
Chapter 55 - Entering the Palace

"Now," the man with black unkempt hair said. "Why don't you tell us who shared their power with you."

Scootaloo went wide eyed.

"I...I have no idea what you mean," she protested. The man sighed and motioned for the dog eared guy with the red vest forward. He handed the man one of Scootaloo's Kama. When he reached for it, Scootaloo was disgusted to see the man only wore pink underwear under the cape.

"My friends here told me you pulled this from thin air. That's not something any normal person could do."

"Scootaloo..." Apple Bloom said. The other girls were surprised too. They didn't see what happened and needless to say they were shocked by the fact that she even had such a thing.

"So that's your name," the man said. He stroked her cheek and it took all of Scootaloo's power not to shudder. "What a unique name. Now… how about you give me a straight answer?"

Scootaloo spat in his face.

"Bitch!" He growled and grabbed her chin. "My word is the only thing keeping you and your friends here from joining the girls among the pictures on the wall. Maybe if your mouth won't speak I should put it to its other use."

Scootaloo was wide eyed with fear. She could say anything. If she did, Micro might not have the element of surprise when he arrived. But if she didn't…

Suddenly alarms went off in the base.

"You have got to be shitting me," the man growled. Turning to the one in the gray vest, he handed him the Kama. "Spot! Guard them and make sure they don't escape. If they start making trouble, take one and give them a lesson in their future jobs."

The man and one in the red vest turned as Spot grinned.

"Oh please, make trouble."

The girls in the cell cowered in the corner, while Scootaloo tried to pull her hands free.

She didn't like how that thing was looking at her and her friends.


Lines of pink energy stretched from Micro's glasses to the electronic panel next to a door. The building they were in front of looked like a massive mansion.

"How the heck did they create this?" Sugar asked.

"An Illusion Barrier can be used to store almost everything," Spike said. "And some are even used to try and harvest materials. Do that and you can build an entire city and keep it all to yourself."

"As interesting as that is is now really the time to talk about that!" Micro growled out. He was still in Dracokin form but switched to male.

His snap caught everyone off guard.

"Jefe?" Sombra Alex as she hacked into the system by the door. "You al-"

"Just focus on getting in there," Micro cut her off. "I want to have eyes everywhere. Locate the girls and whoever is running this place."

Sombra didn't respond but Micro felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning, he saw Spike looking him in the eye.


"Give me the gem," Spike said. Chara walked up next to Spike.

"And shut down Gamer's Mind for a moment."

"And why should I-"

Before he could respond Ember had gripped his wrist and twisted. He gasped as the gem fell out of his hand and Spike caught it. Micro shifted back to his normal form and any anger vanished from his features. Now, he was completely emotionless.

"And Gamer's Mind," Chara said. "You can't close yourself off from this or it will just get worse."

"Chara...I...I will. But not right now. If I break down now, I won't be able to help save them. When we are done here, then I will."

"Promise?" She asked. Micro nodded.


No lie detected. Chara breathed a sigh of relief.

"What just happened?" Sugar asked. Ember turned to him.

"Dracokin constantly have an intense drive to protect what's theirs. This isn't a bad thing, but it can sometimes blind them to everything else. Micro, having not been used to it yet, was having his feelings amplified."

"But that doesn't change what I did," Micro said monotone. "I killed Fido despite implying mercy. While I do believe he deserved to die, part of me is going to feel sick about that and my mind will find it hard to handle my first kill. I am using Gamer's Mind to hold myself together until we get things done here."

He looked down.

"I won't say I won't do it again, especially if it means stopping scum like him or protecting those I care about. But I will never let it rule me."

Chara pulled her boyfriend close. Despite his emotions currently being held down by Gamer's Mind, he appreciated the gesture.

"I got eyes in the building," Sombra said and Micro turned his attention to the images in front of his eyes.

He saw Scoots cuffed to the X and the others in a cell behind her. In front of her was…

He gasped.

"Sombra! Open the doors and sound the alarm!"

"What!?" Ember asked. "You want to tell them we are here?!"

"They would do it soon after we get in anyway. There's who I can only assume to be the boss in there now and I hope the alarm will get him to come away from the girls."

The others nodded at that. What Micro neglected to mention, was the fact he recognized who the boss was.

And he was not happy.

