
Four Perfect Storm

Yoursecretwriter99 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 6



I sighed.

I hugged myself as I felt cold. The wind is touching my skin so I have to find away tk cover it.

I stopped from thinking when He stands up and went straight to the woods. I was too tired to follow him so I let him go alone besides, he just left his bow and arrow here so I know that He will be back.

I almost fell asleep but I didn't when he drop woods in front of me. Then He raised his two hands and controlled the woods as if he was preparing to make a bonfire. But he cannot produce fire so He just controlled the rock and the stick to do its job and he successfully did it.

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked him.

He shook his head and look straight to the fire. We both became silent after that. I still have a bread on my bag and I think I should share it with him.

"Here,take this." I said as I reached the food towards him. He was hesitating at first but I know that he was also hungry. I could here his tummy's vibration while I was beside him.

He eats the bread silently. I shifted my glanced back to the fire. There were attackers from the fire nation last night. They burned our kingdom so they can be called an allied.

Bullshit! If they really loved their kingdom, they would have chosen to die for it. Atleast they died honorably. I took a deep breath, what happened last night was still fresh on my mind. The bloods, the dead bodies, and Jia. It feels like, it traumatized me for life.

"Here." He said while handling me a white handkerchief embroided with peony. This was Jia's favorite flower. I smiled painfully and wipe my tears off my cheeks.

"What happened to the earth nation? It's okays if that's too private to tell." I said when I saw his expression changes from cold to much colder.

I laid down my head on my bag while looking at the night sky.

"Almost all of our people was killed. Some of the women was forced to go with them, Including my sister. My mother died trying to save her While my father, The leader of the earth nation, was also killed protecting both of them and the kingdom.It was our plan to send my team to go the forbidden hill but we were ambush. My team sacrificed their lives for me. So I could fulfill my father's last wish. To rebuild the nation and to save my sister."

"So our leaders are both the same, they wanted us to rebuild our kingdom again." I said.

"I must do everything to find that answer. Why would she even hide in the forbidden hill? Is there someone that she needs to be hidden to?"

"I don't know, the book from the first war was not complete. Maybe we just have to go there amd find the answers on our own."

"By the way, I am Wang lei."

"People call me Da-xia."

After that conversation, we decided to sleep. We even turned off the lights so we can't engage wild animals to come at our position.

I woke when I heard a silent crackle near the bush. I slowly walk towards it and slash my trident on it. The bush was divided into two and revealed a wild pig stuck there.

Without thinking twice, I aimed my trident to the pig and throws it at him. All I need to do now was to chop this for food. This will be good for two to three days.

"What happened?" Suddenly, Wang lei was beside me, maybe he heard the cries from tje pig.

"Nothing, I just got us a food for two to three days more. All we need now is water."

"Aren't you from the water nation, why do you still need water when tou can produce it."He asked.

"I wasn't able to finish my trainings with the leader of our nation, My adoptive mother. She was killed before I could reach that level. " I said and drop the logs we brought from the forest. We have to cook this pic first before we continue our journey to the forbidden hill.

"She told me that I need to train harder, But how cam I do that when no one will teach me?"

"Maybe our parents knows something about the forbidden hill but they didn't tell us because they wanted us to find out the truth on our own."

"They could have told us, you know. It will make things easier for all of us."

"If things became easy, How would you learn? Experience will be our best teacher."He said.

We remained silent while we cook the pig. When we were finished, Wang lei, covered the pig with leaves and it became a bag.

We continued walking and it was almost sunset when we saw a deer in the middle of the forest. Wang lei then hold my hand which made me shookt.

He signaled me to stay silent and told me to follow the deer. O don't even know why we should follow it , but if I need to trust someone now, it's Him.

He knows the forest , the plants and the animals better than me because it was his element.

It shocked me when the deer started to run fast. Wang lei followed the deer's path and he was still holding me and as well as the cooked pig.

I didn't say a word and I just follow where he was going. I could honestly say that he was strong but he was still holding my hand gently.

He suddenly stopped so I got bumped on his back which made me almost fall on the ground but because he was still holding my hand, he pulled me up, closer to his chest.

I felt awkward afterwards so I stayed silent and looked at where we are. I was amazed by what's infront of me now.
