
Five For All

The story is about five and on how he deals with oncoming hardships as the journey continues, as he makes new friends and family but that does not mean it'll happen in an instant like many would think. There'll be some tough times for him and of course that does not mean he won't be making some good ones. Which means as for the main purpose for five is to do the best he can to make sure those around him are kept safely alive whether he lose some or not.

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Chapter 1 The New Recruit


Year [2530] Post Human Covenant War.

In the star system of earth one of the many systems that the unsc has under their control was being watched over by a lone frigate and a couple of unsc mini ships which were the pelicans alongside with three other large ships, one class destroyer one halberd-class-destroyer and a Paris heavy frigate. Two of this ships were doing the same-ol thing as they too were doing the exact assignment given to the captains which is to patrol the star system in watching over one planet and the other.

Inside one of the pelicans was an armed group of marines, four black-clad armored wearing individuals, this man and womens were known by many as orbital drop shock troopers or for short odst. They were one of the best creation the unsc had provided for humanity as soldiers for humankind.

Watching the scene the odst were amused by the marines way of treating the man in cuffed chains, they may sometimes have quarrel with Marines on some certain things but that doesn't mean they would always hate them cause they too were marines once as well and they couldn't blame the marines for the way they acted towards the prisoner seeing as they were fighting the man's faction.

Shoving the cuffed man in an orange jump suit the four odst's were at least taking into account at this seeing it was pretty much their only way of entertainment as they laughed when one of the marines a woman headbutted the prisoner when he made a stupid act by calling her in a slur language that they understood very well.

"Stop standing in one place and get a move on!" A marine said as he pushed the prisoner forth who almost fell forward if it wasn't for the metal wall that he had slammed his head on in an accident.

"Well I loved to, but I can't you a hole!" The young man said in a incensed voice.

The prisoner winced in pain when a marine on the left grabbed his injured right arm and held onto it all the while he led them towards the hangar as the light above began beeping red.

"I'd loved to kill you myself but I can't because the captain had given us the order not to kill weasels like you, well not yet, so you'll do me a huge favor and shut up," The marine said as he squeezed a bit tighter on the arm earning a grunting pain.

The prisoner chuckled in a farce way as he looked at the marine and spoke.

"Oh yeah, why don't you do it now, you'll do me a huge favor ya damn cookie!" The prisoner said smiling.

The odst from the back knew what was coming next watching as the marine squeezed the prisoner's injured arm even tighter.

"Your lucky that you still have both arms or else I just might have cut right off of ya," The marine said in a low voice were the only person who could hear it was the prisoner himself. "Or else you would've been killed by the other marines themselves,"

"Yeah who cares, it's not like you people will keep me alive for long anyways,"

The marine smiled as the other marine in the left beamed his partner a smile at that. "You have no idea ya damn innies,"

Over the speaker from inside the hangar, the voice of the pilot announced that they would soon be making a land as everyone inside could feel the pelican beginning to slow down.

Looking out through a small window on the back of the hangar one of the odst sees the large size of the Paris heavy frigate. Glimpsing at the hangar of the ship as it opened up allowing the pelican to soar pass a couple of other pelicans and some dock workers.

The pelican came hovering on a landing pad where a man in a vested uniform with two red objects he held in his hands. The man signaled for the pelican to come a bit closer till he quickly made a sign as to signal the pilot to slowly lower itself as it's thrusters began reducing into small flames, the odst had a habit to always hold onto something nearby them when the pelican made a slight vibration as it's legs touched the metal surface of the landing pad.

"Alright folks, you may unstrap yourselves now for we have made a safe landing from space," The pilot said trying to sound funny with his comment.

"Hey you don't have to keep pushing me ya damn bastards!" Complained the convict.

"Keep talking innie, and I might just continue to until we reached your terminus cell," Responded the marine.

"Hey draja, go easy on the man or else he'll die on the way," The squad commander of the odst said jokingly.

The marine chuckles as he knew damn well that the odst didn't care about the innie. "Sure thing sir,"

As the marines escorted the prisoner off onto another direction the odst's took to themselves to wait for a whole six to eleven minute glancing at the inside of the hangar, it was quite large for a ship it's size, the Paris heavy frigate may have been smaller then it's other counterpart but it was still a stunning scene to them just like when they visit their very first space ship. Man and women alike were hauling boxes of ammunition to one of the shipping container with also boxes of frozen goods drinks and all sort of alotted food ration that'll last this ships crew for up to at least five years or more.

