
Flames of redemption

"You're such a bastard!" "I am a bastard," he agreed, leaning even closer to her, "but I'm your bastard, kitten." Someone who's not average, not ordinary, not trying to fit in, not....'normal', as defined by society. And deep inside, she felt the weight of eyes upon her, watching her every move. Questions lingered and haunted her mind: Who was the observer? And what motives laid behind those captivating gazes?

Izabel_Gamer · Fantasy
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106 Chs


After what seemed like an eternity, Vlad finally entered Sirius's chamber, followed by two other men, that were holding the traitor. His face was distorted and his scaly features, crossed by dried blood.Despite his wretched position, his eyes still held a mischievous defiance."What happened to other men?" Sirius questioned, a sinister smirk playing on his lips."They're dead," Vlad replied."Nice," the sorcerer said and turned his gaze on Mathias, who was standing on his knees. "So, Mathias, who inspired you to dare defy my rules and cause havoc in my dominion?" He asked in a menacing voice, the blue flames dancing on his gloves, threatening to burn whatever he wanted.Mathias didn't look up, but an evil glint wad in his eyes, "The red haired woman with a scar. She helped me escape, it was her plan all along. She is working against you," he cracked through his dried voice.Sirius smirk faded as he exchanged knowing glances with Vlad. He stood up and grabbed Mathias by his collar, his grip tightening as he leaned in menacingly. "I don't believe a word of your treacherous tale," he hissed, the flames licking Mathias's skin, making him grunt in pain.Vlad stepped forward, a cautionary tone in his voice, "My lord, let him speak. We need to understand the extent of the betrayal."Mathias, gasping for air, desperately tried to defend himself. "It's true! The red-haired woman with the scar had plans for escape. She convinced me to join the rebellion against you."Sirius tightened his grip further, as he slammed Mathias against the cold stone wall, his features contorted with rage. "You dare defy me, you pathetic wretch? You think you can play me for a fool?" He snarled, his eyes ablaze with anger.The general stepped between them, his voice calm but firm. "My lord, we must find out the truth before we make any rash decisions." He glanced at Mathias, his expression unreadable.Furious and irritated, Sirius threw Mathias away, who was struggling for breath, "Get him out of my sight!" He ordered.Vlad spoke to the other men, who grabbed Mathias, and dragged him away, while he kept accusing the redhead.The general closed the doors and turned to Sirius, awaiting his next command."That bastard was lying. She wasn't working with him in any way!" Sirius vented, his fury evident.Vlad's expression was thoughtful. He didn't want to blame Reganbut he cared about the Order's safety, "We can't be sure. She is so desperate to escape.""No. I know her well enough. She would never make plans with a stranger, no matter how desperate she is," Sirius retorted, his eyes blazing with fire. He could never see Regan with any other eye. He knew her better than he should."Maybe that's more than meets the eye." Vlad suggested."Enough. This matter is over. Get rid of Mathias. Now you shall bring me Artemis," he instructed.Vlad nodded, undeterred, knowing that speaking further about Regan would only enrage him more, "As you wish, my lord. Who's Artemis?"Instead of answering, Sirius walked around his chamber and grabbed a futuristic device. As he turned it on, a hologram of a woman was shown. Working with the device, it printed out a paper."Here's the information about Artemis. Find her and bring her to me as soon as you can, commander." Sirius instructed as he gave the paper to Vlad.Vlad took the paper and threw a glance at. There was a photo of the woman, her age and where she lived. The general nodded in understanding and was excused to exit the study chamber.The time passed as Sirius again waited impatiently again for Vlad. He was a bit relieved he wasn't hearing about Vesper or her drama, it always hit the nerve on him. He kept them as pawns in his games but they were just growing nuisances on his side.The other witches did the same, especially the blonde, Allegra, who didn't spare a moment to flirt with him every time. As for Circe, she was better than them, the only thing was that she wasn't as ambitious as Vesper.A sudden knock interrupted his thoughts. It was Vesper, much to his dislike, where he had warned her to think twice before appearing herself, however Vesper being Vesper, didn't care much.She stood there, her blue straight hair hanging loose on her shoulders. She was wearing a short, tight red dress, exposing much of her skin. Her makeup mirrored her clothes, and weirdly, a fake smile was plastered on her, like she had forgotten the previous confrontations.Sirius sighed, irritated, "Why are you here? Didn't I make it clear you think twice before showing your insolent self before me?" He threw her a menacing look, "What's your next move now, Vesper? Trying to convince me you're worth my allegiance?"Vesper pursued her lips, her inner irritation hanging on a thin line. However, that time she had promised herself; she wasn't going to damage her relationship with him."I'm here to discuss our plans," she began, her voice smooth as silk. "I know you've been dissatisfied with me. I wasn't right in my senses when I accused you back then. It was ridiculous."Sirius rolled his eyes, unfazed, "Do you have anything better to say other than that?"Vesper walked closer and sat beside him, giving him a feigned genuine smile."I want to bring our old allegiance back. I want to get back to the exciting times," she said, her hand reaching to his arm.Sirius stood up, disinterested, "You don't care about the allegiance, Vesper. You see it as a way to get in my mind. But you're not for what you wish you were," he said through his smugness."But I do care!" Vesper retorted, standing up as well and following him, whose gaze was distant on the wide horizon over the window. "I care about our allegiance, I want us to be together."Sirius let out a mocking chuckle, "Together? Define together. Do you want to be my mistress? My concubine?" he asked, his voice dripping with venom. "But keep something in mind, Vesper." He coldly said as he turned to her, "I'd never do that. But....," he drawled, "your possibilities don't end here. There are so many out there who are willing to expand their promiscuous life," he said with a smirk, his voice disdainful.Vesper's fury was palpable, the hatred, the desire she felt for him, fueled up even more. She was furious at him, furious that every time she was failing to get what she wanted to get."Sirius, why do you act like you've forgotten our close allegiance?" she asked, trying to swallow up her frustration, tracing her fingers on his arm, "Have you forgotten our quests for power? Our thirst for dominance? We seek the same thing," she said, her voice filled with persuasion.Unfazed, Sirius distanced himself from her, "I've gotten my power and dominance myself. I don't need anyone's help. And we don't seek the same thing, Vesper. Your intentions are far from mine."Vesper's fury hung on a thin line. She had been planning something else, to act more calm and compised with him. To strengthen their alliance, but as always, it wasn't working with him."You're ungrateful Sirius. You forget it was me who had helped you!" she hissed."Helped? You've done your own part, I'll give you that. But now, if you're a little bit less insolent, get out," he chillingly ordered.Vesper features twisted into a frown. She couldn't fathom this man, "Regan is the one to blame that you're acting like this!" She furiously snapped.Sirius's expression turned dark, "Don't you ever dare mention Regan again! Don't you dare!" He growled, towering over her. It had become extremely irritating for him, he hated her melodrama and had better matters to care about. And he couldn't help himself, he didn't want Regan's name to be tainted from Vesper's wicked mouth.Vesper pursued her lips, trying to desperately shift the conversation, so she could still get in his preference and favor, "Well....uh, I-I was just joking about her. I know you're interested in politics and all that," she awkwardly said, thinking of what she could tell him about these matters."So, I have found a realm easy to conquer. It also had immense power. It has no strong leader or government."Sirius's eyes narrowed, hoping this wasn't another scheme to gain his attention, "And what's the realm's name?" He curiously asked."Eafimos," Vesper replied, remembering the realm's name from people talking in the town's streets, "It's not far from there, it's a good opportunity."Sirius's gaze stood distant, his expression thoughtful, "Indeed, a good opportunity." He nonchalantly said, his mind wandering to someone else.Vesper smirked as she leaned closer, "If you go, I want to come as well.""Alright," Sirius retorted, his voice filled with mockery, "but there are some matters I need to pay attention to, first." He solemnly said, much to Vesper's dislike. Just when she thought she was getting in her plan, he would always prove wrong.But he was manipulative after all. And she was easy to be charmed with a few words.

