
Fox Trot

your average every day teenage boy is murdered in an ally way, but what's this? he's a fox now? what will he do in this strange new world? follow him and find out

AkiraXOX · Fantasie
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27 Chs




They were more exited than mother was, with was unexpected to say the least, they soon after started bombarding me with questions none of which I could answer.

The exited and jumpy foxes startled my siblings, mother started to reprimand the three for being too loud, the three hung their heads and drooped their tails.

Mother is pretty scary when she wants to be.

'This is my chance, I can ask these three questions'

I started off with the questions I thought were most important and worked my way down to the less important ones.

"Where are we? In as much detail as you can please"

They were startled at my sudden question and sat looking at me for a little while, but happily answered.

"This is one of the many dungeons in Kovlon, Kovlon is a large forest bordered by the beast kin kingdom, the human kingdom, and the wild lands"

"The forest stretches from ocean to ocean, top to bottom its ten times as long as it is wide."

"Its only called the forest of Kovlon by the beast kin, and elf, the humans call it the dividing line because it separates the three kingdoms from the wild lands and the demon beasts and monsters that live there."

All three added in their own part.

So there are humans here, and what's better beast kin, elf, and demon beasts!? This would is sounding more and more like a game.

I should ask about dungeons, are they like those ones in games that are filled with monsters and treasures?

"What are dungeons?"

Mother answered this time.

"There are two different types of dungeons, a monster house dungeon which are full of demon beasts and monsters, strong humans like to enter and search for treasures hidden deep within it."

That sounds like the dungeons you find in games.

"And the second type is a natural cycle dungeon, we live in this type of dungeon, these dungeons speed up the natural growth of plants, there are also certain plants that only grow here. Monsters and demon beasts aren't born in nature dungeons only animals and magical beasts live here so humans don't bother with them, instead elf and beast kin take the unique plants for potions and medicines."

I spent the rest of the day asking questions, before mother chased the other three out because It was bed time, foxes seem very eccentric they easily accepted the un-natural as natural.

I wonder what will happen next.

~a months later~

Word spread fast about my ability to talk and about every fox in the dungeon has visited me to have a conversation, I won't complain they did bring me food sometimes, only if you consider leaf shaped grubs and two headed birds as food.

Im starting to think the foxes are the only normal animals in this place, mother mentioned magical beasts once maybe the strange looking ones are magical beasts?

'Ill ask mother later'

I stride over to a puddle much like the one I looked in the first time I woke up here, I have changed so much.

My fur is no longer brown and matted, its orange and very fluffy with tinges of red around my snout and tail, halfway down my legs are black, and I have also noticed I have Heterochromia my right eye is green and my left eye is blue, its something none of my siblings seem to have.

Mother says I'm almost an adult so she's going to tech me and my siblings to hunt