
Four Perfect Storm

Yoursecretwriter99 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

Chapter Five


It was too painful to me to see that the woman who became a mother to me was now breathless infront of me. Although she looks peaceful, I still can't accept the fact that she was killed.

She had her last taste of air with me, lying on my lap,being accompany by my hugs and kisses. I can't really accept the fact that the leader of the water nation is now dead and me and my brother, Tuan will now be responsible.

Our nation was lucky to have you Jia, those who needed to be saved were saved, Liro, my pet bird was with us a while ago. He was sent by Tuan. He told me that our people are now safe, I already send them the bad news... That I am not going home with you...

"Take this beautiful peony with you as you meet our Gods.." I said as I gracefully put her on her grave.

"T-they will accompany you on your journey..."

Why do I have to send you off like this? You don't deserve this... How I wish I could give you a better funeral..

"You know our people deserve to see your beautiful face one last time, But sadly they can't go here to see you.."

I wipe my tears as I slowly cover her body with the soil.

In my whole life, The idea of digging her grave for will be my job, It's getting hard to be alone here doing this... Can you imagine how hard my situation is right now?

My tears didn't stop from falling, The rain continues. The ambiance already comeback to it's normal. It's like an attack never happened here.

After I buried the leader's body infront of her father's statue, I walked on the pathway of our kingdom. Outside of the chambers was a huge field for training, a garden and a path. A way out of the kingdom.

The Gates were all broken and destroyed, Houses were broke down and dead bodies covered with bloods are on the ground.

I tightened my grip with the trident that I am holding as I walks pass through my people. This sight will always be on my mind. I will never forget this day as they have killed the most important person in my life.

They will pay for this!

For now, I will do what Jia asked me to do. I will go to the forbidden hill and I will find the answer.

It might took me four-seven days of travelling before I could reach the hill. I am not sure with what I may encounter but I must survive. I have to make those dumbass pay for what they have done.

I stopped from walking and took a last glance of our kingdom. The place where we should be enjoying our lives but was destroyed.

I may not be sure if I can comeback here but if ever that I will, This will be build again but more stronger.

I continued walking while I put the trident behind me. I have also brought my daggers and a little bit of food. This may not make my stomach full but atleast I have something to eat. I'll just hunt animals on my way.

It's almost sunrise. Another day starts but I still have a long way to go. I'm getting far away from the kingdom but I always put on my mind what has happened to us last night. That will make me focus on what's my goal on going there.

I have been walking for hours and I already felt tired and hungry so I decided to sit down under a tree. The sun was too bright and All I have now was the shadows from the big trees.

I decided to eat a lite to regain my energy back. I was lucky too find a plant that I can use to clean my wounds and so I did.

I almost forgot about my injuries because I too occupied with my lost but now that I felt it's pain,I know I have to treat it. I continued walking but I felt like someone was watching me from behind.

I can feel its presence but I remained my posture. Whoever it is, they must not know that I can feel them.

I waited for the right timing before I throw My daggers to one of the trees at my back. There I saw a guy standing. I can't see his face and his presence was not familiar.

"Who are you?"

I bravely asked as I held my trident and was ready for an attack. I summoned my daggers back at me and saw one of them with a little bit of blood.

"Impressive. You hit me."

"That's too basic, What's so impressive about that."

"I thought you're from the water nation, why did I felt a wind coming from you?"He said as he slowly got out of the shadow. I can now see him.

His clothes were covered with blood as well as his body. He also have injuries and was carrying a bow and arrow. I saw a tattoo on his hands. A symbol of a rock.

It means he's from the Earth nation.

"Why am I here?" He said while walking towards me. I crossed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Same reason as you. To find answers. To get my revenge."

"Do you mean that they already defeated the earth nation? I thought we were the second one." I said as I sat again on of the rocks under the tree.

"They attack the other three nation at once and they defeated all of us at once." He said as he sat next to me

I examined his body and I can tell that His wounds was still fresh as mine. Bloods are still flowing from it.

"You have to treat your wounds. We need to have our full energy back to get our revenge."

I said and pull out some medical leaves I brought.

He didn't say anything and just leaned his head in the rock behind us. I can hear him flinching yet his eyes were still closed. When I was done treating his wounds, I also leaned at the rock, looking at the stars above.

Another day ends. I can't wait to find the answers but... What if there's no answer? What if the enchantress' daughter already died? What will happen to me and to my people?

I sighed.