Suddenly, he turned to her, a deceptive glint in his icy eyes, "You know, Vesper. When I think about you, you're a very determined and ambitious one. You serve my purpose," he lied, his voice filled with feigned admiration.

Vesper's eyes glinted in surprise, confused at his sudden change.With a cunning smile, he continued to weave a web of manipulation around Vesper, praising her alleged determination and ambition."You have a unique skill set, Vesper. I value your loyalty and dedication," he smoothly whispered, leading her to believe she held a special place in his plans.As the blue-haired melted in his words, Sirius abruptly shifted his tone, his eyes piercing through her facade. "However, there are matters that require my attention now. You should leave," he coldly commanded.Vesper, still under the illusion of significance, left with a content smirk, thinking she had successfully influenced Sirius. As the door closed behind her, the sorcerer let out a sigh of relief, shaking off the facade. The manipulative game had served its purpose, and he was free from her presence.He sat on the chair and ran a hand through his raven hair, "Finally, rid of her." Now, he had better matters to think about as well as the orders he had given to Vlad.As he eagerly waited for general Vlad's news, the night crept on the enchanted realm. The sorcerer's mind was a bit relieved after he had done his usual meditation.He couldn't wait to execute his plans, that included the princess as well. His thoughts for her had always been complex and conflicted, however he calculated that Artemis was a figure that needed to be unveiled.After what seemed like the time had stuck on its way, the general finally returned from his venture. His expression was stoic and blank, reflecting the one of his lord."Explain, commander," Sirius demanded, his tone dripping with authority."I found Artemis, my lord. I made your command clear, but her husband was a nuisance. He insisted she didn't leave her house," Vlad informed, "our men are still there. If you wish, we'll attack."Sirius's expression turned thoughtful, "Handle it how you wish, Vlad. Just make sure to bring her here. Otherwise, her and these little morons who surround her shall pay dearly," he said darkly.Vlad nodded in approval and turned around to leave."Wait," Sirius called. "There's also something you should do. Vesper. She's been a useless nuisance lately. She needs punishment."Vlad turned back, "What has she been doing?""Oh, you know. Trying to mess with what's mine. Plotting behind my back. Deal with her as you see fit," Sirius said carelessly."It shall be done, my lord," Vlad said and left.