
From Weak Lord to King of The World

Transported to the medieval era, I became a noble named "Field." My cheap father is like a candle in the wind, not long for this world, and my beautiful stepmother is a beast among beasts. At the start, the protagonist is sent to a corrupted land filled with poverty and monsters. Fine, you want to play this way? I won't be the good guy anymore! I'll develop and plunder simultaneously!

VawterMOSE · Fantasie
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39 Chs

Chapter 5: Let's Eat First

Field added modern elements to the maid outfit, cutting the skirt above the knees and changing the sleeves to short sleeves. Though it lacked the essential black or white stockings, the sight of her smooth, white thighs and rounded toes was already quite pleasing to the eye.

"It fits well." Asheena, unable to bear the suspense any longer, spoke with a mocking tone, as if seeing through Field's intentions. "Sir, what do you want me to do?"

The maids had told her that her job was to sleep with the man before her. However, Asheena found it unlikely because humans hated humanoids, seeing them as tainted human blood, much like demonic hybrids born from goats.

"Of course, it's to assist me in developing my territory, as I said earlier." Field responded naturally. Seeing Asheena's disbelief, he reluctantly covered his forehead and said, "Let's eat first and talk over the meal."

At the mention of food, Asheena immediately calmed down, her stomach burning with hunger.

Field's situation was challenging, not just because his siblings hated him. The old count's health was deteriorating, and his vast wealth was to be distributed. Despite being unloved, Holy Griffin Empire's laws stated that direct bloodlines had rights to the inheritance, breaking large estates into smaller ones to prevent any single lord from becoming too powerful. Naturally, Field's brothers hoped he would die, as they also harbored mutual hostility.

Shortly after the dinner bell rang, two well-mannered maids entered, carrying platters of sauced meat and honey bread.

"Asheena, you have... Hey, where are you?"

Field, choosing his words carefully, turned around to find Asheena gone, leaving him bewildered.

"I'm here."

Asheena was sitting obediently on the floor in the corner, in a squatting position.

"What are you doing?" Field asked, shocked.

"Uh... sitting... waiting for food. Did I do something wrong, sir?" Asheena became nervous again.

Field strode over, grabbed her hand, and pulled her to the table. "Sit on the chair and eat."

Asheena barely perched on the edge of the chair, watching Field for a long time to ensure he wasn't about to pull out a whip or something worse.

"You're not joking, I can eat this?" Asheena pointed to the fragrant meat.

Field spread his hands. "Of course."

The pitiful beast-eared girl cautiously took a bite of the meat. In the next moment, the flavors of the spices and sauce exploded in her mouth. It had been so long since she had tasted meat that her taste buds were dancing with joy. Forgetting everything else, Asheena quickly devoured the meat, licking the plate clean.

She then proceeded to eat three more pieces of meat and five white bread rolls, stopping only when her stomach swelled as if she were pregnant.

Field smiled warmly, like a proud father. "Eat up, eat up. You'll work hard for me later."

"Now, even if I die, I'd be happy." Asheena licked the sauce from her lips, her wolf ears perked up energetically.

"No need for that. I hope to train you to become The Chosen." Field interlaced his fingers and leaned back in his chair.

He wasn't naive enough to reveal that Asheena was an unawakened The Chosen; instead, he used the term "train."

"Huh? You might be disappointed. The chances of becoming The Chosen are slim, and I'm a humanoid. I've never heard of a contract between a human and a humanoid." Asheena replied weakly.

According to books, the more prosperous the city, the higher the chance of The Chosen appearing. Even in Golden Eagle City, there had been only three The Chosen in a century—two were noble children, one a clergy member. It was even rarer for humanoids, who lacked strong nations or prosperous cities, often struggling to meet basic needs.

Field chuckled. "How will we know if we don't try? I believe I can train you to become The Chosen."

If he couldn't, he'd likely die in the cursed land.

"Alright, as long as there's meat to eat." Asheena licked her lips, still savoring the taste.

The next ten days passed quickly as they traveled. To nourish Asheena, Field bought large amounts of meat and magic supplements in every city they passed.

Asheena soon realized Field wasn't joking. He also bought 150 gold coins worth of anti-fog lamps, purification potions, and awakening crystals, essential supplies for developing Nightfall Domain.

They soon reached the last fortress leading to the Northern Frontier Province: Kasan Fortress, built into the tall mountains, could resist the corrupted creatures, monsters, and terrifying orcs from the north.

"Goddess of Winter, bless me to become The Chosen!" Asheena prayed silently to the wolf humanoid deity in the creaking carriage. The past days felt like a dream. Riding in a noble's carriage, eating delicious meat, and receiving the maids' care and service, though reluctantly, made life feel like paradise. She even touched her forehead, confirming she wasn't feverish.

The only thing she couldn't understand was why Field would buy precious magic potions for her. She had never heard of The Chosen being created through potions.

"Maybe it's an evil ritual," Asheena muttered. "But even if it's to be sacrificed to a demon, it might be worth it. Wait, what am I saying?"

"I hope I am truly chosen. Otherwise, Baron Field will be furious," Asheena prayed silently.

Butler Kaa sighed in despair. "I didn't expect my last visit to Kasan Fortress to be like this."

Field ignored his lamenting, sitting on his horse, tapping Kaa's shoulder with his whip, and curiously asking, "Did you often visit Kasan Fortress?"

Kaa rolled his eyes. "Of course. You always donated your living expenses to the villagers here or sent them to Bull Baron's treasury so he and his soldiers could enjoy themselves."

"Oh, right." Field's mouth twitched, remembering the original owner was a philanthropist. He awkwardly smiled and shrugged. "At least Bull Baron will welcome us, right? The locals will praise us, making it easier to enter and leave Kasan Fortress in the future."