
Four Perfect Storm

Yoursecretwriter99 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter Four

Leader Jia

The shadows then touch the ground and I was like being pulled to ground agrresiuvely. I tried hard not to be pinned down but his power is greater than mine.

"If you gave me what I want a while ago, you wouldn't be tied down on the ground. How about your last words?"

I remained silent As I was trying to find a way to get out of this. I didn't even look away from him but my mind is doing itsy work but it's getting hard. The shadow was getting tight and I am almost lost of air.

"You were just like those three leaders. Died helplessly. How did you guys even become a leader if you're all this weak?"

"Because She knows what true leadership means!" I heard a familiar voice.


My vision is starting to get blurry but I know it was Da-xia.

What was she doing? She was supposed to be not here! She broke the plan!

The shadows loosen a bit so I was able to breathe again. When Yinying's focus was not on me the shadows loosen up so I created a portal where a shadow cannot enter. His forced a while ago was too strong so I can even create a portal but now that his focus was not me we will try to finish this war.

She was battling with Yinying. Da-xia is hard-headed but I didn't expect her to be here. Yinying looked at me, with his surprised looks. He wasn't able to realize that he lost the control of his shadows on me so he needs to defeat me and Da-xia.

He keeps on attacking us and we will dodge it. His attacks almost looks like it's endless.

"Jia!" I lost my focus when I heard another familiar voice. I turned around and saw my father.


"Ugh!" I looked back when I heard Da-xia screamed in pain. He was being stranggled by Yinying and two of his clones. I was about to run towards them but I felt something on my stomach.

The spear went through my body from my back. So Yingying's real body was behind me. He copied my father's voice and physical body to allures me and lose my focus on the battle.

I fell on his arms as he deepens the spear. He push the spear from my back and it went through my body.

Bloods started to flow from my body and I felt like I was being drained. He was holding me as I slowly fell. I failed to become a leader.

"I will not look at you as you loose your breathe, Despite of being like this, my love for you was real." He even kissed me on my forehead and laid me down on his arms.

"If it wasn't for my Family, We wouldn't end up like this... I really love you Jia, I still do. But like you, I chose my kingdom." I didn't say a word. Maybe he also deserves to be heard too.

"Perception was our greatest enemy. Good and bad depends on how we perceived things." He carressed my hair as we look into each other's eye. I can see tears forming in his eyes. I didn't know he still has this soft side inside him.

"To do this is what is right from the perception of my family. I'm sorry..."

Yinying apologize to me... I realized maybe he was still the guy whom I truly love before and until now.. Yes, He was the only guy I have loved that's why I didn't married anyone. He left me without saying a word but my love for him remains.

My vision got blurry but I tried to look at his face. This may be the last time I could have him these near me and the last time I could see him.

I carressed his face. I touched his soft cheeks, his scary jawline, his pointy nose and his beautiful eyes. I smiled as I was able to touch him again.

I am enjoying the sensation that I am feeling now. Maybe I will keep some moments when It's time leave this world.

A tear fell from my eyes as I saw his, fell down too. He touched my cheeks and he slowly come near my face. I felt his soft lips met mine.

The kiss brought back a lot of painful memories...

Do we deserve this kind of end?

Do fate wanted to play with us?

He kissed me and held my face once more before he was forced to come by his shadow ninja. They all went inside the shadown portal.

I cannot here anything after the shadow ninjas left our nation.All of sudden I felt alone in the field. He was again pulled away from me...

"Mommy Jia..." I heard Da-xia as he approach me, Lifted my head carefully and put it on her lap. I cough bloods and I know already that this will be my end. As I look at her face, I have come to realize that, maybe I have done something good, That maybe I have been a good leader...That I have been a good mother to Tuan and Da-xia.

"G-go... Go to the forbidden hill... find the answer... Defeat the R-ranzhe... Train more Da-xia so y-you could b-build our n-nation again..." I said and wipe her tears off of her face.

"I l-love you...You and Tuan..Let your b-brother ruled the rest of our p-people temporarily and w-when you b-become stronger, rule them..."

"Please stay with me... We're not yet done with my training..." She cried on my chest. This is the first and probably my last time to see her at her weakest point.

"Be brave.. You have to do the next step alone this time... But I w-will always be with here..." I said as I pointed my finger on her heart.


It's about time....

I've already done my part....


Achieve yours....
