
Football: Reverse Growth Superstar

The story is set as Lucas Silva, a Brazilian, found himself traveling in the body of another professional with dual nationality, Lucas Silva Thompson. Lucas Silva Thompson is a player who's playing his first professional season at 22 due to wasting time at the academy; he is currently playing at Brentford, a League One team, although his situation doesn't seem good. Thanks to the help of the original owner's friend, he quickly adapted to the new change. When he was worried about whether he could play a career despite having the physical body of a professional player, that's when he suddenly saw a text in front of him. [The ability of X-Y in the 2023-2024 has been Injected.] When he saw the players from whom he gained the ability, he was shocked and delighted; it was a Champions League Level player and World Cup winner, after all. Watch how the story unfolds, especially when he understands that by training, he would be able to achieve a peak that surpassed that of a player who played two Champions League finals and the World Cup final. ___________________________ Also, the author hopes you can understand that the story is set in a parallel world; there will definitely be many changes for the story to be better. Also, don't forget that it's just a fictional story purely based on the author's imagination; all the players, clubs, and some real-life other uses are only based on the author's imagination, not really the reality, just to make up a better story.

Al_Azzidine_Barka · Sport
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Chapter 4: Brentford

Brentford FC is an unremarkable team in the English Football League One (third division).

This club has never won any major honors, nor has it produced any world-class players. Even the history of this team at its current level is relatively short.

In 2005, Brentford was struggling financially, and many doubted whether they could stay afloat in professional football. Despite this, they fought on, moving to a new training ground in 2007, hoping to improve their fortunes. The goal was to attract attention from bigger clubs in the Premier League and to become a feeder club for one of the top teams.

But the reality was harsh. Brentford had no formal affiliation with any Premier League team. Without significant financial backing, clubs like Brentford often struggle to survive in the lower leagues, let alone thrive.

It is precisely because Brentford is not affiliated with any top-tier club that players here must stand out to catch the eye of scouts from higher divisions.

Those who remain at Brentford are all aiming to make it to the top leagues.

Lucas had just finished his breakfast when he heard a car horn honking from downstairs of his modest apartment. Living on the third floor, he peered out the window and spotted a worn-out Ford parked below.

He had made plans with his friend, Reggie, the previous day to train together at the club's facilities. Reggie was punctual, as always. In Lucas's memory, Reggie had always been a reliable friend.

Lucas took a deep breath, knowing that today marked his first official training session with Brentford. Although he had inherited the memories of the previous Lucas, this was his first personal experience. Naturally, he felt a bit nervous.

But then he recalled his performance on the mini-pitch yesterday and felt more at ease. If he truly possessed the skills of Marco Reus from 2023-24, even in his twilight years, he should be more than capable of excelling in League One!

Reus, even in the latter stages of his career, still managed to contribute significantly in the Bundesliga and the Champions League. A player of that caliber should have no trouble making an impact in the third division of English football.

Lucas clenched his fists, determined to seize this opportunity and earn a contract in a higher league this season.


"I couldn't sleep last night," Reggie began to complain as soon as Lucas got into the car.


"I was blown away by your performance. When did you start shooting so accurately? And your physicality… you haven't changed in size, but you seem so much stronger," Reggie said, still in disbelief over Lucas's transformation on the pitch.

Yesterday, Lucas had not only been clinical in his shooting but had also demonstrated an impressive range of skills. They ended the session with a small-sided game, and Reggie found himself struggling against Lucas's newfound strength and finesse. It was as if Lucas had transformed overnight into a player far beyond the League One level.

"Hey, I worked hard yesterday, and you were just warming up during the game, which is why you couldn't handle me. You know, Coach Connor hasn't been too happy with me lately, so I need to stay sharp," Lucas said with a grin.

"You're right. In the last match, you gave the ball away twice as soon as you came on, and your training hasn't been great either. Coach Connor isn't a bad guy, but you've been… lacking. Today's session is important, Lucas. I hope you can replicate what you did yesterday."

"I'll give it my all. With a great training partner like you, how could I not improve?" Lucas replied, extending his fist. Reggie smiled knowingly and bumped fists with his Brazilian teammate.

