
From Grey To Black

'While I live in a grey world, you guys live in a black world.' "While you think you have no place in the world of black, that is not true at all. In my opinion grey is closer to black than it is to white." The girl who was kidnapped at her 16th birthday, swore her revenge on the people who looked down on her. She is determent to take her revenge even if she had to step in to the underworld.

Mariska_K · Fantasie
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104 Chs

She became a big boss of her first gang

[One week later]

Chris finally found Jemisha and was keeping an close eye on her.

He reported everything back to the others.

Jemisha who was first taken by the Cartel in order to get money out of her, soon learn she was not to be mess with.

She single handily had taken down the boss and was now the new boss of the Cartel.

Chris found out and when the other heard it; what they wanted to prevent so much had happened, their Black Rose had set foot in the Black World.

Another week went by and Chris knocked on the door of Jemisha's Villa.

Jemisha opened the door and saw Chris standing there.

'What are you doing here?'

"I'm checking in on you that's all, I told the others to stay away from you."

'How did you find me?'

Chris pointed to her car "Did you forget there is a tracking system in your car?"

"And don't worry, I'm the only one who has access to it."

Jemisha looked around and told Chris he could come in.

Chris looked around "Nice place, does it have any cameras that Blake can access?"

'No, this is one of the few places that doesn't have that.'

Chris pulled Jemisha in to a hug.

"Don't scare me like that, I was so worried for you."

'Chris what makes a person an adult? Is it their body or their mind?'

Chris looked at her concerned, "Did somebody…"

'If you worried that I got defiled then no, I'm still a virgin.' Jemisha smiled.

Chris sighed a sigh in relieve.

"Well I think it's both."

'Then do I still look like a child to you?'

"All I see is a beautiful young woman in front of me."

Jemisha started smile again.

"So are the rumors true?"

'What rumors?'

"That you are the new leader of the Ocelot?"

'I don't want to be involved with them.'

"Then what happened these past 3 weeks?"

'Well when I just arrived here I was still pissed off and the Cartel took me to their boss, saying I need to pay protection money.'

'I refused of course and told them it was better for them to pay me.'

'Well their boss started to mock me and laugh at me, so I flipped and I beat him up. Well enough for him being castrated and not able to use his arms and legs anymore.'

'The Cartel members left their boss for death and said I was the new leader because I beaten the old one.'

'I told them I wasn't interested in the position and I wanted to be left alone.'

Chris had shock written all over his face.

"But Black Rose according to the rules of the Cartel, once you take out the leader, the victor takes that position automatically, you could say it's the law."

Jemisha leaned against Chris 'But I promised I would stay in the grey world…'

"I know, and you did very well by keeping your foot down like that."

"Black Rose…are you still angry at Loki and Jack?"


'I was planning to return home a month earlier and give Warry and Blake a nice surprise.'

"Then what are planning to do about the Cartel?"

'Nothing I will leave for the border at night.'

"Well how about you appoint one of them as the new leader?"

"And keep your connection with them, although they mainly operate from here, the Cartel is practically all over the world."

'Alright, but you have to play along with me.'

"Are you going to give them the marriage excuse?"

'Yeh why not, your handsome and thus believable.'

"Black Rose… are you going to toy with my heart just like that?"

'What's the problem?, you have no problem toying with mine.'

Chris and Jemisha were both laughing.

"Alright I will help you with you little show."

"But let me tell you this in advance after you have seen Blake, I'm seriously going to chase you and win over that heart of your."

'Aren't you a nice person, giving your potential rival a fair chance.'

"Your right, bad idea…I should just take you here and now."

Jemisha smiled and hugged Chris.

Chris was happy that Jemisha was somewhat back to her normal self again.

"Black Rose, I'll get you over the border and bring you to the airport, after that you're on your own again."

'Hmm, but we see each other soon.'

Jemisha and Chris arrived at the hided out of the Ocelot.

A man pointed his guns at Chris.

Jemisha wasn't having it and just slapped the man right in the face.

'If you fire as much as one bulled at him your dead!'

The man put his gun away.

'I'm leaving with my fiancé, and I came here to appoint the new leader.'

All the men looked at her and then started to beg her not to go, but Pedro knew there was nothing they could do about it because she never wanted to lead them nor had interest in them.

