
Flames of redemption

"You're such a bastard!" "I am a bastard," he agreed, leaning even closer to her, "but I'm your bastard, kitten." Someone who's not average, not ordinary, not trying to fit in, not....'normal', as defined by society. And deep inside, she felt the weight of eyes upon her, watching her every move. Questions lingered and haunted her mind: Who was the observer? And what motives laid behind those captivating gazes?

Izabel_Gamer · Fantasie
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106 Chs


The next day, the sun was shining brightly, the rays threatening to enter in his chamber, although it remained dark.Hours back, Vlad had informed Sirius again about Artemis. He had handled the matter although being crossed by nuisances. Artemis was on her way and Sirius couldn't wait for her arrival; and at the same time, put an end to his mental torment.As he sat on his luxurious throne, his calculating gaze rested at nothing in particular. As always, he passed the night thinking and being drowned in endless thoughts, something he had always done.Suddenly, someone knocked on the grand doors and he told them to come in. A servant came, bowing, "Artemis has arrived, my lord.""Alright, Lucy," Sirius said, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips, "bring her in."The girl, Lucy bowed and left. Minutes later the doors swung open again, this time two women entering.The first was a young woman with the look of a noble. Her dress was long green, adorned with laces and symbols of the same color, much brighter. On the top of her attire, she wore a dark robe made from light material. Her hair were strawberry blonde, left down, adorned with ancient clips.Her chocolate eyes held fear and uncertainty and Sirius could recognize that immediately, being sure that he was going to manipulate her much easier than he thought.The other woman was one of the same age as Artemis. She wore a long plain dress with a white apron layered. Her gaze was on the floor."Artemis, such a long time not being seen." Sirius said, his expression filled with untainted confidence, "How are you, my dear?"Artemis's gaze was wavered, she swallowed hard, not wanting to be swayed by his charm, not now."Why am I here?" she asked, trying to steady her voice.Sirius got up from his throne, his movements confident and graceful, "Something very important, something extraordinary." He answered, his voice cryptic as he stood leaned on a wall, far enough.Artemis shook her head, her irritation palpable, "Look, I don't have time. Say what you have to say."Sirius smirked, "Really? Why so straightforward? I've always thought to find a way of revealing things without hurting others in the first place." He said, his voice dripping with mockery."Please, I don't have time. Just get straight to the point." Artemis urged, her expression a hint of uncertainty."You," he said, pointing at the maid behind Artemis, "out." He commanded, his tone leaving no room for defiance.Artemis exchanged glances with her maid and reassured her it was okay to leave. The maiden bowed and quickly left.Continuing his tirade, Sirius's gaze went distant, out of the window, as always, "So, Artemis, you don't have to plead. The information I hold is valuable. I don't think you will ignore it as soon as you find out.""Is this an attack threat? I didn't come here unprepared," she retorted."Attack? Well, let's not turn it violent. Because you know you won't end up well," he replied, his voice menacing, "and especially now, that I hold someone so precious and valuable for us both."Artemis's eyebrows furrowed, confusion spreading over her features, "Who do you hold?"Sirius smirked, "Your sister. I hold your sister."A wave of shock washed over Artemis, her face leaving its color at the presume of his words, "What do you mean? I don't have a sister!" She abruptly exclaimed."Oh, quite the act, I see. Or did you really forget her that easily?" Sirius nonchalantly replied, his voice calm."I don't! You killed her! How d..dare you s..speak of this?!" Artemis retorted, her voice unsteady and uncertain.Sirius leaned forward as he started to walk around, "Well, you know, that's what I also thought. I thought her dead, a legend turned to ashes. But one beautiful day, I proved otherwise." He nonchalantly said."Stop lying, Sirius! You don't know anything you're talking about!" Her voice was filled with frustration and disbelief and she started to rub her temples."Revelations hit hard, Artemis. Especially when you're the one who's been hiding them. So, you should stop with your little deceits. We both know too well it was you who sent Regan on earth and saved her from the battle." Sirius solemnly said, his hawk-like gaze unwavering.Artemis was torn in her thoughts, part of her thinking that his words were just lies and part of a wicked plan, but another part thinking that he might be telling the truth about Regan."Are you really saying she's alive?" she managed to stammer."Are you asking that? You knew too well she was alive!" Sirius retorted, his tone cold."No, I didn't! I didn't! I thought you killed Regan back then, didn't you?" she questioned, slowly falling seated on a nearby couch."You're not here to question me. And I don't have to explain anything about this." He sharply replied, "But you were brave back then. How you managed to send her on earth, wipe out her memory and escape yourself in the unknown, was astonishing for a mundane princess."Artemis's expression was still shocked when nothing of his sayings was true, "You've got your information wrong, Sirius. I