
Flat-Brim Samurai

Apollo Musashi, the main character is a hard worker. Training each day to get stronger and stronger. He has aspirations of being above everything and has the will to make it happen. With this story I dream of bringing back old Shounen and characters that are mean in just the right way. I've seen many new shows try to make their characters as nice as possible, and although I'm making my character nice, he going to be a bit of a pain in the ass. I'm going to try to make the most realistic characters I can make within the confines of this verse. I watch most things nowadays realizing many of these character are just too unbelievably nice with no outbursts and I find that entirely unrealistic. No, I'm not going to have a harem for the main character, because that too I believe is entirely unrealistic from the real world. Without a further adue, I hope you like it.

MLGLodog · Fantasie
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60 Chs

Flat-Brim Samurai Chapter 35

Flat-Brim Samurai Chapter 35

Training for the tournament would now begin, after breakfast Apollo entered the dojo. Apollo started out with a quick workout into a light jog. When he got back his father was standing in the dojo, ready to teach. Kenji started talking to Apollo ,"I know you have good basics, but now we're going to refine them till they're second nature." He started with something Apollo wasn't as good at…Jiu-Jitsu grappling." A lot of what they started to do was to just practice a few positions including top mount, side control, guard and the smaller positions like kesa-gatame. Apollo started to complain a little bit ,"Why aren't I learning submissions?" Kenji replied ,"You're thinking too aggressively, I know Noah is strong but to grapple, like an artist, you need to be able to understand the canvas before you paint."

Apollo was beginning to understand his fathers wisdom as he continued to grapple. Kenji gave out 2 invitations to train. He had invited Cias's father and Cias himself. To help with the training he thought it'd be a good idea to invite another very good practitioner (Mr. Kain AKA Christopher Kain).  Chris Brought his knowledge of martial arts and his own son. His son's training was very important to him, and to find someone similar to him and his son was pleasant.

Cias and Apollo started to practice, now it was time to start refining the submissions. Arm bars, leg locks, rear nakeds, omoplatas and etc. were being taught and learned at blinding speeds. It was only the first day but they had already learned so much. The speed at which the duo learned techniques was insane but not unforeseen. For how long they'd already been practitioning, it was almost second nature to copy and paste information to their brains. Kenji was talking to Chris ,"Did we pass on like a martial arts gene or what?" ,"Right," Chris replied.

Then they decided it was time to cheat a little bit, of course it was nice to do this much training like this but there was an "Easier technique". With that, Kenji and Chris activated Art: Information Translation to send out a lot of information about martial arts. Because of this Apollo and Cias screamed out in pain ,"AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!" The information was a lot for them but they could handle the pain placed on their minds and souls…

After a few hours of pain had passed, their brains fully accepted the information. But even then, it was time to learn yet another Art. Art: Memory Amplification which increased the retention of information gathered over time would help them along their journeys. Even memories long forgotten could be regained through this technique if one wanted to. Kenji Said ,"You two already have an amazing ability to pick up on techniques even at first glance but this Art will pull that through to a whole new level. Although sometimes you can accidentally remember some cringey things you did in the past…" Apollo and Cias were glad to learn the technique but hoped this would never happen.

They ended the day with strength training, and nothing was better than placing one opponent against another. Cias and Apollo faced each other, practicing their techniques and refining what they had learned. Cias had more refined technical skills but Apollo had more raw power at his disposal which made this fight fairly even. It was a good thing Apollo's father strengthened up the surroundings with Art: Imbue and activating Art: Barrier because the power they exhibited would've destroyed the dojo. The sheer amount of speed that they were moving at created a massive amount of air pressure. Although this force was tremendously powerful, their bodies were more than strong enough to take the G's of force.

The strength of their bodies proved useful as their nervous systems were pushed to the limit. Their perception speed easily perceived the others attacks as they countered accordingly. Kenji and Chris were really impressed ,"I can't believe they have this much power at this young age," Chris said, Kenji replied ,"The power of youth is indeed impressive."

And thus the grueling months of training had started for the tournament.