"Rosa, I understand…but know this, you will always be our el cabecilla, so if you ever need it we will provide you with el asilo."

Pablo walked up to Jemisha, "But please let us know cuando tienes un hijo, so we can Protegerlos también."

'Will do.'

'So Pedro, Pablo you two will be in charge while I'm out.'

"Como desees jefas"

Pedro and Pablo looked at Chris "Será mejor que la hagas feliz o de lo contrario…"

Chris hug Jemisha from behind "No te preocupes, me aseguraré de que esta rosa florezca con su verdadera belleza."

Chris and Jemisha left the men and took off to the for the border.

[2 days later]

Chris sended Jemisha to the airport and put her on the flight to Singapore.

"Be good and don't start trouble as soon as you land."

'Ahhh…but I want to kick up a ruckus.'

"Well do that after you met up with Blake and Warry."

Jemisha laughed 'And here I thought it would be a nice surprise for them.'

Chris handed over a set of key's "There is a new car parked for you at the car park of the airport."

"But if you really want to surprise them why not visit him in his office and burst down his door."

'Now that doesn't sound so bad.'

"Stay safe and text me once you landed."

'I will.'

Jemisha gave him a hug and left for the gate.

Chris called Jack. "I just put her on a flight to Singapore."

"It seems she is not angry at you and Loki anymore."

"But she is right, she is not the Black Rose from 2 years ago, in a few weeks she will turn 18."

"Your right, but still…"

"She is not stupid, just a little careless at times."

"But she exposed herself to danger to much that way."

"Look here now, we have to face the fact that our Black Rose back ground could be something very different from what we know."

"And besides a Cartel boss crossed her, and she told me she made sure he would never use his arms and legs and she even castrated him."

"Our Black Rose was pointed as the new leader, but she declined all together, because she didn't want anything to do with them."

"All because she promised you to never set foot in our world."

"So let's meet up in four weeks and you and Loki can apologize to her."

[Singapore airport]

Jemisha exiting the airport and found the car.

She texted Chris she landed safely and that she totally loved the new car.

It was a black sports car that had a Rose on the hoods and branches with thorns on it running all the way to the back.

She quickly changed her cloth in her new car, and when she was done, she started the car.

The address for Blake company was already set and she drove off.

After half an hour she arrived at the his company and got out of the car.

She headed in to the building and met up with the reception.

She spoke in English to them and the woman had a hard time with the language.

'Please do you have a moment so we can get an interpreter.'


Jemisha was waiting for 5 more minutes and was looking at her watch like she was getting impatient.

When the interpreter arrived and saw Jemisha who looked so young asked.

"What can I do for you Miss?"

'I'm here for Mister Blake Caligo and I just need to know on which floor he is.'

The man translated it for them and the receptionist happily told her on which floor he was, because they had a picture of her and were told that if she would ever come to this building they should let her up.

But they told her they had to let him know that she was coming up.

'Just tell him that a flower has arrived for him.'

The women nodded and called up and the interpreter guided her to the elevator.

She pressed the button to Blake's floor.

“Rosa, I understand…but know this, you will always be our el cabecilla, so if you ever need it we will provide you with el asilo.”

Pablo walked up to Jemisha, “But please let us know cuando tienes un hijo, so we can Protegerlos también.” 

‘Will do.’ 

‘So Pedro, Pablo you two will be in charge while I’m out.’ 

“Como desees jefas” 

Pedro and Pablo looked at Chris “Será mejor que la hagas feliz o de lo contrario…” 

Chris hug Jemisha from behind “No te preocupes, me aseguraré de que esta rosa florezca con su verdadera belleza.” 

I translated it to full enlish for the non spanish speaking people below, also there will be more diffrent languages furder down the story.

“Rosa, I understand…but know this, you will always be our leader, so if you ever need it we will provide you with shelter.

Pablo walked up to Jemisha, “But please let us know when you have a child, so we can protect them too.

‘Will do.’

‘So Pedro, Pablo you two will be in charge while I’m out.’

"As you wish boss"

Pedro and Pablo looked at Chris "You better make her happy or else..."

Chris hug Jemisha from behind "Don't worry, I'll make sure this rose blooms to its true beauty."

Mariska_Kcreators' thoughts