
Football/Soccer: I am the best

Some people say, if God closes a door, he will open a window for you. A man dies of one of the most hated diseases on earth. Cancer. He spent his last days with his family and died while watching the World Cup. He suddenly woke up in another world as a new born baby in a bavarian(located in Germany) city. He had three templates in his mind. Thierry Henry Phillip Lahm Roberto Rivellino I want a few templates you don't see every day. I never heard of a Lahm template or a Henry template. Lahm was the captain of World Cup 2014 Germany. He never got a red card, even though he was a great defender. And Henry without a doubt was a great striker, with his crazy speed and shots. And about Rivellino, he is a perfect fit for the last template. I think this is enough. He will play RV, but will often play as a kind of winger with his speed. And maybe he will play completely as a winger. The reader can decide.

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I hate this shit

Soon after all nations that advanced to the knockouts were chosen.

The nations were as follows.

Group A: 1. Uruguay 2. Russia

Group B: 1. Spain 2. Portugal

Group C: 1. France 2. Denmark

Group D: 1. Croatia 2. Argentina

Group E: 1. Brazil 2. Switzerland

Group F: 1. Germany 2. South Korea

Group G: 1. Belgium 2. England

Group H: 1. Columbia 2. Japan

We qualified as first as we had more goals than them. We had the same points. Same goal difference. Draw in the direct confrontation.

We played against second of Group E, meaning Switzerland. 

The game started not boring, but interesting. With both teams getting a yellow card in the first 10 minutes. Both tactical fouls.

It didn't take long for the first goal to happen.

Kimmich on the right side passed the ball to Reus on the wing. Reus crossed, the ball didn't come to Werner, because Sommer jumped out and caught it with both hands. After that was a series of strong and quick passing of the Swiss ending with Shaqiri shooting the 0:1.

Shortly before halftime we equalised.

It happened through a corner.

Sule, who started instead of Boateng shook his head and the ball was in the net. 

Nothing happened anymore and both teams went into the locker room.

After coming out both teams played less aggressive and it started to get boring. 

In the 71st minute, we got an opportunity to counterattack. 

The newly subbed in Sane started to run and run. He was very fast for the average player. I am considered one of the few that are faster than him.


After nearing the penalty area, he cut in, made a fake shot, turned around and shot into the near corner.

The ball went into the net even if Sommer was still on the ball with his fingertips.

This went on till the 90th minute.


A long-range shot from Xhaka. Under the crossbar, nothing Neuer could do. 

The game went into extra-time with a 2-2.

Nothing major happened in extra-time and it went into penalties.

The first to shoot was us. 

The first penalty shooter was Muller, who was subbed on in extra time.

He calmly shot the ball onto the lower left corner. Sommer jumped to the right.

The first swiss shooter was Xhaka. He shot with extreme power on the right side. Neuer guessed the right side but couldn't reach the ball.

The second shooter was Werner who scored.

The second swiss shooter was Seferovic who scored. 

This went on till the 4-4.

Boateng shot the middle right. Sommer guessed right and managed to save the penalty.

I was very nervous. Now it all came down to Neuer. 

He was up against Shaqiri. An ex-Bayern player. They were once teammates, but now enemies.

Shaqiri shoots to the middle of the right side of the goal with middle height.

Neuer jumped to the right side and somehow managed to save the shot with his leg.

The 6th shooter was Draxler. He shot with power. He missed the goal. He shooted above the crossbar.

The next shooter of Switzerland was Akanji.

Akanji ran and shot. Upper left corner. Neuer guessed the right corner. Akanjis shot was better placed than Draxlers and the swiss team advanced.

On the stands

At the moment I saw this. I hated it. It felt like disappointing your country. I just stared straight for five minutes. I hated this feeling. I hate this shit. Why did we need to lose. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

I didnt come to consciousness until the one next to me tapped me on the shoulder.

My stare was broadcast onto the billboard. 

In the future, this stare would often be called the most famous "Death stare".

After the World Cup we went home. 

In the end France won the World Cup 4-2 against dark horse Croatia.


The next chapter will be a casual Chapter. There won't be much about football there. I will try to write more of these in the future.