
Flame Mage in a world of Chaos.

"A world with nothing but monsters, screaming, working, and riots. Endless pain, torture, and regret, it follows me, everywhere. A lingering pain of despair always passes through me, but only people with abilities can live a good life of riches and fame, me? I work at a convenience store with a small paycheck every month. Can the MC find a place of peace, or even love in a place of nothing but destruction and power?

Bacon_Games · Fantasie
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14 Chs

•:Chapter 3:•

Fynix gets up, and rushes towards the broken and loudly squeaking door.

'SQUEAKKK,' a loud rustic sound could be heard, aswell as a little shreak.

"Mister! Let me innnn!!"

"IM COMING, HOLD ON" Responded Fynix.

Another squeak could be heard.

"Phew, there we go"

"Thank you mister!"

"My pleasure, please grab what you need, I'll be right here to ring you up"

"Oki mister!" Replies the toddler as she waddles down one of the claustrophobic aisles in the store.

•15 minutes later•

"Hello, did you find what you needed?"

"I couldnt find the fizzy drinks," Said the toddler with a frown

"We can find it together," Says Fynix with enthusiasm.


Conversed the two as they walked down another tight aisle, and eventually making their way to the big refrigerators in the back of the store.

"Here they are," Says Fynix with a big smile.


"Your welcome," replies fynix as he Pat's her head softly, and soon enough, walking back to the front desk.

•5 minutes later•

I rung up the toddler, and she later left the store while skipping happily, anyways, let's continue where we left off previously.

This world, like I said, is horrible, and just utter chaos and destruction, before humanity went through a drastic hierarchy change, where the powerful and strongest sit on top, and the weak and flimsy ones are slaves.

After the 'Monolith' descended out of nowhere, a toddlers handful of people were chosen as 'Descendants', of course, favourites are chosen in the world as I was gifted only a D rank ability, pyrokinesis.

A gift that allows one to influence, heat, and add strength to any flame I touch and/or extract.

As a downside and challenge for these 'Descendents', they added quests, tasks, and jobs to increase ones ability, but as stated before, some were angry and didnt like the new abilities added to ones body, and decided to try and destroy the tower.

Not only did it not work, the 'Gods' or 'Makers' behind the monolith didnt like this psychotic and jealous act, so they also added 'Rifts' which awaken beasts and Legendary Creatures from different types of mythology, to cross into our world, but of course, humans fought back and won, but that wasnt the last of it..

Maybe next time..

Saturday, May 20th, @5:00am