
Fortune of Hell - Blood Moon Pirates

When a person has pushed to the limits of their mental capability they either break and turn animalistic or find another solution, a way to push their limits, this has been seen well before Joyboy and will be seen well after the destruction of the World Government, this is just one example of someone pushed to their limits but then given hope, a chance at becoming more. A slave who was willing to die just to get back at the people who caused his imprisonment was given the potential to become powerful and he leapt at the chance. **** One Piece belongs to Eiichiro Oda and his amazing team, this is just my twist on the story I will post when I can be bothered could be once a week, could be once a month This is not an isekai and the Main Character will NEVER join the Straw Hat pirates Any questions just ask, I'll provide almost any question with an answer Enjoy and leave a review : D

PainsSpeedster33 · Anime und Comics
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Owari's Helish Past pt2

* * - Sound

" " - Speach

^ ^ - Thought

Third Person

As the large explosion went off the blade and the Celestial Dragon known as Mjosgard fell to the ground, Owari's eyes widened as for a second the thought of freedom ran through his mind ^Freedom... but I only ever thought of that as a joke, but what if I can escape, what if... I can get back on the parents who put me in this horrible life^ Owari's mind filled up with thoughts of another life where he wasn't constantly chained down, he dived for the blade grabbing it.

The sword was heavy in his hands and was pointed to the ground but it was still better than his weak fists, he looked out one of the large windows in this large office-like room, chaos was raging on outside, with each second that passed freedom was starting to seem more and more likely to Owari ^Freedom... Free at last... Escape from this hell... Revenge... Nice food... Nice clothes... Strength...^

As he was stuck in his own thoughts the female servant, who was very much a government official assigned with being a servant of Donquixote Mjosgard "Sa-save me-e you stup-pid bitch!!" the Arrogant Celestial Dragon Screamed out in a voice of fear after having lost his weapon and seeing his city, the city of Gods, the city of the Celestial Dragons in a blaze.

The female servant looked at him on the ground tears starting to form, pure terror in his eyes, she bent down saying one phrase. "We government agents only work for you because of one reason: Fear of what would happen if we didn't, however now they are going to be more concerned on the other Celestial Dragons closer to the scene so I can kill you and blame it on escaping Slaves." a grin went over her face as she turned her head making eye contact with Owari.

"Run, find freedom, away from these sleazy waste of existence pieces of shit." As soon as she finished her speech, Owari was off, dragging a heavy weapon behind him and thoughts of the person or incident that saved him flashed through his head, why had the fire and explosions erupted, he didn't know but his interest had peaked but more importantly he needed to find a way out.

As he was running as fast as he could with the sword, which was actually just walking, he went past the room in which he had stayed in for most of his life, thoughts of the Fishmen and other slaves that were trapped there rushed through his head, he couldn't just leave them here, could he?

There wasn't time to think, he worked on instinct he ran to the door, it had a lever-like lock on the outside, Owari went over, dropped the sword to the ground, and pulled it down with all his strength. *Click* the door unlocked and Owari pulled on the handle to open the door. *Creak* it opened with a large and dramatic sound, Owari put his head inside the door, most slaves didn't even look up, they had all lost their will to live.

"*Gulp* Hel-hello!" Owari shouted into the small room filled with over two hundred bodies, the half-alive slaves looked up at the door, some recognizing the voice, others just wondering what the shaking was earlier but all their faces were still blank like their very souls had been ripped from them, "Th-is place is in-n panic, something or someone is attacking, WE CAN ESCAPE FROM THIS HELLHOLE!!"

In the eyes of the ones who had been here the longest tears started to build up in their eyes. Freedom was a chance. The strongest of them moved to the door, leading the weakest with them. Now with over two hundred past slaves, they stormed to find a security room to get keys for their chains, from there they could find an exit.