It seemed that Lucas had grown accustomed to having such a close friend in Reggie.

After a short drive, they arrived at the training ground, which also served as Brentford's home, Griffin Park.

Although Brentford was not affiliated with a Premier League club, they still had a respectable home ground. Griffin Park, while not as grand as the stadiums in the top flight, had a charm of its own, with a capacity of around 12,000 spectators.

"Hey, Reggie, didn't you sleep last night? Look at those dark circles."

"Reggie, you came with Lucas?"

"Morning, Reggie. How are you feeling today?"

As they entered the training ground, many of the players greeted Lucas and Reggie. Lucas looked around at the professional players on the field, his eyes filled with determination.

These players were the best in many places, but in England, they were just part of a third-division team. It was a stark reminder of how fiercely competitive English football was and how tough it would be to climb to the top; after all, even players like Vardy, Ben White, and Viktor Gyokores started in the lower division before fame.

Lucas nodded at his teammates one by one. The previous Lucas had been quiet and reserved, not one to cause trouble or draw much attention. As a result, he hadn't been isolated by his teammates, but he also hadn't formed any strong bonds. Reggie was the only one who had taken the time to befriend him.

Of course, not everyone on the team was friendly toward Lucas. Just as Lucas and Reggie were about to head to the locker room, a burly white player with a shaved head emerged.

This guy looked anything but friendly, with a face that screamed aggression rather than the elegance one might expect from a bully. Upon seeing Lucas, the player grinned mockingly, "Hey, Silva, healed up already? Watch your back, mate. I didn't mean to hurt you last time, but you're just too damn fragile."

Lucas knew that "fragile" wasn't just a comment on his physicality. It carried a deeper insult, one that was tied to his ethnicity and background. It was the kind of slur that stung as much as any physical blow.

"Enough, Joel! Leave him alone, we're teammates, remember?" Reggie intervened, pushing the burly player away to protect Lucas.

"Haha, alright, I'll back off for now. But on the training pitch, Silva, you're fair game." Joel shrugged and walked off toward the field.

Joel Rockman, a former youth player at Everton Academy, a Premier League team academy, had seen his career stall out in the lower leagues. Once touted as a promising talent, he played in the Premier League; he was now just another journeyman trying to claw his way back to the top. His aggressive style and bullish attitude had earned him a reputation, but he was far from the star he had once dreamed of becoming.

In a team like Brentford, where every player was fighting for their chance, friendships were often secondary to rivalry. Especially between players who played in the same position. In League One, everyone was focused on playing well enough to get noticed by bigger clubs. That meant teammates in the same position were more like competitors.

That's why Joel didn't like Lucas much. Bullying the young Brazilian in training was his way of asserting dominance and securing his starting spot. And only by being in the starting eleven could he hope to catch the eye of scouts.

A couple of days ago, during training, Joel had gone in hard on Lucas, sending him crashing to the ground and knocking him out cold. It was a dirty move, but Joel didn't care—he saw Lucas as a threat to his position.

"Don't pay any attention to him," Reggie said, trying to comfort Lucas as they entered the locker room. "Guys like him always think they're better than everyone else. Just focus on your training, and you'll be fine."

"It's okay, I don't care what that idiot says," Lucas waved his hand dismissively. He wasn't the kind of person to get worked up over a few insults.

After all, this was no comic book. In the real world, Lucas knew he had to be smart, not just strong.

Reggie gave Lucas a curious look. The old Lucas had been a bit of a pushover, but something had changed in him since his injury. He seemed more confident, more determined.

"Of course," Lucas said as he pulled on his training gear, "I'm not going to let him push me around. You're right, I should focus on training. And then, I'll make sure he regrets messing with me."

Lucas had never heard of a player named Joel Rockman before, and that told him everything he needed to know. Joel had never made it to the big leagues, never made a name for himself.

A player like that wanted to take on someone with Marco Reus's ability? Lucas didn't think so. It wasn't arrogance—it was simply a matter of knowing his own capabilities.

Maybe the old Lucas had been an easy target, but things were different now. If Joel wanted a fight, he'd get one, but it wouldn't end the way he expected.

Lucas was ready to prove himself, not just to his teammates, but to everyone who had ever doubted him.

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