didn't send Regan on the place you're talking about. I and her separated that day and I never ever saw her again."The sorcerer's impatience was kicking in. It was ridiculous for her not to claim her own doings, but denying instead, "Then tell me, dear Artemis, who rescued her? Who sent her a thousand lights away? How the hell did she survive that damn battle when she was only five years old?" he asked, the questions holding uncertainty, things he wasn't sure of himself."I don't know!" Artemis exclaimed, "it doesn't matter to me....I just...I just want to see her!"Sirius expression darkened as he walked closer, "Do not test my patience, Artemis. I know well enough of your husband's wicked deeds. Should I expose his shady dealings? It would bring disgrace for your nobility facade," he threatened.Artemis gulped, her expression vulnerable, "Y-you d-don't have to threat. I s-swear I have never had any contact with Regan since that war."Sirius, persistent, continued, "I find it hard to believe. Your husband's secrets are like an open book to me. You wouldn't want your perfect world shattered, would you?"Trying to defuse the situation and compose herself, she spoke, "Sirius, you're mistaken. I've searched for her for years, but she vanished without a trace. Nothing of it was my plan."Sirius ran a hand through his hair, realizing that there might have really been someone else involved in helping his enemy escape. He sighed and decided to not press anymore.Upon seeing that he had calmed down somehow, Artemis managed to speak, "So, where...where is she?""She's here. I'll give her to you, don't worry." He nonchalantly replied.A shiver ran down Artemis's spine as she had no idea how he would give her sister, "You aren't going to that without a catch, will you?"Sirius smirked mischievously, "Ah, the catch. There's always one, isn't it? But don't worry, it's something simple, not dissolute, really," he said, his voice almost impossible to decipher for real or feigned sincerity."And what's it? What do you want in exchange?""I'll tell you that. But first, I shall ask you. Do you want your sister, or not?" He asked, his eyes holding a sinister glint."What kind of question is this? Of course, I do," Artemis quickly retorted.Sirius sat down on his throne, stretching his burgundy gloves, "Well, to me it looks like you don't." He leaned on his elbow, "you know Artemis, now I see you were saying the truth. You weren't the one who helped Regan. Even if you had the chance, you wouldn't do it. You'd save your own self first.""What are you talking about? She's my sister, of course I would have helped her. I lost her trace back then," Artemis retorted, her voice shaky."Whatever. Did you care about her after all that? No, you didn't. You continued to have your life as a noble. Do you know how your sister lived out there?" he taunted."I couldn't do anything! You had destroyed everything. How dare you judge me?" Artemis shouted, her eyes filled with misjudgement and she stood up from her seat."Judge? I'm not judging. I don't blame you anyway. Regan wouldn't do you any well." He stoically replied."What do you mean?" she raised an eyebrow."I mean, let's say your kingdom continued its way. One day, it would have had a new monarch, wouldn't it? Do you think that would have been you, Artemis? No, you wouldn't have, my dear. Regan would. She has the spirit to lead." Sirius said, his gaze unwavering."You don't know any of this, Sirius. Regan wouldn't care about royalty ranks." Artemis quickly defended.Sirius watched her with anticipation, a mocking grin spreading on his face, "I have two opinions of you, Artemis. Either your husband told you to act smart, or you inherited the innocent facade from your father.""Why are you bringing my father in this?" she questioned, furrowing her eyebrows."Let's be fair, Artemis. You think you're all that? Who are you? The daughter of Cortez. Who was Cortez? A loose man who married Octavia for power." He said, his voice laced with poison. Artemis glared at him but before she could retort, he interrupted"Yes, you're still a princess. But for what? You are not truly avalonian. The fire doesn't run in your veins. Anyway, you should be glad you don't hold it. You wouldn't want to clash with me. And then, your life. You're like Cortez, married to someone for wealth and power. And your nice tale continues like this, built on lies and deceit."Artemis felt her heart sinking as Sirius spoke. He had twisted everything she knew making it all seem so cruel and meaningless. She wanted to lash out at him, to deny everything he said, but deep down, she knew there was a truth in his words that she couldn't ignore."You can't just speak bad about my father!" Artemis snapped. "You have no right.Don't you dare speak bad about my father! You can't judge me. You've destroyed many lives in the name of power and rule.""I see you don't want your sister, Artemis. But don't worry, if you don't, I will." Sirius said, his tone cryptic.Artemis's eyes blazed with fire, "She would never want to stay with someone like you. No one would ever want."Sirius chuckled again, sincerely, "She may not. But once she realizes how lonely she is and how no one else loves her, she surely will.""Bring me to her, now." Artemis demanded, her expression now filled with determination.The sorcerer got up from his throne, a menacing smirk plastered on his face, "With all my pleasure," he said as he opened the doors with a snap of his fingers.He gestured for Artemis to follow him and she followed, her eyes shooting daggers behind his back.