It only took around 10 minutes in this huge Palace to find a security room, where they unlocked their chains and started the search for an exit of some sort. As they were looking around, searching, Owari broke off from the group, trying to find his own way out. He only let the other slaves out as it just didn't sit right with him to let others suffer more, just like he had.

As he was looking he found something, the sleeping chambers of another Celestial Dragon, thoughts rushed his head, sure he had just ran from the main person who put him through hell, but if he could just get back at them, his life would be a partial success then all that would be needed to do was find anyone else who wanted him in that situation and kill them.

A wicked grin appeared on his face, his pupils which were once a light red turned into a deep dark red which seemed close to blood, his body was still skin and bone but the thoughts of murder made him not seem to care, it was like he thought he could kill a God.

He crept forward and grabbed a torch off the wall, each step towards the door felt both frightening and exciting. As he reached the door he pulled the handle down and opened it, the door opened smoothly without even a slight creak unlike the door to the slaves' sleeping hall. As he stepped inside he saw a young female Celestial Dragon in bed, she was clearly scared having heard the explosions outside that had been going on for almost twenty five minutes now.

She looked scared for her life, she crouched up inside her pure white bedding, holding the bedding up to her face like she was trying to disappear. Owari froze sure he had planned to kill the Celestial Dragon but the comparison between him begging for his life and this girl scared almost put him off from doing it. The key word being almost.

All the torture he had suffered, all the pain he had gone from came from three different sets of people. First his parents for selling him. Second the government for not doing anything to help and even causing him more pain. Finally, the Celestial Dragons who tormented him day after day after day after day, now he could start his revenge.

"You-you and your evil, corrupt group of so-called Gods deserve to suffer as I have!" Owari yelled, his voice raw with anger and rage, as he chucked the torch onto the bed with a small smile on his face. Screams of pain and fear for her life came from the girl as he stared at her burning alive only brought out of his thoughts by the sounds of explosions outside.

Owari left the room with an evil smile on his face, fire in his eyes, the memory of the body burning constantly going through and through his head. After about two minutes of running around, he found the exit, the doors forced open. He ran straight through the door not noticing the dead slaves around him.

As he got outside he saw bodies upon bodies upon bodies of murdered slaves with a group of three people all wearing white suits, weird masks and different white hats, they stood in front of Owari and stared him down. "Slave 287 under Donquixote Mjosgard, you can either die here or go back and be a good little slave." says the middle of the three men.



Owari's heart becomes loud. Owari's soul drops. Owari's face shows fear. ^No... No.. No. No, No, No, No No No!!! This can't be happening. I need to escape. I need to get revenge. I will kill anyone that gets in my way.^ almost without thought Owari steps back...

Drops to the ground and grabs a sword that was lying there, it is still heavy but Owari doesn't care, either they die and he escapes or his life was meaningless but that can't be the case, Juk didn't die for nothing, Owari would prove that.

He jumped off the ground, the sword scratching the ground beneath him as it was still too heavy to carry. "I will kill anyone who stands between me and vengeance, cause I am a hero," Owari says with a smile on his face as he glares at the three cp zero.

He takes one step forward and they soru towards him in the blink of an eye he is slashed down, and blood erupts from his body covering the area around him. "Well, makes sense such a stupid child wouldn't go back," the cp zero agent that was in the middle says "we should go inside, I wonder if the slaves killed any Dragons." the 3 agents walk inside leaving Owari for dead.

^No, this isn't the end, I won't die^ Owari thought in his final moments his head facing the sky, he heard the screams and chaos, and he saw smoke and bits of fire in the sky with one final breath he screams "I WON'T DIE HERE!!!"

Eight Weeks Later

Owari's eyes open, his body feels hungry but he's used to that, his body is in pain but that is normal, only one thing goes through his head. "Was it..." he asks out loud "was it all a dream?"

"Ahh, so you're awake," a man clearly growing old, his long blonde was turning grey, a small smile on his face "no, no it wasn't all a dream, welcome to Sabaody Archipelago."

To be continued in Owari's Helish Past pt3