"Open sesame," Sombra said. Micro cracked a small smile at that as the doors opened to reveal a large entrance hall. Statues of half naked women were all around and on the wall in front of them.

"That isn't who I think it is right?" Sugar asked. Micro simply nodded as a painting of the man he saw with a crown on his head standing in an adonis like pose with just a loin cloth on.

"You've got to be shitting me," Spike groaned.

"Why? Who's-"

The alarm blared and guards came rushing out of every door. Kobolds charged, some on all fours, and launched themselves at the group.


Chara brought out her shovel blade and began smacking the Diamond Dog's across the face. When one dove at her from behind she hopped up and landed on his leg, blade down, severing the leg and allowing her to bounce into the air again.

Ember and Spike were both using their armored hide to protect them from the attacks of the kobolds as they delivered punches, kicks, and the occasional claw strike to cripple the traffickers.

Sugar was at first about to be swarmed when he activated his goku uniform. Quickly those around him were covered in the brown frosting that quickly hardened, trapping them in place.

Micro had equipped his mech armor that he deemed Iron Watcher. Left and right he fired Moira Biotic balls to sap his enemy's health while occasionally using one to heal his friends of their injuries. He didn't shy away from landing life threatening blows, but if someone was down, he did his best not to needlessly go further.

"Sombra! Is Scootaloo alone?"

"There is one guard who has her Kama ...and he is looking at Silver Spoon."

Micro let a growl escape his throat as he slammed a fist into one kobold's jaw, a satisfying crack being heard.

"Can you undo those cuffs?"

"Yeah but-"

"Do it! She can handle herself!"


"I'm sure the boss won't care if I take you out for some fun," Spot said as he motioned for Silver to move forward. Silver was shaking as she pressed herself as far back against the wall as possible. "Now, I can be gentle or rough, but either way…"

Scootaloo struggled against her cuffs. She had to do something! If she could get free she could.

A soft click was heard and she pulled her hands free. Looking at them for a second in shock, she smirked.

Spot opened the door of the cell and held the Kama at Apple Bloom and Sweetie, the threat obvious. Turning his eyes back to Silver, he grinned.

"Now, why not get to work," he said, reaching down to undo his pants.

A sharp pain between the legs got him to howl as he felt a blade pierce him.

"I don't think so you sick freak!" Scootaloo delivered a swift kick to his head, causing Spot to fall unconscious. She picked up her Kama and stored it and the one she used to cut Spot in her inventory.

"Scootaloo?!" Sweetie cries out. "What the...how…"

"I'll explain later," she said as she switched her outfit to Ruby's. "Right now, we need to get out of here and meet up with Micro and the others.

"Micro's here too?" Silver asked. Scootaloo looked at a message she got.

You ok Scootaloo?

Yes, I'm fine.

We are the entrance hall. The guard should all be here but keep your eye out. Sugar, Spike, Ember, Chara and I are all fighting, hoping the boss shows up. Stay away if you can and get the others to safety!

Scootaloo looked back up at the others and saw their fear. Realizing she was the only one who could defend herself she steeled her features.

"We have to go. Stay behind me and let me know if you see anything."

"But what about-" Sweetie started. Then Spot began to groan on the floor. Scootaloo quickly grabbed the keys from him and got the others out before locking it behind them.

"No time to talk! Let's move!"

Entrance Hall

Micro was happy to see Scootaloo and the others escaping the room from the feed Sombra gave him. Looking around, he saw the kobolds were all but done. The floor was littered with bodies, some conscious, some not, some with limbs missing, and some dead. He felt his mind conjuring the image of Fido but forced Gamer to bottle it for now.

"Is that the last of them?" Ember asked. Chara looked around.

"Any stragglers seem to have run or are playing dead. That should be it."

"Except their boss," Micro droned in his monotone. They looked at him as he turned his gaze up toward the top of a stairwell. "Isn't That right Suguru."

The group looked up and saw him. The man in the red cape and pink speedo was grinning down at them.

"You a beat like you knows who I am?" He said. "Does that mean you can see my name above my head?"

The group (minus Ember who didn't understand that part of Micro's ability yet) gasped as the man named one of the main abilities Micro had. The young gamer narrowed his eyes.

"Even if I couldn't, I'd recognize your sorry ass any where."

Suguru Kamoshida

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}