
From Another Time

James is a popular playboy and the leader of the band, the Idolz. He will end up in a different timeline where he will meet the woman of his dreams. But she might also become his first heartbreak since she's not what she seems. Chloe is a 40-year-old woman who happens to be the shopkeeper. James will not even notice her during the present time. But they will replace King Yung Ho and Princess Amaya in Hanyang. The same royal couple who are about to get married. As time goes by, James will fall deeply in love with Chloe. Only to find out that she is way too older than him at the present time. But Chloe will hold back because of their age difference. It's up to James if he will still pursue her once they get out from another time.

Jaymie_Suh · sci-fi
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23 Chs

The 5 Prince

"Your Majesty, your brothers have arrived!" The advisor announced.

James is still sleeping soundly and Chloe is the one who heard the king's advisor's announcement. She panics and doesn't know what to do but attempts to wake up James.

They slept inside the same chamber but of course, in separate beds. But it's not going to look good for other people in the palace to see her spend the night at the king's chamber.

"James! Wake up now!" She tried to shake him but he seemed to have a good sleep.

"Your Highness, your brothers are here!" The advisor announced again.

"James, common! Help me around here. They are looking for you!" She told him while slapping his face lightly.

Chloe is now too close to his face and she can see how perfect he looks. It's hard to keep a straight face with him the whole time. She has been wanting to scream because of the romantic excitement that she feels.

But seeing him sleeping peacefully makes the feeling more intense. She can feel that she's blushing by just looking at his face right now. Then she heard the muffled voices from outside the door. It sounds like there are many people out there waiting to be welcomed.

"I think that the king is still asleep. Let's just wake him up!" One of the guys outside said.

Chloe can hear them speaking from outside. The problem is, there's nowhere to hide from this chamber. It looks like the only purpose of it is for the king to rest and sleep. So she feels desperate already and moves closer to James' face hoping that he will wake up this time. 

"James, wake up! Please! They're coming in!" She whispered to him desperately.

Chloe is so close to his face she can see his inviting red lips. But she tried to go back to her senses and proceeded to wake him up. Whoever is outside the door, should not see that James is still sleeping. That will give them the impression that she sleeps with him.

Then all of a sudden, the door opened and she was so surprised. Chloe accidentally lost her balance and ended up landing on James' lips. When she realized what just happened, she reacted right away and thought of pulling herself away from him.

But before she does, James' hand is at the back of her head and pulls her closer. As if he's making sure that she can't move away from him. Then she started to feel that he was now moving his lips. That's when you realize that he's already kissing you! 

Chloe can hear the surprised gasps of whoever is now inside the king's chamber. But James seems like he's enjoying the kiss. He started to kiss her deeper and she ended up losing herself at the moment. When it ends, he stares at you and gives her another smack.

"Why are you interrupting my moment with my princess?" James asked the guys pretending to be mad at them.

Even if she feels embarrassed now that she realizes that they saw everything, she still tries to look at them. There are five guys inside the king's chamber! It's horrifying to have five guys looking as you and James shared a first accidental kiss.

Does it even count? She asked yourself but since it's James Seo, every moment of it counts! But it's still embarrassing but she doesn't care anymore. It's not every day she can kiss a rockstar. In this situation, a king.

"We apologize, Your Highness! But our father is waiting for us for the royal breakfast today." One of the guys said.

James looks at them one by one as if memorizing their faces. But as Chloe looks at them, she already knows who they are. They are the Idloz! But Yoko is missing from the group. Maybe he's just around here somewhere.

"Alright, whatever! We can go as soon as you introduce yourselves to my princess." James instructed them.

There's something with the phrase, "my princess" when James said it. Chloe feels like she turns into a real princess instantly. But she scolded herself and tried to stop hallucinating. It's just part of the act, stop holding your hopes too high. Although the kiss was great. She thought to herself.

"Good morning, Princess! I'm Prince Chan. I'll be the sunshine of your life!" The cute prince introduced himself with a gentlemanly bow. He looks very cute and his smile is like the sun.

"I'm Prince Jung, the most handsome prince that you will see around here. It's nice to meet you, Princess Chloe!" The next prince with a fair complexion and cute face said.

"Hi, Princess, I'm Prince Don!" I can teach you how to paint yourself!" The handsome prince next to Prince Jung greeted you.

"Hi, I'm Prince Jay!" The handsome prince who looked perfectly like a vampire said in a low voice, I almost didn't hear him.

"Hello, Princess! I'm Prince Moon!" He takes her hand and kisses it which makes her blush.

All she can do is just smile at them and smile widely. Although she hasn't seen all the Idolz members before, she's sure that they all look like them. But if they are all here, how about Yoko's counterpart and James? 

"Alright, as promised. Let's go meet Father! We need some breakfast." James suggested.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. There will be a lot of food for breakfast near the lake." The king's advisor suddenly appeared and informed him.

"Great! Let's go then!" James grabs Chloe's hand so she can already get out of the chamber. 

"Your Highness, pardon me but may I suggest asking the court ladies to fix Lady Chloe first? She will be meeting your father so she has to look her best!" The king's advisor suggested.

"Alright, I guess we have to wait for her then. My father will be happy to meet the future queen!" James agreed to the suggestion. 

Although he seems to be getting carried away from his acting.