
Four Perfect Storm

Yoursecretwriter99 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter Two

Leader Jia

It was quiet, Yet I can feel that my people are worried for what was about to come. We are now training boys and girls on how to enhance their abilities on using the water element.

It is important that each and every one of my people can have the chance to defend himself or herself when no one else will.

Kids and the women were forced to train more of what they were supposed to. I explained everything them including how the three leaders chose to protect their own land and people.

Even though I didn't even want this to happen, My decision is nothing compared to them. They all agreed on what Zhao said, the Leader of the Fire nation.

We were all under the kingdom of Tianxia. My beloved Kingdom. The Tianxia is divided into four Nations because of the four elements. The fire nation, The earth nation, The wind and our nation which is water.

"Leader Jia, The Renzhe is now on their way to the North border. The fire nation is now preparing for the battle." My right hand said.

I asked him personally to spy on the three kingdoms to be updated on what is happening. I also asked him to guard the boarders and report to me all individuals that acts suspicious.

"Xie xie. Train everyone well, I do not want to let anyone died in our nation."

I said as I still looked outside the veranda of my room.

In my position, I can see everyone.

I can see their pain, The tiredness yet I also see their will to live.

I decided to jumped out of my window and I ended up infront of Da-xia. One of my greatest warrior.

Da-xia has a special space in my heart because I was the one who named her. She was the sister of my right hand, Tuan. I was the one training her to be this good and if I am not here, Tuan will take my place.

"How much more can you do Da-xia?" She was surprised but still bowed down to give me respect. She was almost like my daughter. I save her and her brother when the first war happened 20 years ago. She was just a day old back then.

"I guess more of what you have taught me." She looked at me straight in my eyes. She was the only person who can do that to me. She prepared for a one on one battle between her and me.

I smirked because I was proud of her and I know that soon, She will be better than me.

"Are you scared, mom?" She asked as we face each other at the center of the circular battle field.

She took A spear and I just hold my dagger. I felt better even though our one on one battle didn't even start yet. I almost forgot the real problem.

"Since when did you have the guts to say that?" I laugh as I asked her.

"More like, since now!" She then run towards me with a fast speed while aiming the spear on me.

Da-xia seemed so focus right now. Maybe because she knew what was about to happen sooner. As she was about to hit me, I stepped my right foot on the ground and I felt that the ground started to become soft. I am liquifying the ground without her noticing so she fell in a small lake-like water I made.

But I felt a motion behind me so I parred it with a small wave that my hand produces.

"Ooh, you can now make a water portal, good for you." I said mocking her. Her eyebrows met in the middle and that made me laugh more. She then throw the spear at me.

My plan was to catch it and throw it back at her but before I could do that,She was infront of me and she catches it with her right hand and jumped to my back and stranggled me with the spear.

"S-stop... I cannot b-breathe..." I said and started to liquify my body. I laughed at her when she gave me a glare when she found where my real body is.

That was a water clone technique. No one else could do that except for me. I was trained by the greatest leader of the water nation. My father. He was killed 20 years ago during the first war.

"That's kinda' unfair!" Da-xia said.

"It's all about the techniques you can use during the battle Da-xia. Your plan will not be successfully executed if you failed to have a proper techniques."

She nods her heads as is we were having a battle lecture during our one on one dight.

"Use your brain. Knowledge will be your power. Your water element is just another advantage in the war. Water will be nothing if you do not know how to posses it."

I summon my trident to finish the battle. I felt that my eye color changes from brown to blue. I attack her with my trident and she just parred with my attacks but her spear suddenly stuck between the teeth of my trident and that became my chance to destroy it and pushed her down to ground.

"You lost." I said as I helped her stand up.

"As always." We both laughed and went inside the chamber together. I was about to stepped on the stairs but I heard someone screaming approaching us.

"The north... The Fire nation was defeated... Half of their population... died and half of it become their allies!"

Da-xia and I looked at each other as we both know that this is possible to happen. I looked at the people in the field. They all looked worried and they were all hugging each other.

"Let us talk inside." I said as I guided The old man inside.

"What happened to Zhao? did he survive?"

I asked him while the helpers gave him food and water.

" I don't know... I ran as soon as I saw the ninjas attacking everyone who will not be their allies. I thought that someone must go to inform the other kingdoms."

I sighed.

I was trying to calm myself because panicking will not be a solution.

I don't even know what to do anymore, But I know I need to prepare for more. They defeated Zhao's nation, then what will happen to us, to my people?



Kindly vote my story as you read every chapters! That would be a great help!! Thank you !!! Please join me on my journey together with the Four Perfect Storm!
