
Football: Reverse Growth Superstar

The story is set as Lucas Silva, a Brazilian, found himself traveling in the body of another professional with dual nationality, Lucas Silva Thompson. Lucas Silva Thompson is a player who's playing his first professional season at 22 due to wasting time at the academy; he is currently playing at Brentford, a League One team, although his situation doesn't seem good. Thanks to the help of the original owner's friend, he quickly adapted to the new change. When he was worried about whether he could play a career despite having the physical body of a professional player, that's when he suddenly saw a text in front of him. [The ability of X-Y in the 2023-2024 has been Injected.] When he saw the players from whom he gained the ability, he was shocked and delighted; it was a Champions League Level player and World Cup winner, after all. Watch how the story unfolds, especially when he understands that by training, he would be able to achieve a peak that surpassed that of a player who played two Champions League finals and the World Cup final. ___________________________ Also, the author hopes you can understand that the story is set in a parallel world; there will definitely be many changes for the story to be better. Also, don't forget that it's just a fictional story purely based on the author's imagination; all the players, clubs, and some real-life other uses are only based on the author's imagination, not really the reality, just to make up a better story.

Al_Azzidine_Barka · Sport
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17 Chs

Chapter 14: Philippe Coutinho

2 goals, 2 assists, and 4 Key passes are perfect stats, no matter the player.

Even Lucas Silva himself couldn't believe his debut would be this successful.

Heads-up against Reggie's defense in street football, and blasting Joel in the training session had never made Lucas feel so invincible. But today's victory on the pitch gave him a newfound confidence. The adrenaline from scoring two goals and two assists in an EFL Trophy match against Arsenal's Reserve Team was coursing through his veins. It felt like he had proven something not just to the fans, but to himself.

In fact, something has changed in Lucas at this moment, something that even obtaining the ability of Reus in his twilight couldn't change; it was his mentality; he now has the mentality of a winner, although only for one game.

The final whistle blew, and the entire crowd, even though only a few thousand, stood up and applauded the 22-year-old half-Brazilian. For Lucas, this was the first real peak of his football career in England.

"Haha, I knew you had it in you! Two assists and two goals? You must've caught the eyes of some Premier League scouts for sure!" laughed Reggie; in fact, he forgot that he also performed the same stats.

Lucas gave a modest grin, feeling the rush of excitement but trying to stay grounded. "It's only the start, Reggie. We've still got a long road to go." He patted Reggie on the back, but couldn't help but soak in the fans' cheers.

As for the much-hyped Arsenal talent Diego Vargas? He was nowhere to be seen after Lucas outplayed him throughout the match. The rule of competition is simple: today's hero shines while yesterday's is forgotten.

After shaking hands with the opposition, Lucas's coach, Connor, approached Arsenal's reserve team coach, who cast a curious glance toward Lucas.

"Where did you find that kid? He tore us apart today," the Arsenal coach muttered, half-amazed, half-annoyed.

Connor grinned proudly. "This Brazilian kid came to us himself. He has been playing in the academy and the youth league for some time; now, it seems that it's finally the moment for him to shine; he keeps playing like that; I wouldn't be surprised if bigger clubs start knocking."

"Brazil, huh? The place that made Kaka, Ronaldinho... Seems like this one's got the magic too."

Connor's eyes remained on Lucas, who was now laughing with his teammates, water bottles being sprayed over his head. He knew that tonight marked the beginning of something great. Brentford would surely draw attention now. They weren't just another lower-division team anymore; they had a star in the making.

Back in the locker room, Lucas sat down on the bench, still in disbelief. Three days ago, he was just a normal young man watching football games on TV and someone who couldn't even make it to the local team; today, he had taken down one of the top reserve teams in England.

"Oi, Lucas!" shouted Reggie from the showers. "Don't sit there starin' at your boots! Join the celebration!"

Lucas chuckled and was about to get up when his phone buzzed on the bench next to him. He hadn't even thought about his phone the past few days; he wasn't familiar with the old Lucas's contact after all and was also too caught up in preparing for the match.

He picked it up and stared at the name flashing on the screen: "Coutinho."

Lucas froze for a second. Coutinho was someone he had played in Vasco da Gama for 2 years, a future world-class player more known as Philippe Coutinho. They had trained together most of the time during Lucas's early days in Brazil before coming to Brentford, but to get a call now, right after his first major match in England? He didn't think it was random.

Taking a deep breath, he answered the phone.

"Oi, Lucas! I watched your game on the internet. 2 goals and 2 assists, huh? You sure you ain't tryin' to steal my fame?" Philippe laughed on the other end of the line.

Lucas grinned, feeling both nervous and excited. "Obrigado, Philippe. But I'm just tryin' to survive out here, and I have to make you remember I'm more famous than you currently."

"Survive? Man, with performances like that, you'll be thriving in no time just like me. Just keep your head on straight and stay humble. I've been where you are, and trust me, this is only the beginning. The real challenge comes after."

Lucas's feels a little weird. To hear those words from Coutinho himself... it was hard to put into words. "I won't let it get to my head. Thank you for your support. It means a lot, really."

"Anytime, irmão. Just keep scoring those goals. Who knows, maybe one day we'll be facing off in the Premier League. Take care!"

After they hung up, Lucas sat in silence for a moment, still processing the conversation. Philippe himself had watched his match. That was when it hit him—he wasn't just some unknown kid from Brazil anymore. He was on the radar now.

His phone buzzed again. This time, it was from his mother, who was back home in São Paulo.

"Meu filho! I saw the game! Your father and I are so proud of you! But remember to call home more often. Your father has been worried sick since you moved to England!"

Lucas smiled. Although not his original parents but they had sacrificed so much for him to be here, and though he had lost contact with them in the three days he was reincarnated, it seems they never stopped supporting him. "I'll call more, mãe. I promise. And tell Pai I'm doing fine. I'll visit as soon as I can."

His mother continued to fuss over him for a few minutes before hanging up with her usual "Take care of yourself!"

Lucas leaned back against the locker and stared up at the ceiling. He was living his dream, but he knew this was only the start. He had a long way to go before reaching the Premier League, but today had been a big step in the right direction.

Just as he was about to join his teammates in celebration, his phone rang one more time. The caller ID showed a number he didn't recognize.

"Hello?" Lucas answered, unsure of who it could be.

"Hi, Lucas Silva? My name's Jonathan Matthews. I represent several young footballers in Europe. I heard about your performance tonight and wanted to see if you're looking for an agent."

Lucas hesitated. An agent? Already? He hadn't even thought about that yet. But here was his first offer, barely minutes after the match ended.

"I... uh, I'm not sure yet. I haven't thought about it."

"That's understandable," Jonathan replied smoothly. "But you're going to want someone in your corner, especially after tonight's performance. You've caught the attention of more than a few clubs, and I can help make sure you get the best opportunities."

Lucas didn't respond right away. It all seemed too fast. Yesterday, he was just a Brentford young player trying to prove himself, and now, agents were already calling? It was overwhelming.

"I'll think about it," Lucas finally said, trying to buy some time.

"No rush," Jonathan said with a friendly tone. "Just keep my number. When you're ready to take the next step, give me a call."

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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