
Four Perfect Storm

Yoursecretwriter99 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter One Chapter One

"The boarder near the east wing was already damaged and broken! Soon all the traps there will do nothing and my people will die! "

People inside the room released their frustrations. Who wouldn't? The Ninjas from the kingdom of shadows were already attacking each land that they wish to colonized.

Everyone was worried on what is about to happen. All of them might die. The kids that supposed to be enjoying the sun and ocean will be killed or be a slave. The women that supposed to help there husbands take care of their home might be just a sex slave of those who wants to own them.

The men that was supposed to be protecting the boarders, training to become stronger and loving the land of their own nation might become nothing but a warrior from the opponent's side.

"We are nothing compared to how many allies the Renzhe have. They already have the witches and wizards, those are enough to defeat all of us."

Tianxia was the land for the four elements. People here have the abilities to use elements as their power. It was given to their ancestors by Chang'e the Goddess of the moon as a gift of protecting the land of what they called hope.

"We have to do something about this."

Everyone become serious. They were all thingking about what they should do to prevent the Renzhe from attacking their kingdom.

But little do they know, they cannot do anything but to fight the bad side and trust their power.

People of the Tianxia was not taught to use the power given to them to kill nor hurt people. They were trained not to kill but keep the land of the four elements safe and at peace. They were told to always sided with what is good and what is right.

But are you going to stay righteous even if the life of your family is in danger and you were not even sure if you are going to survive the war?

"How about we protect ourselves alone?"

The leader from the fire element said. He stands tall and his eyes was blood red woth a touch of yellow. His presence is enough to shut any person near him.

"What do you mean? " asked by the leader of the Earth element.

"I will protect my people, my land, and the North border and you protect yours. We cannot fight them if we have a lot to protect."

He stands up and walks towards the door. He was about to touch the door knob but he stopped.

Long silenced reigns inside the room. No one even dared to say such word. None of them even move a bit. They were all looking at him waiting for his next speech.

"I am left with no choice, Let's prioritize our own land and people And maybe let's just forget that once, we became one kingdom."

He said as he opened the door and went out.

"Maybe he was right. Maybe it was time to prioritize our own land, to focus more on our people." The leader of the Earth element said, agreeing to the Fire element leader.

"Are you both stupid?!" The leader of the water element screamed in frustrations.She massages her forehead as she sat down.

"We were gifted by the Goddess of the moon because of what our ancestors did, We took an oath! As a leader we took it! Have you forgotten it? That Tianxia must be one and united? "She exclaimed. It hurts her that one of them decided to protect only his land and people. She was known to be the nicest leader among them.

She always keeps the tribe one and she is the one who gives solutions with any misunderstanding. It is hard for her to see that their kingdom, will soon be facing chaos and none of them were sure of their success.

"Our ancestors survives because they help each other, They never let anyone left alone. Even without the elemental power. That is why they were gifted and the powers was passed down to us, So why are we doing this?"

She tried to stop her tears from falling but she failed.

"I am sorry Jia, but Like Zhao, I will still choose to protect my own land and my people. Let's just keep it that way."

The Earth element leader said and walks out the room.

"Jia, We can't do this if you're land and my land will stay as one. We should follow their steps. I think it is for the better." The leader from the wind element states his compassion towards Jia but he still choose to follow the two other leaders.

"You do not know anything about what is right Quing. If all of you wanted to be separated from Tianxia, I will not stopped you. But your conscience will charge you if your people died." Jia said as she stands up and look at the faces of everyone inside the room.

All of them was silent. They remained like that even after Jia walks out of the room without uttering any more words.

"We were all left with no choice. It is not easy to choose this path as a leader, But I know that all of us just wanted to save our people, our family and our land. We have been protecting this for hundreds of years but now, We have to choose."

Quing, The leader of the wind element said.

"And I, Quing, The leader of the wind element, chose my people too, I will protect mine as they protect theirs."