After having the pleasure of sightseeing the four of them were brought back to reality when a women in a highly dressed uniform coughed as to get their attention.

"Hello there ladies and gentlemen, forgive me for keeping you four waiting, the captain had sent me to get the four of you," The woman said.

"And you must be?" An odst from the left of his commander spoke with his right arm held out.

"Sorry, I sometimes forget to give in my name on first introduction, it's olivia,"

The odst smiled mischievously. "Well Ms. Olivia, I sure hope to meet you on many of our sessions," The man said as he tried kissing her hand but instead she pulled away quickly earning him a few mocking chuckles from his colleagues.

The squad leader stepped forth. "I'm glad someone finally denied michs flirtatious ways. The names kranova, nice to meet you ma'am,"

"Back to you as well commander," Olivia said answering by shaking his hands instead of michs.

"So where will you take us ma'am?" Asked kranova.

"I'm glad you've brought that up, please follow me,"

As time passes by the odst's were led by Olivia through the door that separated the hall from the ships hangar, they took a turn and waited for a couple of egg heads the type of names that some people calls the scientists. Olivia nodded and waved merrily at some of the ships crew who greeted her, they then came to a stop where a sliding door to the elevator opened up and a couple more crew personals exited, the group waited till they finally had entered.

"You must be a prominent woman on the ship Ms. Olivia," Spoke kranova.

"No need to keep calling me Ms. Just Olivia is fine with me," She said replying in an exemplary manner. "Olivia is good enough with me,"

"Ok then how long are we going to be in this metal box then Olivia?" One of the other two odst's said referring to the elevator.

"Just give it a minute besides it's a big ship not a hotel," Commented Olivia sounding a little sore due to less sleep as she yawned for a sec.

"Relax Kathleen, I understood you don't really have a fond for elevators but please keep calm kranova said to her.

Olivia in her head wondered why's that, she was about to ask a question but chose not to seeing that it doesn't look like the right time to throw some query of words at the troubled woman.

humming quietly to herself as she eyed the number pad Olivia watched each one lighting up showcasing that they were getting to the floor of their choosing. About two minutes later the elevator came to a stop and the odst's watched as the door slid opened and Olivia hurriedly stepped outside.

"I'd suggest you four come outside unless y'all want to wait four that,"

They were at lost for the moment till Olivia pointed back with her thumb and the odst's could see roles of people coming their way, so without second thought all four of them heeded her advise and walked out one by one.

"Geez where do ya think their going?" Question michs.

"Some of them is on shore leave the others are probably heading their way to the nearest bar for the time being," Olivia said answering him.

"Well you must've been quite the watcher," Said Kathleen.

Laughing at her remark Olivia responded. "On that you are right, I'm sort of a walking camera for them, you know it's always good to make sure to know where your crew are at,"

"Agreed," Added michs.

"So I'm guessing you must be the captains personal assistant?" Kathleen said asking.

"Yes," Olivia said replying to the odst comment. "Although I'm working to become an engineer and pilot,"

The squad leader perked up at that wondering why she would want that. "Forgive me for asking ma'am but why that, don't you think that being the captain assistant is good enough, I'm mean no disrespect but it's more safer for a girl like you to work inside the here whether then going out in the battlefield," Questioned kranova.

"Well I'm glad you ask, but the reason why I wanted to become a pilot is to be free from the same ol work like sitting in the desk all day and doing paperwork, I wanna be out there soaring through the unknown space," Olivia said responding to kranova's inquiry.

she was happy that someone wanted to ask about her hobby and wouldn't mind telling the odst's more about her but stopped when the five of them arrived on deck where the captain and the other crew members was working on computers doing a few check ups on the ship while others were responding to calls or whatever.

Olivia along with Kranova and his squad came to a halt and saluted behind the captain who's back was turned on them who seems to be speaking with a glowing hologram of a woman.

"Captain Hallam, the odst you've ask of me to escort to you are here," Spoke Olivia.

