
Chapter 54 - Interrogate

A small flash of light could be seen just beneath the lid of a dumpster in the alley. The lid opened to reveal a pair of blue eyes that darted back and forth.

Coast clear.

A short figure, a rough looking guy with close cut black hair, wearing a grey vest over a yellow shirt and red pants pulled himself out of the dumpster. He was barefoot and his nails were sharp like claws. A collar was around his neck and two dog ears peeked from his hair.

'Damn the others,' he thought. 'I'm the one who got us the fucking score! I should be allowed to play with them. But no. The boss needs to contact someone about the bitch who pulled a scythe from nowhere and we can't touch them yet! What's the chance of there being another score any…'

His thoughts were cut off as the sound of kissing reached his ears. He ducked behind the dumpster and watched as a pair of girls rounded the corner of the alley. The second they were in the alley, the brown haired chick pushed the girl with black and blue hair against the wall and shoved her tongue down her throat.

The guy watched with glee in his eyes.

'Holy shit! These two are even better than those other four! Wait until the boss…' he was about to grab his phone when a thought occurred to him. '...I don't need the others to take these two down. And if I get both of them now, I can have my fun with them before the others even know they exist.'

With a chuckle and a grin, showing off sharpened canines. He reached into a pocket and grabbed a rag soaked in chloroform. If he timed it right he could get both.

Just as he reached the girls and was about to use the rag, the brown haired girl whipped around and slugged him across the face.

"Gah!" The would be abductor hit the wall behind them as the black haired girl raised her hand and created an Illusion Barrier. The man opened his eyes and found himself staring at two Dracokin in full scale mode and three humans.

"Wha-What are Dracokin doing with humans?!"

One of the humans, a boy with red and white hair, buried his fist in the man's stomach.

"That is the least of your concerns," the boy said.

'No human should be able to hit like that!'

"Do you even know what you're dealing with?" he growled out. "When the rest of the gang hears about-"

"I know a decent bit about you Fido," the girl with black and blue hair said walking forward. Fido went wide eyed as she knew his name. He didn't notice it before, but the blue tank top she wore in addition to black jeans showed off surprisingly toned arms. She was looking in front of her as if reading something. "You are a relatively low ranking member of the Diamond Dog gang, you recently came under new management, and earlier today you kidnapped four girls in this here alley."

Fido saw the girl glance at a scratch in the wall. The scratch the girl left with the sickle. He gulped as the girl leaned down a bit to look him in the eye.

"The one thing I know the most though." Her eyes turned cold as ice. "You seriously fucked up."


"So you found one?"

"Yes master. She demonstrated one of the powers you told us about."

"Let me see her."

There was a pause as the camera he was viewing from switched to an image of a maroon haired girl cuffed to an X like construct. The hands were completely covered and were the only thing holding her up as she was unconscious. In cells behind her, three other girls were cuffed.

"...she is not one of them."

"What!? But how else could she…"

"She might know one of them. Keep an eye out in the area you found her."

The camera and communication cut off. Another voice, a very bored sounding voice spoke up.

"You really want to leave this sort of thing to him chief? You know you could just send me and-"

The voice changed to a scream.

"Never question me again."

With Scootaloo

Scoots struggled to open her eyes. She went to rub the sleep from them, only to realize she couldn't move her hands. Panic fueled her and she snapped awake.

The room around her was mostly red. A red carpet, red wallpaper with hearts. What was the creepiest were the pictures. They were all of girls in revealing clothes, some even naked, and all looked embarrassed and scared. That was one of two common things in all the pictures. The other was what they were stuck to...a giant X…

One that Scootaloo was scared to find out she was now attached to herself.

"Where...where are we!" a voice she recognized came from behind her. Scootaloo twisted, her neck straining to look behind her as she managed to see the cells behind her. Silver, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie were pulling themselves up.

"What happened?!" Apple Bloom cried out.

"Scootaloo!" Silver called out, being the first to see the track girl outside the cell.

"Are you guys ok?" Scootaloo asked. She was panicking and admittedly more worried about herself, but she still wanted to make sure her friends were ok.

"We're...not hurt…" Sweetie Belle said. She looked around and noticed the pictures. "W...What's going on?"

