
Outside the burrow


Todays the day, today we leave the burrow for the first time I'm so exited my tail is thrashing back and fourth as I stood close to the entrance waiting for mother to come back.

"What you doing?"

It's one of my sisters, my siblings have started to talk now its nice to talk to someone other than mother for a change.

"I'm waiting for mother"

She looked at me curiously, looks like she doesn't know we're going out today, even thought mother told us this morning, I'm not surprised my siblings never listen, well we are very young all that's on their minds is play time.

Just as my sister skipped away to go back and play with the others mother crawled back into the burrow.

"Are you all ready? Come, everyone over here now"

We all walked over to her, even my rowdy siblings listened to mother this time, mother turned around and flicked her tail, signalling for us to follow.

We all crawled out of the burrow, and what I saw was beautiful, the trees had glowing blue leafs their trunks we're white with fluorescent blue stripes in the groves, much like the roots in the burrow, it looked like a glowing birch tree with blue patterns instead of black, and the grass was a mix of pinks and purples.

Looks like we really are in a dungeon because there are walls and a roof that are decorated beautifully with glowing stones of all colours, they look like rainbow stars, I know I'm the only one that appreciates the beautiful scenery because my sisters are rolling in the grass and one of my brothers just ate a little yellow bug now his mouth is glowing yellow, gross.

mother yipped at us to stop fooling around and follow her, I can tell she wants us to be quiet because she didn't tell us to follow her instead she quietly yipped at us, luckily everyone got the memo we all shut up and followed mother silently, she lead us through the forrest to a clearing there were some rabbits eating, it looks like were not hunting those since mother just walked by them.

There's something that's been bothering me for a while, those rabbits are a lot smaller than the one mother brought home and their smaller than me, like a lot smaller than me, and mother she's half the size of the trees if not bigger I can't tell because she's crouched maybe three quarters, since I'm around half the size of the trees, its not by much anymore but mother IS bigger than me, I didn't have long to think about it because mother caught my attention.

Mother puffed her tail up, she found what she was looking for, mice, now I can tell why their Called mossy mice they are eating some moss, they too are smaller than I remember except one, one is larger than the others, and It looks like mother wants that one.

All six of us hid carefully in the bushes as not to distract mother, and mother slowly crept towards the mice, slowly.


Just a little closer.

Aaannd, bam she's caught it, the smaller mice scutter away quickly, leaving mother with her jaws wrapped around a not so small mouse, all my siblings excitedly jump out of the bushes towards her saying things like, Wow Amazing!, you caught it!, I crawled out from the bushes and examined the mouse, I have to admit that was pretty awesome.

By the time we got back to the burrow the gems in the walls had dimmed, ill assume that means it's night outside, we had already eaten the mouse where mother killed it, so our bellies were full, mother said that tomorrow she'd take us out again.

That night I had a dream I was adventuring with John, we killed some horned rabbits and collected some herbs before heading home, after I had said good-bye to John I went to the bathroom to rinse my face I looked up from the sink and saw, not my human face but a fox, me with my multicoloured eyes and red snout, I ran outside on all fours and saw John he said some thing, I think it was my name but I can't remember, then the dream ended and I woke up, my fur standing on end.

'What a weird dream'

It looks like I woke one of my brothers on accident, the larger of the two he has a white splotch on his forehead and two of his toes on his front left paw are white, he's a more quiet and stoic type.

We both curled up and went back to sleep.

Next chapter