
Chapter Three

Louis and Harry decided to make their project on this book Louis happened to read in year 6 called "Black Beauty" by Anna Sewell. It was about a horse and the different things it went through when being used for labor and such. Overall, it gave a deep meaning to younger Louis, so he decided to use that book.

At first, Harry didn't want to do that book because a lot of kids have read that book when they were younger, but eventually he gave in because he didn't have any other ideas for books to use.

So Louis provided a summary of what he could remember from when he read that book. He was surprised on how much he remembered considering he read this book years ago.

So when it was time to present to the class, he made sure that Harry also had some parts to speak so that they could receive full credit.

"Wow," Mr. Corden was impressed on how Louis and Harry were the only ones who actually did the assignment correctly. "You guys work great together! I should partner you guys up for more projects."

Louis sighed but grinned. Even if he did most of the work, he still enjoyed having sex with Harry.

Surprisingly, Louis was still sore. Harry bullied him a little for it but Louis couldn't get that time off his mind.

If he was gonna lose his gay virginity, he was glad it was with Harry. Harry was not only hot, but could make sure you couldn't walk the next day.

As of Eleanor, he's kept it a secret. He also did Harry a favor by not letting Taylor know either. He didn't want bad stuff happening because of his big mouth.

He's never cheated on Eleanor before. At least, not with a man. He once drunkenly did it at a party, but she forgave him.

However, he wasn't sure that Eleanor might forgive him now. Especially since he felt like he wanted to do it again.

But why? Why would he want to do it again? He should feel disgusted! He was straight! He shouldn't be enjoying gay sex that much.

Except he did. He enjoyed the gay sex he had with Harry and hoped to do more. Was that normal for a straight guy?

He and Harry agreed that they would start hanging out more since they both felt like they should become friends instead of never speaking to each other ever again.

Louis was actually kind of happy that Harry wanted to become friends with him. He was glad that Harry wanted to spend his precious time with him. He was glad that Harry became friends with him because that's just what he needed. A friend.

However, he did start noticing that Eleanor was becoming a bit more distant from him. He noticed that Eleanor wasn't interacting and acting all lovey dovey with him as much anymore. Has she finally matured from her honeymoon phase? Maybe. But to drastically change from one day to another? Not normal.

What was wrong with Eleanor?


After a whole week, Eleanor seemed to come back and become her normal self again. And Louis was more than happy to welcome her back and have sex with her again.

Although he did feel a little guilty. Sooner or later, she'll have to find out that Louis may or may not have cheated on her (twice technically if you count the dare) and he enjoyed it. Not only that, but with a man.

Louis' brain kept forcing itself to stop thinking about Harry and focus on Eleanor, his real girlfriend. But deep down, his heart lowkey wanted Harry.

Harry seemed to be acting the same way a little bit. He seemed to be going through the same situation with Taylor.

For example, on Friday, Harry complained to Louis that Taylor didn't want to go out with him the day before. He commented how it baffled him considering she would never deny going out with him, but nonetheless he respected her decision.

"It was that damn book report," Niall rolled his eyes for the millionth time that hour. "Corden wanted them two to get together already since the school's been shipping them for ages."

"But she's straight!" Louis insisted. "If not, she wouldn't be with me!"

"Bisexuality exists, you know," Eleanor walked up to Louis and pecked his lips. "Not everybody likes just one gender."

"Yeah, Louis," Zayn mocked him. "It's the twenty-first century."

"I know," Louis jokingly slapped Zayn. "But since when is she bi?"

"I came out in year 7," Eleanor snatched Louis' wrist before he could slap anyone else. "It's just nobody paid attention since I had a male preference."

At that moment Louis thought about it. What if he was bi? What if he liked boys and girls? I mean, it explains Louis' attraction to women and Harry. But why wasn't he attracted to other men besides Harry?

But then he thought of preferences. Eleanor said she had a male preference, meaning that she liked men a little more than women. What if he had a preference for women? What if he had a female preference?

"Oh, so that explains your cuffed jeans," Niall's voice brought Louis back to reality.

"Yup," Eleanor laughed a little. "And why my favorite song is Sweater Weather by the Neighbourhood."

Louis rolled his eyes. "Well, I better get going."

"Bye," the three of them waved.

Louis set off to find Harry. Once he found him, he told him the news.

"What?" Harry looked genuinely surprised. "No way!"

"She said she came out in year 7," Louis repeated what Eleanor had told him. "Nobody paid attention though because she had a preference to men."

"Wow," Harry seemed a little angry. "And those same people had the audacity to pick on Zayn for being gay."

"Exactly!" Louis yelled. Finally, someone understood his anger. "And she was pretty popular among guys too!"

All of a sudden, Louis' little sister, Lottie, ran down to the year 13 hallway while shaking with excitement.

"Guys," she said. "I just found out that Taylor Swift is bi."


"Taylor Swift? The girl dating team captain Harry Styles?"

"No way! I can't imagine her with a girl."

"I knew it! Something about the way she held that Eleanor girl."

The third comment is what shocked Louis the most. How was Taylor holding his girlfriend? Why would it be anything else other than platonic?

But Louis decided to keep it to himself and turn to Harry to see how he's feeling.

"I can't believe it," Harry kept whispering to himself. "My girlfriend is bi."

Harry then took off running to where Taylor's locker was. Louis followed behind him as the supportive best friend he was.

"Is it true?" Harry grabbed Taylor's shoulders and shook her. "Are you bisexual?"

"Yeah," Taylor nodded. "But I didn't want to come out like that."

"Then how?" Harry grabbed the ends of his long hair and pulled them.

"Well," Taylor started. "I wanted to invite you over to dinner and break you the news there, but that girl somehow repeatedly questioned me until I finally admitted it."

"That's my little sister," Louis looked down.

"I know," Taylor put a hand over his shoulder. "But I guess I'm out now. It is what it is."

Taylor then left for her next class. Harry and Louis were still shocked.

And then it clicked.

Eleanor is bi...

Taylor is bi...

Maybe they both did it.