
chapter 9

" what he left for England " said Amelia.

yeah for college" said

",Did Felix call you " asked stephen

Amelia shrugged her shoulders and look

down. She was heart broken.

5 years later:

It was the graduation day and Amelia

Was missing Felix so much .

she hasn't seen Felix for 5 years

After graduation it was amelia's 21 birthday.

She was crying in her room Clara enter to her room and saw Amelia crying she came

Towards her and sat next to her on bed.

"Happy birthday my dear daughter" said Clara. But Amelia didn't say anything.

"can you tell me dear , what happened?"

asked clara.

"I lost someone " cried Amelia.

"Who"asked clara.

"I can't tell his name " said Clara.

"Are you missing him" asked clara

"Yeah because he always remind me about sky and ocean." Said Amelia.

"I came here to tell you that Stephen is waiting for you downstairs "said Clara.

Amelia went downstairs and saw Stephen wearing black suit with tie.

" what happened to you you are looking like a toilet cleaner ,dummy it's your

Birthday , go get ready I have surprise

For you " laughed Stephen.

Clara (chuckled ). " let me help you to get ready " said Clara.

She was ready she get downstairs she was

Looking stunning in a splendid blue blue dress.

"Are you ready ? " asked Stephen .

Amelia nod her head.

Stephen took Amelia to the fancy restaurant.

"Amelia I want to say something to you"

Said Stephen.

"Yeah " said Amelia.

" Amelia I think I'm in love with you " said


Amelia looked at him with a perfect silence

She broke down into tears and

said"Stephen , I love Felix not you and I want to meet him just one last time ".

"Is that what you want " said Stephen.

Amelia nod her head. Amelia could feel

His heart beat.

" but we can stay friends,right"said Stephen.

Stephen tears fell on Amelia hand." Please

Don't cry , Stephen please stop" said Amelia.

" it's your birthday let's cut the cake" said


Amelia smiled..



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