Scootaloo took a series of deep breaths. Now that she knew her friends were ok, her own situation was more worrisome. In an instant she pulled up party chat.

Micro! Please tell me you see this!

It was a few moments before she got any response.

Scootaloo! It's Chara. Are you ok?!

Scoots gave a choked laugh of relief as she now had a beacon of hope.

I'm fine for now. The others are to. I don't know for how long though.

What do you mean!? Where are you?!

In a room, stuck to some weird…stone… X or something. The others are in cells behind me. Chara, the pictures on the walls. I… I think I might be the next one…

What are they?

Girls...girls who…

Stop. I get it. Don't worry. Micro is working on getting your location. We will get to you before-

Scootaloo didn't have time to read the rest of it. The doors at the other end of the room opened up.

Three figures walked in. Two were hunched over and wore studded collars around their necks. One wore a red vest over a white shirt while the other wore a grey one over a green shirt. Scootaloo heard the girls behind her gasp as they saw the ears on top to those guy's heads.

The third person was an older man. He had black unkempt hair and a broad jawline. His clothes, from what she could tell as he walked, consisted of a red cape that was thankfully closed around him. The only other notable thing about him was what looked like a glowing hand print on the side of his face.

"So this is the girl who pulled a sickle from nowhere," the guy in the cape said as he leaned in close to Scootaloo's face.

Alley (Before Chara spoke with Scoots)


(Diamond Dog Searcher)

Lv 23

His job is to find scores for the Diamond Dog kobold gang, a group that specializes in human trafficking. He typically find them and calls in the enforcers of the gang. Recently they started working as scouts for a mysterious figure who sent someone to oversee their operations.

In some part of her mind, Micro took note of the mysterious figure comment, but that wasn't important right now.

"Now," Micro said as she looked defended to check her nails. "Your most recent score happened to be my girlfriend, my friend's girlfriend, a possible nother girlfriend, and their friend."

"Like I give a shit you bitch," Fido growled. "The others are probably already having their fun with them anyway!"

Ember and Spike both grabbed a should and slammed him into the wall so hard he left an imprint.

"If that were the case, I'd assume you'd be there, not here. Now…"

He nods to Ember who grabbed Fido's wrist and pinned it to the wall by her head. With a deep breath, she blew out a small stream of flame and began inching it towards his hand. He hissed as the heat started burning his fingers.

The kobold tried discretely reaching into his pocket. A small grin crossed his face as his hand closed around what he was looking for.

"Hail to the-agggghhhh!"

His hand fell to the ground as Chara cut him with her dagger. Leaning down, she pried open the hand and found a small key shaped object with a diamond in the center of the top.

"What is this?" Chara growled. Fido glared as his cauterized stump was still burning with pain.

"Fuck you slut! Maybe I'll tell you if you bitches show me your tits-gaaaah!!!"

Ember had taken that comment personally and now his fingers were about a digit shorter. Micro cast a quick Observe.

Barrier Key

Allows access to a specifically coded Illusion barrier with a key phrase

Barrier: King's Palace

"What is the key phrase?" Micro asked. Fido growled and Spike joined Ember by breathing a bit of fire. "Tell me, and I won't have my friends here roast your flesh from your bones."

For all the terrible shit Fido has done, Micro felt a small bit of respect for how long he lasted. The stump of his arm was a few inches further up by the time he screamed.


The fire stopped and the two let go of the whimpering kobold. Micro glared down at the bastard who tried to stand.

A swift kick in the kneecap was enough to stop that.

"Gah! I told you what you want! Just let me go!"

"You idiot."

Fido looked up to see Micro holding a heart shaped gemstone. Her scales formed around her and she growled.

"I said I wouldn't have my friends roast the flesh from your bones."

Sugar had to turn away. He agreed with the action. He had no sympathy for the gang member. But while that might be the case, the screams of the creature would haunt him for nights to come.

After a few moments Sugar felt a hand on his shoulder. Chara, Ember, Spike, and female Micro (he could not get used to seeing his friend that way) walked up to him. Micro had a haunted look in her eyes, but seemed to have a resolve behind them.

She held out the key and everyone managed to find a small part to touch.

"Hail to the King."

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}