When the captain turned around facing them he spoke. "At ease, Olivia I thank you for bringing commander kranova and his squad to me,"

The captain looks to be in his mid-thirties with reasonable look plastered on his face, he had short dark brown hair and trimmed facial hair. He wore the usual outfit of a captain with his insignia plastered on his uniform.

"No problem sir just doing my job," Responded Olivia.

"Sir you've requested for me and my squad, may I ask why us?" Questioned kranova.

Kranova had been wondering ever since he and the team had been picked up by the pelican why the captain had called for him and his team, there were other odst squad marines and army troopers he could've appealed to for and yet he chose to pick his crew, this has been on his mind after he had received a call last week since he had been on earth after a long day of being in the south of africa.

"I apologize for calling you and your squad here early Mr. Kranova, I know you've all had dealt with a couple of missions on earth but the reason why I asked for you four is because I needed someone to do something for me," The captain said in a formal tone.

"Permission to speak sir," Asked Kathleen.

"Go ahead sergeant,"

"What exactly kind of task Is it you will send us out on?" Kathleen said.

"Straight to the point, I like that," The captain said smiling. "Commander kranova I've requested you all here for an important assignment, and I understand that you and your team were supposed to be on break after six weeks of being on another mission but I must break that, which is why I've asked for you and your squad,"

Before the captain could speak again kranova stepped forth and spoke cutting him off mid-sentence. "Sir permission to speak,"

Sighing to himself the captain nodded to the squad leader in approval. "Go ahead Mr. Kranova,"

Thanking the captain the odst spoke. "With all due respect sir what exactly is it you want us to do and will it be beneficial for us for we are ready for any task you have for us,"

The three odst's stood behind their squad leader still with their hands behind their back awaiting the captains order with a keen look of readiness on their faces.

"It's good that you and your team are willing to fight once more, I appreciate that Mr. Kranova," The man stopped speaking as what he was thinking on his head would cause the odst to question his decision but of course they wouldn't say it as they would whether not get benched by him which he wouldn't.

"But unfortunately the mission that I have for you and your squad will be quite strenuous,"

"Sir permission to speak," Said one of the odst.

"Go ahead sergeant,"

"We haven't had a problem with any of our task since we've deployed into battle, and with all due respect sir what made you think our mission would be strenuous to us?"

Before the captain could say anything once again he took to himself looking through the four odst's cause of what he was going to tell them next will surely tick them off within a moment all with him saying a single certain name that most people haven't heard of with the exception of the odst's.

letting out a subtle sigh of trepidation the captain half expected that they would've question him of the issue at hand. "The reason on why I say that is because there will be a spartan accompanying you four in assistance with your task,"

A sudden silence resounded throughout the room as the people around heard the anger voice of one of the odst's questioning the captains declaration with a vexation look on her face.

This had gotten a seething reaction from one of the odst's as Kathleen had a bitterness look across her face while the three others had kept themselves still watching as teammate spoke up earning everyone's attention.

"What!" Kathleen let out. "Sir forgive me for saying this but why would you set us up with one of those things?" Said Kathleen as she gave the captain a slight affrontive look but soon pushed it away as she began calming herself down.

Kranova stepped forth to pull his teamate back in line but the captain motioned for him to stop which he nodded in confirmation stood back to where he was once more.

"Ms. Kathleen, I understood the reason on why you have some animosity towards the Spartans trust me I know, but know this sometimes there'll be a time where you would have to put aside your differences and work side by side with them whether you like it or not," The man said with a seriousness in his voice as he then stopped and turned to the other odst's.

"That goes for all of you, is that understood,"

Stomping their boots as an indication of understanding the odst's saluted the man with their right hand inches from their forehead and responded with a courtesy of affirmation.

"Sir yes sir!" They responded loudly.

Though he was glad that the four of them will not be having much problem with who will be accompanying them, while on the other hand the captain could tell that a certain odst wasn't happy at all about his decision on this task as he can tell from the exuberance sense of contempt plastered on her face.

"All right with that out of the way I believe the spartan will be arriving anytime soon," The captain stopped as he brought his arm up rolled his sleeve and looked at the time on his watch. "In about a few moments,"

"Though I advise you four to at least keep yourselves under control for I know of the hate you odst's have against the spartans, do not do anything to stupid that'll get you injured badly by them, insult may be fine as long as you don't go too overboard, understand" The captain said to them clearly.

