
" Kidnapping"

"It doesn't matter how glamorous is the performance; the backstage is never pretty."

- Unknown

Elisa POV

It was misty and fresh, the waves of clouds fluttering over the crown of the trees. It seemed as if the sun was hiding among the cloud as it sprawled everywhere with its tint of yellow color, illuminating everything above it. Whereas, the below was dark and mysterious without a single ray of hope. It was a perfect picture of day and night.

The air was sweet and delicious, moving swiftly through my nasal canal. Everything seemed beautiful but the doubt and fear consuming me contradicted the beauty.It was morning and the maids were all up and stumbling here and there so that they could prepare a beautiful meal for their master. The kitchen was a war zone, each chef battling with the ingredient and their ideas on how to integrate into one whole dish. I stood silently behind the curtains enjoying the usual spectacular morning drama of every household around the world. No one noticed me and I continued to enjoy their performance.

The vegetables looked fresh and yummy right after it was out from its shower, ever dirt of its body cleaned and scrubbed. They looked velvety and delicious. The leafy spinach swaged its greenness as droplets of water fell continuously, it looked bright and healthy. I could feel the vigor and pride of the knife as it carefully and accurately sliced those handsome veggies.

The chopping sound was in sync as I danced inwardly to the rhythm. The oil jumped excitedly as it touched the cool pan, it was full of dynamism as it slowly calmed down and regains its composure. The fire blazed magnificently showing off its heat and awesomeness, the veggies made a big splash enjoying the warm comfort until it was fried crisp. The scent was ravishing and mouth watering.

The oven was activated with an alert as the grandest cake walked out of it. Light and sweet but moist and rich in flavor, the Vanilla Almond cake was filled and frosted with vanilla butter cream. It was decorated with sparkly clear crystal sprinkles, pearl sprinkles and a ring of butter cream rosettes. It will be the perfect dessert after a scrumptious meal.

The table was filled with all the delights, giving no room for any unpalatable delights. I was ecstatic to taste and rejuvenate each wonder of the food in front of me. I stared awestruck at those foods as it stayed unperturbed with my gaze. Sam stood facing me and urged me to start the feast. Food has always been the best stress reliever; it can never be an enemy to anyone. The toast was amazing, the crust was as crunchy as a butter cookie, so brittle that it cracks audibly when I pressed it with the fork; drenched with butter, it looked velvety. Everything was just so amazing.

The meal was scrumptious and tasty but I had to get out of here Asap because this place was not really a safe haven. Sam knew I wanted to leave and I thank him for his quick perceives. I ran upstairs to get my phone and thanked everyone for their beautiful hospitality. It was really nice knowing there were also good people in this cruel world.

As always his wealth never failed to surprise me, last time it was Maserati and today it was a chic Audi. It was well polished and I could clearly see my reflection on it, its black color emitted its majestic vibe and expensive nature. The car was well furnished inside with soft padded sit, the interior was stylish and it stood up to its reputation.

"The road was as straight as dried spaghetti. It took seconds for the eye to travel its length across the prairie until it melted into the blue Grey horizon in the far distance, but they knew it would not carry them there like a friend, it would beat on their feet with every step and lie there in its silent monotony refusing to engage their minds." I was deeply engrossed listening to the soft rhythm of music which coincidentally matched the blue sky outside. My hands mimicking the undulating rhythm of the song and my mind set free, it was priceless. I was one with the sky and land.

The sudden jerk displaced me from one end to another; I was confused to what was happening. It was beautiful a while ago and now I could see the driver being dragged away. I was afraid that I pretended to faint, gun shot went here and there and I knew the driver was no more. Sweat started to pool around my palm and my body trembled, my phone was nowhere due to the sudden jerk, everything was just perfect for a well planned kidnapping.

It's been 20 years and I have never offended any person. Not only that I have never laid a finger on anyone so it was quite absurd to see someone coming to kidnap me. I felt a cool, sharp needle pricking my fair skin; I held my breath and stopped myself from frowning.

The ground spun with great momentum, I had to hold the edge of the door to get a grip. My head felt fuzzy as if all of my nerve were being injected with anesthesia. My stomach churned and there was some bitterness in my mouth. It continued to control me until darkness engulfed me. The floor felt cold and aloof, my skin felt sensitive to the dampness and it was hurting as if it's been pricked with thousand needles. My throat felt parched, it was rough and difficult to voice out a single syllable.

I opened my eyes, the room was a stranger. Old and dirty furniture sprawled around, empty jar placed everywhere and dust covering every part of the room, and it was just filthy and dirty. I was held on an old mattress where spring emerged all from the four corners. I shook my head and raised my neck so that I could see the view clearly. Four sturdy men stood on guard, their muscle screamed of release from their well tailored suit. If they hadn't kidnapped me then I could have assume that they were some employer of a well known company. They were busy conversing in their speaker that they fail to notice that I was awake. I tried to wriggle out of the rope that was holding me dearly, my wrist was red with the entire struggle yet I couldn't free it. I dragged my body and slowly moved near the empty jar so that I could find something to cut the rope loose.

The drug was still present in my system making me dizzy that I accidentally bumped onto an empty bottle and crashed it hard on the ground. All their attention were on me, I really wanted to play dead but it was too late as they tugged on my hair and dragged me towards that same mattress. My scalp was in immense pain and I knew if he tugged a little bit harder then I would have turned bald. I wanted to scream and yell but nothing escaped from my mouth.

The mattress felt hard and my body begged to be released from the immense pain. I was so confused because I couldn't think of anyone who could hold grudges with me. I flash backed way back to the time when I was small and also considered every relatives I despised but there was really no one I could possibly think. It was until then it clicked me, those guys had an aura of violence so it was possible they were from a mafia gang and from my social circle it was only Sam who was associated or basically was a Mafia.

A chunk of anger filled me; it was really illogical and ridiculous for them to kidnap me for Sam because there was no relation involved between us. I tried to formulate and plan every means of escape but everything seemed vague. I was too tried to move and my eyes refused to stay awake as I slowly into slipped my dreamland.

"The air is thick with the scent of coffee and milk. The sweet yet bitter aroma teases my nostrils and like everyone I enjoy the scent. The bowl is filled with my favorite mushroom soup, which has been beautifully fried moderate and perfectly drenched in cream sauce. Interestingly, the atmosphere feels warm and cozy, my father in his late fifties looks as refined a person could ever look. My dad doesn't have those dreamy eyes that could mesmerize everyone instead it was his integrity, honesty and gentleness that made him more beautiful. The handsomeness about him was from deep within as his soul shined through his skin. My mom looked angelic too; her love that she gives to her ideas and the creative ways which expresses her utmost soul is the most angelic thing I have ever seen. Her warmth that wraps around my cold heart and makes it to beat in sync with her loving nature is the grandest thing I have ever seen. She comes near me and pecks a kiss on my head. That simple gesture makes me the happiest person the earth. This feeling was the only thing I wanted it to last forever. I am enjoying the most beautiful breakfast and it was rejuvenating every cell in my body. It was a beautiful picture reflected in my mind and how I wished to be one with them again."

There was a sharp sting on my right cheek followed by a kick on my stomach. It was really uncool of them to attack a helpless person. I wanted to just wake up and beat the shit out of them but i couldn't move a single cell in my body. I really had to and try my best before something really bad happen to me.

Sorry for not updating regularly and really thank you for reading this story.

Rintatocreators' thoughts