
From Grey To Black

'While I live in a grey world, you guys live in a black world.' "While you think you have no place in the world of black, that is not true at all. In my opinion grey is closer to black than it is to white." The girl who was kidnapped at her 16th birthday, swore her revenge on the people who looked down on her. She is determent to take her revenge even if she had to step in to the underworld.

Mariska_K · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Pulling pranks at their first face to face meeting.

After a few minutes she arrived at his floor and saw the spot of where a secretary should be sitting was empty, Jemisha burst open the doors.

Blake looked up in shock and Warry who was near him made a picture out of habit.

'Blake! Darling how have you been.'

Jemisha pushed the woman away and she hugged Blake.

The man she was hugging had Black hear and black eyes, if Jemisha had to put it in to words, he looked like dark lord.

"Black Rose when did you arrive?"

'Half an hour ago, and since I was in the area I thought I drop by first.'

The secretary who was pushed down by Jemisha looked at her and then scoffed at her.

'You're just a little girl.'

Jemisha smirked at her.

'Trying to seduce your boss during work hours… how pathetic.'

'Well I'm not an employer here, so for me to seduce him is more easy than for you.

'And I have an advantages over you, I'm still young so he can enjoy my body longer than yours.'

"Hmm my sweet Black Rose really knows how to seduce a man with her words."

'Well weren't you the one who taught me that?'

The secretary wanted to pull Jemisha away but she grabbed the woman by the arm.

'It's better for you not to touch me, because crossing me…and your fate will be worst then death.'

Jemisha let go of the woman and looked at Blake 'I think this dog needs some more training.'

'Maybe you should get a new one…'

The secretary finely gave up and left the room.

Jemisha now took her time and looked and toughed his face was really handsome.

'No wonder woman come flocking to you, but together with that flirtatious attitude of yours you ar danger to all woman.'


Jemisha looked away from Blake and saw a man standing black brown messy hair and his eyes were grey.

Jemisha walked up to him and had a good look of his face. 'Humm you look quite handsome…I didn't expected that Warry.' and she gave him a hug.

"And how did you figure out I'm Warry?"

Jemisha pointed at his phone, 'I saw you take a picture when I came in.'

"You're so sharp and have grown so much since the last time I saw you, you turned in to a beautiful young woman."

Jemisha gave him another hug.

"So do you wanna see all the treasures I took of him?"

'You bet! Show me.'

Warry and Jemisha sat down and Warry told her every occasion she managed to pull all kind of faces.

"This was the first one, when you said you were not a virgin."

Jemisha started to laugh.

"And this is when you lifted Mouse shirt when he came to visit you."

"And this was from when you send pictures of you acceptance letters."

Jemisha now though that that one is indeed priceless.

She then whispered something to Warry and he nodded.

"What are you snickering?"

Blake came up to them.

'Nothing I just told Warry I'm engaged and that it happened in Mexico.'

Blake face turned in disbelieve.

"To who?"



Warry took a picture of his face.

Blake wanted to call Chris but Jemisha stopped him.

'It's not real…I thought up this little white lie to get the Cartel of my back so I could leave Mexico without a problem I told them I was engaged with Mouse.'

"Black Rose…I think you should have done it, I mean you're better off that way."

"You saw how the secretary was with him…"

'Your right…while I don't mind some competition, it would get tiresome to have to deal with that ever time and every day.'

"Right, Chris is handsome but he doesn't have a swarm of woman around him, and he is not a big flirt like Blake, Chris treats you right and he gets genuinely worries about you, he even panicked when you ran off."

"Plus he even chased after you."

'Yeh but that's because I told him not to tell you guys.'

"Ohh he told us where you were heading…but told us not to go to you."

"If Blake really cared for you he would ignore it all and just flew over to you."

'So true…'

'So Blake still doesn't see me as a woman, and I don't have to take his flirtatious words serious.'

Jemisha picked up her phone and called Mouse.

"What's up Black Rose."

'I have seen Blake and Warry's face now…'

"And…is there something wrong?"

'No not really… while Warry is unexpectedly handsome…more like adorable, Blake…I saw his secretary trying to seduce him.'

'So your chances went up a lot.'

"Pfft" Mouse had to contain his laugh.

'So the only one you have to compete with is Knifes.'

Warry busted out in a laugh.

"Black Rose, you didn't tell Blake about Mexico right?"

'I did…I'll let Warry send you the pictures.'

Now Mouse was laughing on the phone.

"Alright I'll be looking forward to that, but Black Rose you had a 18 hour flight, don't stay to long and get some sleep."

'I will.'

Jemisha hang up.

'Well I'm heading out, and get some sleep now.'

'I'll come by tomorrow for our collaboration contract.'

Jemisha stood up and to leave the office, when she stopped at the door.

'Mister Blake, I think it's better we do not meet tomorrow for our cooperation deal.'

Jemisha opened the door and pulled the woman inside of the room and Jemisha looked agitated at Blake.

'I will not cooperate until your dogs are well trained, and don't bother to call me.'

Jemisha left the room and slammed the door shut.

Warry looked at the woman "Good job…you just pissed of my boss and CEO of ST labs."

'Like that little girl…'

"While my boss is 18 years old, she founded and started up ST-labs all on her own when she was only 16 years old, and she is also the second biggest shareholder of your boss company…meaning if she pull out now your boss will be bankrupted."

Blake was agitated, Jemisha mood was something unpredictable, the last time she was scolded by Loki and Jack she ran off to Mexico. There was no telling what she would do when she was pissed off. And currently her houses weren't equipped to deal with her anger outburst.

But the real reason what agitated him was the way she got to see him for the first time.

He got a text from Jemisha

'Don't worry I'm not mad at you… and to show you it was all an act, her is some nice intel on the slut that is your secretary. Let meet up tomorrow at my villa and discuss the cooperation.'

Blake looked at his e-mail and looked furious "Get out! Your fired!"


"Get out now!"

Hugo checked the e-mail Jemisha send, "Damn… my boss is really merciless."

Hugo looked at the woman "You dug your own grave, and believe me… my boss can find any dirt on anybody, anytime and anywhere."

The woman was in shock and left room.

"But Blake…it seems she is not mad at you, otherwise she wouldn't have send you this."

"I know…"