
Four Perfect Storm

Yoursecretwriter99 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter Three

Leader Jia

Days have passed after the fall of the fire nation. We didn't even here anything about what happened. I already told my people to prepare for a sudden attack. No one knows whose nation will be the target next.

I have deployed more watchers and guard near the west boarders to easily warns us if something is about to come.

We didn't even wasted a single second of our time to train harder. I became more serious of the situation and I take everything more serious now.

I have already prepared plans before the war, during the war and even after the war. Plans always matters to me. It is the most significant thing to survive so I value it the most.

"You should rest too, you know." Da-xia said as she gave me a cup of coffee. She always knew how to make me feel better and she knew when is the time that I don't feel well.

"What were you reading?" She asked and she sat down on my table as she tried to read what was inside the book.

"It's about the war 50 years ago. Where enchantress still exist."

"What time did you start to read? You're almost done with it!"

"Just an hour ago."

"Enchantresses stops existing as if they didn't even existed. The head enchantress has a daughter but no one knows what she looks like or if she survive the war. To find the truth about her, one must enter the hill of badlucks and see for its eyes the truth of her existence."

We read together.

"Hill of badlucks? The forbidden place? Why would the answer be there?"

Da-xia stated out of her confusion.

"Enchantress are powerful beings and if they still exist, I am sure that the shadow ninjas are nothing compared to them."

I said.

I rose up from where I was seated when I heard screaming from outside. The screaming was followed by a loud sound of explosion.

The impact was huge that we even felt it inside my chamber. I jumped out of the veranda and summoned my trident. I released water from my body to appease the fire.

I didn't know that the shadow ninjas can produce fire unless.. They brought people from the fire nation...

I stepped my foot on the ground and water started to flow. It travelled from me to the black ninjas near me and fell down inside the liquified ground.

I throw my trident at the ninja infront of me and the trident travelled and hit him and two more ninjas at his back. I summoned it back to me but I was hit by a shuriken on my shoulders and cheeks.

Blood started to fall from it but I rather focus on my opponents. I controlled the water and caught him and Liquified his body.

I saw some of my people's dead bodies lying on the ground. I can't help but to feel enraged. They destroyed the life of these innocent people. No one deserves an ending like this.

I looked up in the sky and closed my eyes. When I opened it, rain started. Using too much of my powers can cost my life but these ninjas left me no choice.

Till my last breath, I'd still choose to gave ip my life to save everyone. The war is still ongoing, many of us were now killed and dead. Their bodies were on the ground.

The nation that was full of laughter is now bathing on its people's blood. I feel so tired, but I will not give up this easily.

"You should gave up already Jia. Marry me and be the queen of my kingdom." I heard a voice from my back. I turned around to see a man standing while playing with a shadow blade. He's playing with the the dagger, rotating it on his fingers.

"You know I can't do that Yinying."

"You know you can, if you just wanted to." He said and throws the dagger towards me but I just dodge it and throws him a spear made out of water.

It might look like it's easy to break but it was strong as a diamond. Yinying Is a smart opponent. He knows how his target will make a move. That is why I have to be careful.

He let out his huge shadow sword and I summoned my trident as well. He was the one who killed my father that is why I know him and I'm aware of his skills and abilities.

Our weapons met. We battling each other as if we owned the battlefield. I should win this with all I have. I will not let him killed any of my love ones anymore.

"Say Yes to me my love, And I shall give the freedom you want."


"Then Die!" He pushed me and kick me on my stomach that made me fell on the ground. He then jumped towards my place and he was ready to strike his sword on me.

I turned around to doge his attack but He caught my hair and forced me to face him. He out his right hand on my neck and stranggled me. He even lifted me and I can't even feel the ground anymore.

"Say Yes!" He shouted as he tightened his hold on my hair and on my neck.

I started to gasped for air. I can't focus but I was able to liquify myself and was freed from his hands. While I was in a liquid form I set a water trap under his location. He was trapped inside.

I was about to kill him with my trident but he opened a shadow portal. I heard him laugh.

"Do you think I was that weak?"

He said from the portal. I can hear him even from other dimension.

"A fool!" He called me a fool for almost killing him.

"Don't Hide from me Yinying!"

I shouted as I suddenly felt a presence on my right side.

"Oh I will." He tried to trap me again but I jumped away from him but I did a wrong move and It was too late to realize.

That was a shadow clone and the real one was behind me. He trapped my body using his shadows and I can't even move now. I fell on the ground trying hard to free myself.