
From Weak Lord to King of The World

Transported to the medieval era, I became a noble named "Field." My cheap father is like a candle in the wind, not long for this world, and my beautiful stepmother is a beast among beasts. At the start, the protagonist is sent to a corrupted land filled with poverty and monsters. Fine, you want to play this way? I won't be the good guy anymore! I'll develop and plunder simultaneously!

VawterMOSE · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 6: The Locals Are Too Enthusiastic

Since the original owner had established good relations, Field might benefit from it in the future.

"Haha, Bull Baron and his son are quite well-known, uh, sorry, I spoke too much," Kaa quickly shut up, realizing he was gossiping about another noble in front of one, which could be dangerous, even if the noble in question was known for being timid and weak.

Back then, he had lost his promising future and was exiled to the Northern Frontier for meddling in noble affairs.

Field wanted to ask more, but he noticed a red skull symbol rapidly approaching his location on the small map in his mind.

"Hiss, could someone be coming to greet us?" Although he said this, Field wasn't naive; a skull symbol was definitely not a good sign. He quickly sent a male servant to call for Knight Connor.

"Haha, pardon me, but Baron Field is just being paranoid!" Connor laughed after hearing the male servant's anxious report, showing disdain. "This is behind the walls of Kasan Fortress, the most fortified part of the Empire's defense. If there's danger here, I'll eat all the horse manure my warhorse produces!"

In Connor's mind, Field was labeled as "a man making a desperate last stand."

"Tell your baron that going to Nightfall Domain is under the law and family supervision, and backing out now is unbecoming of a noble."

The male servant, feeling uncertain after Connor's stern words, reluctantly returned to report.

Field merely said "oh," ordered the slaves to dismount, and had Connor ride at the front of the procession.

"Coward! How did the Count manage to produce such a weak offspring?" Connor muttered.

But soon, his expression changed dramatically.

Because Field had encountered the "locals" who were warmly welcoming them.

"Roar!" A monstrous cry rang out.

"Have they arrived?" Field chuckled. "Looks like someone's dinner tonight will be horse manure."

Amidst the shouts of surprise, Field saw through the slaves blocking his way. Grayish-white eyes stared back at him; corpses dressed as farmers were sprinting toward them, with a dozen or so normal humans running ahead of them. Despite the hundred-meter distance, the cold malice and stench of decay were palpable.

These corpses were products of the Northern Frontier Province!

"What the hell? We're not even at the frontier yet, how are there monsters?" Connor cursed his bad luck. Just when he thought he could finish his task easily, this happened. "Mount up, knights, prepare for battle!"

Even more frustrating was that he had just mocked Field, making the situation particularly irritating.

Connor raised his lance, reluctantly fulfilling his duty, knowing that failing to do so would sever his ties with the upper class.

Twenty cavalrymen quickly formed a line, rode up the right hill, and charged down towards the horde of corpses.

"Better rely on yourself." Field felt a surge of tension but also a hint of excitement. He shouted to the slaves, "Tie the wooden carts together. Any brave men, pick up farm tools and fight with me! I will reward those who perform well."

The slaves did not move, hiding behind the carts, trembling and praying for a miracle.

"Don't count on those cowards." The butler's legs were shaking violently, like a motor was inside them. He was so scared he was about to wet himself. He clung to Field's robe, trembling, "Sir, we should flee, uh, I mean, strategically retreat. There's no need to worry about these peasants, we can buy more if they die."

Field pushed away the butler's hand, frowning. "If this scares you, maybe you shouldn't go to the Northern Frontier Province."

As if I have a choice! The Count named me specifically! The butler wished he could disappear, his face turning red with frustration.

"Are there enemies?" Asheena jumped down from the carriage. After days of rest, she had regained a healthy look, her pale skin now glowing. She was no longer the emaciated slave, looking more like a noble lady if not for the slave mark and maid outfit.

"Sir, I... I'll do my best to protect you!" Asheena stood in front of Field, trembling, her small fists raised in a weak attempt to be brave.

"That's not necessary." Seeing Asheena's wolf ears twitch nervously, Field couldn't help but smile. He was relieved that the food and care had not been wasted. Unlike some ungrateful individuals who resented him despite his help.

"Help! Save us!" The farmers running ahead screamed, rushing towards their saviors with the horde of corpses following.

"For honor!" Connor's cavalry began their charge, shouting their battle cries. They extended their three-meter-long lances and rode straight into the corpse horde.

"Thud! Thud!" A series of sickening sounds of flesh being pierced followed. Seven or eight corpses were skewered and thrown to the ground like broken sacks, their dark purple blood splattering the ground.

This was just the beginning. After the lance charge, the cavalry circled back with chain maces and sabers, swinging them from horseback. Blood sprayed as corpses fell like wheat being harvested. Some were trampled by the warhorses, their chests crushed under iron hooves.

The remaining corpses crashed into the barricade of carts that Field had organized. Their brains were already just decorative; they knew no tactics, merely biting and clawing at the wooden wheels.

"Oh my god!!!" The slaves pushed against each other, trapped within the cart formation, unable to escape.

The butler was no better, wetting his pants in fear.

"Damn it, a bunch of cowards."

Though afraid, Field wasn't as exaggeratedly scared, perhaps due to his love of apocalyptic novels and zombie movies before crossing over.

"I'll have to handle this myself."

Without a single soldier at his command, Field saw that although the corpses were fast and fearless, their clumsy actions were manageable. He had no choice but to fight himself, relying on the basic combat skills he had learned.

With a low grunt, Field thrust his sword into a corpse's neck while it was pushing against a cart. He then yanked the blade to the side, causing the corpse's head to loll onto its chest like a broken branch.

"Ugh~" The stench of rot and fermented feces assaulted his nostrils, making Field almost vomit. Yet, he felt a thrill deep down. A warrior's blood coursed through his veins.