants to progress in this industry, he will eventually understand the fearsome nature of editors.


Lin Yuan wasn't ignoring Yang Feng; he was preparing to sleep. Though the system had increased Lin Yuan's lifespan, it hadn't simultaneously improved his physical condition. So, Lin Yuan's current body remained fragile, and the consequences of not sleeping on time were quite severe.

Lin Yuan was a patient.

Perhaps his terminal illness had received effective treatment, but that didn't mean Lin Yuan, as a patient, was suddenly robust. Compared to an average person, he was still frail. Hence, the system's operation was quite in line with medical principles.

This was actually quite troublesome.

Lin Yuan pondered whether to exercise.

However, with his body, even exercising required scientific moderation. After all, his foundation was too weak. He didn't want to accidentally harm himself while trying to get fitter.

"Ding dong!"

The system seemed to sense Lin Yuan's worries and unexpectedly threw a task at him: [Sensing the host's desire for good health, triggering a special-class task. If the host completes the special-class task, the system will guarantee the host a healthy, disease-free life until the age of thirty.]

[Task Name: Health is the Foundation of Revolution]

[Task Content: Achieve a reputation of over one million in both Literature and Music categories.]

[Task Reward: The host can live disease-free and healthy until the age of thirty.]

[Task Note: The standard for a healthy body refers to the host possessing a meticulously regulated body by the system, far surpassing the norm. Additionally, this task will expire before the host turns twenty-seven.]

It seems this task will last quite a while.

As for the reason for the expiration before the age of twenty-seven, it's because twenty-seven is Lin Yuan's current life limit. If he hasn't completed the task by the age of twenty-seven, Lin Yuan will essentially bid farewell to this world.


Lin Yuan has always been open to tasks.

Anyway, there's no punishment even if the task fails.

It's just that Lin Yuan didn't expect such a special task: to live a healthy life, free from illness and disaster, until the age of thirty. If he completes the task, it's like buying himself a system-level insurance.

Sounds pretty good.

But then again.

Achieving literary and musical prestige of over a million each is not an easy feat. One can deduce this from the rate at which Lin Yuan's musical prestige is rising: "I work hard on these tasks, so you must defeat the disease."

System: [...]

System: [As long as the host can complete the series of tasks issued by the system, the system will help the host overcome the disease. For the system, the host is the master! If the host dies, the system will self-destruct.]

Loyal and unwavering.

Lin Yuan nodded and fell asleep.

Seeing Lin Yuan start sleeping, his roommates conscientiously turned off the lights. The one making a call silently went to the hallway outside, while the one playing on the computer silently put on their headphones, not wanting these sounds to disturb Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan sleeps before nine every day.

In other dorms, nine might be lively, but in Lin Yuan's dorm, there's hardly any sound after nine because his roommates also know about Lin Yuan's delicate health, so they've always accommodated him.

"It seems I should move out."

While his roommates accommodate Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan cannot take it for granted.

He's not the kind of person who feels entitled because of his weaknesses.

Now that he's got some money, he can consider renting a place to live. This way, his roommates can party in the dorm at odd hours like normal university students.