
Flirting with Death

"I am death itself" He whispered and the girl beneath him on the bed clutched her dress in fear, which made him chuckle deeply. "And although I want to have you, it is forbidden for the living to copulate with the dead" .... It was her last assignment before her promotion as a secret agent- to find out everything she could about Mr. Dominic Grey. A man who was rumored to be darkness itself. What will happen when Marianne Quinn finds out more about this darkness than she is supposed to and the darkness enchains her in a way that her life is now linked with his?

Silksiren · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Too cliche

The sun was shining through her blinds causing Marianne to stir. Usually, waking up was a no-frills duty for Marianne; she was a sunup person after all. She snorted when the first ray of sunlight hit her face.

She had slept late the last night, thinking of the best way to get close to Dominic.

Sighing, she got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to have her bath

If it was about seducing, Marianne was zero at it. Unlike Lina, Marianne was too naive about sexual aspects and it made her sad. If only she knew how to seduce a man. She thought.

Marianne sniffed in the tub as she consoled herself.

'I'm going to visit Lina today, she'll enlighten me on how to seduce you, Master Dominic Grey.. Just you wait'


"Pfft, seduce him? How do you plan to do it?" Lina asked as she grinned. It was practically like she just heard the funniest joke in a lifetime. The girls arranged to meet at a cafeteria close to Lina's house. "I don't mean to discourage you, Mari.. But isn't there another way out? I mean, seducing Dominic? That's so ridiculous"

Marianne pursed her lips as she looked at her friend unbelievably. She had come to Lina for advice on how to seduce a man since that was Lina's field of specialty.

"What do you mean? Am I so bad-looking not to even seduce that guy?" Marianne asked as she pouted her lips frustratingly.

"No no no. Who said so? You're so alluring that so many men would die to be with you... But even with my charms, I don't think I'll be able to seduce that guy. He doesn't even look like a person into women," Lina yelled.

"I think you're wrong, Lina. I saw him.. Umm," Marianne stammered as her cheeks flushed red. "He was making out with.. Um.. Never mind, just tell me what to do"

Lina chuckled at her friend's naive attitude

"Sigh! You're really frustrating me, Mari. Nevertheless, can you do it if I tell you?" Lina asked as she quirked her brows.

"Just tell me already," Marianne yelled as she pouted her lip in frustration. Lina rubbed her temple... Sigh! "Alright then, if you insist"


The day was dull and gloomy due to the impending rain that threatened to fall. Even though Marianne had tried avoiding it, Georgia insisted on getting Marianne a ride.

A few minutes after Marianne reached the mansion, the rain began to pour. Sighing, Marianne hurriedly walked to her room. All Lina did was beat around the bush. Seducing Dominic was something daring. Reaching for the door, she pushed it in and got inside her room. The day had truly been hectic. She sat on her bed as she began to think.

Was Dominic truly not a lover of women? If so, why was he making out with that lady?

Marianne bit her bottom lip gently as she thought hard.

Sighing, she ruffled her hair and took off her clothes, and headed for the bathroom


After having her bath, she slipped into a jean skirt and polo as she wondered when she would stop wearing Georgia's clothes. She got outside of her room and arranged herself well. The skirt she had picked was very much above her knees. One thing she had learned online was men loved sexy women... Exposing her body would make her sexy right? She questioned herself.

Looking ahead, her heart leaped. It was Dominic who leaned on the wall close to the exit door of the hallway. His disheveled dark hair fell on his face, creating a dark shade. He looked scary, even though his eyes were shut. Clutching her skirt, she moved closer while her heart raced. Marianne silently prayed for him to move away from the door, but it wasn't happening. Her face lit up as a brilliant thought graced her mind and her lips carved up into a small smile.

She had read this scene in so many romance books and even watched it in some movies. She was about to practicalize intentionally falling on Dominic's body.. 'Then he would hold my waist, I'll stare deep into his eyes, and..and..'

She inwardly jubilated as she tiptoed to him. Being a few meters away from him, she did it...


Her eyes widened. She had fallen. What just happened? She asked herself.

In the space of a few seconds, she had planned everything.. How come?

She looked up to meet his eyes which were narrowed at her. This man wasn't romantic at all. He couldn't even catch her when she was about to fall. Instead.. Instead, he let her fall.

What sort of a person was Dominic?

"You're no gentleman," Marianne cursed under her breath. His lips curved up gently as he smirked.

"I'm not gentle, neither am I your regular kind of man, Miss Quinn," he said in a low voice and she pouted angrily. "Besides, that's too cliche, Miss Quinn. There are better ways to get my attention," he added as he opened the door and walked away, leaving Marianne dumbfounded.

His words - 'better ways to get my attention' made Marianne's cheek flush red. Did he discover what she was about to do? Gosh! What sort of a thing is this? She asked herself.

Picking herself from the floor, Marianne opened the door which lead to another hallway.. Her stomach rumbled as she made her way to the dining room.


Georgia, Oliver, and Dominic were present in the room when Marianne stepped in.

"Phew! I was planning on coming to your room,"

Georgia said as she sighed in relief.

"Oh, I was busy clothing up," Marianne replied with a small smile." Please sit, let's eat"

As usual, the dining room was eerily quiet until Oliver broke the silence.

"Dominic, Sir Rufus invited us all to his housewarming party. It also marks his anniversary with his wife. Won't you attend?" Oliver asked as he dropped his spoon, expecting Dominic's answer.

"Rufus," Dominic uttered in a flat voice as if he was remembering the man who bore that name. "I won't. I'm also aware that it is strictly a couple's party. I have to go with a female"

Oliver rolled his eyes. He knew exactly where Dominic was heading.

"I can arrange for a lady, Dominic. There are so many ladies out there who would die to go with you even if it's on short notice. Besides, it would be bad if you do not go. Sir Rufus has done a lot for us," Georgia spoke calmly as she gazed at Dominic.

"He did nothing for me, Georgia. Why don't you go instead?" Dominic asked as he raised a brow.

"I would have loved to, but I and Oliver have serious business tomorrow. We won't be able to grace it," Georgia replied. "Think of it, Dominic. The girl is just the ticket. I'll get you a girl, you use her to get in then dump her"

Dominic closed his eyes as if pondering on what Georgia said.

"And you think they'll be foolish enough to ask nothing in return. The last time, the girl who helped me with some stuff requested I go on a date with her... How irritating," Dominic said in a cold voice.

"If only there was someone who would go without asking anything in return, I'll go to the so-called party"

"I'll go.. Yes, I will go with you, Master Dominic Grey. I request nothing in return," Marianne suddenly interfered, and for the second time that day, Dominic's eyes narrowed at her

I am sorry I haven't been able to update for some time. I had some issues with my account but I'm back now.

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