"Yes sir!" The four of them said responding altogether.

"Good to hear, oh!" Muttered the captain as he spotted a certain individual walking through the entrance door. "Speak of the devil, hello five, it is good to see you Spartan,"

The four odst's heard the sound of boots clamping onto the metal floor getting closer and closer to where they are, wanting to see who it was they turned their heads and saw it, the Spartan's or at least just one, but this one was a lot taller then they thought the spartan would be. The freak some people called them was taller then an average human being it stood at two-point-fourty-seven meters tall or eight foot one inches tall.

They figured that it was probably the armor that the spartan wore that made him look opposing to either his enemies and allies alike with his large height adding the fact that most of them behaved differently then a normal human being which set off some men and women on board whenever they encounter the Spartan's.

Five the captain called trek towards the his way came forth stops and considers the odst's presence with a simple nod and reached to a stop in front of the captain.

"Sir, you've called for me,"

"Why yes five, thanks for coming, and I'm sorry I had to bring you in after you had just got done with your previous mission," Says the captain with a genuine smile.

"No problem sir, I'm ready for whatever task you have for me," Five said replying with steadiness posture.

"That's good to hear Spartan," The captain said as he walked down a five way steps and stood between the four odst's. "I'd like for you to meet your new team, I get that they aren't your standard squad like that of the Spartans but please do try your best to socialize with them for you'll be with them for a while,"

"Yes sir," Answered five as he then looked at the four black-armored men and women.

Taking two steps forth the squad leader of the odst kranova had his right arm forth awaiting a handshake from the spartan.

"The names kranova leader of this squad, what's yours spartan?"

Taking a glance at the kranova's arm the spartan thought about it and just shook the man's hand although he had to do it mildly soft so as to not crush his hand on accident.

"Sierra zero-zero-five, you can just call me five for short," The spartan answered back as he then let go.

"That's it! No real name," Kranova said questioning the Spartan's in an odd way.

"Five is enough,"

"Alright, whatever you say big guy," Says kranova who then along with his team and the spartan turned facing the captain. "Sir may we know what mission it is you have for us now?"

"Of course, follow me," Says the man as he led them to a holographic table.

"What is this sir?" Asked Kathleen who was eyeing some sort of construction site with a burnt down metropolis.

"This ladies and gentleman is going to be your mission,"

A holographic screen popped up and a muffling sound as if something or someone was speaking through from wherever the person in on the other side was.

"There were seven army troopers and a couple of marines that we're sent to do a rescue operation and we're suppose have returned ten days ago but unfortunately they've never sent a message back like they were supposed to, that is until one day after I've received a distress call from one of the team,"

"Any idea on what happened to them sir?" Asked kranova.

"I'm afraid not sergeant, no idea on what happened to sergeant vasanta and olanda's groups, all I had was a stagnant audio message from them," The captain responded as he pinch the bridge of his nose. "Which is why I'm sending the five of you to see what had happened to them, see if they survived and if not get any surviving members and get the hell out of there in before any covenant bastards finds you all, got it,"

"Yes sir,"

Noticing the spartan hasn't said anything yet he was eyeing the map of the start system. "Something else Spartan?"

Tilting his head at the captain way. "When do we start sir?"

"The five of you have about one hour before we've entered the star system, after that we will be leaving once we've sent you to the ground from there on y'all got approximately a month or less before the covenant glasses the planet, so please do me a favor and return in one pieces, got me,"

"Sir yes sir,"

Smiling their way the captain saluted them back and then went back to his deck. "Good I want you guys ready, go to the armory set yourself up and prepare to jump the moment I tell you to, dismissed,"

As kranova and the odst's left five headed the other way to where his room is at until the sound of the captain voice stopped him on his track.

"Five, I may not know who you are you may not know who those four are, but I am asking you to please watch over them and keep them safe, can you do that,"

With a simple and yet subtle respond five nodded down and up and answers. "I will captain, goodbye,"

"Goodbye to you too five,"


Subsequently after the odst had gotten done doing what they can before the mission they had taken a shower brush their teeths and went out to get themselves prepared putting on their shirts and pants and as they came to their locker room where their armor was inside a certain large cabinet they began strapping it on, onto the other side in the left was their assault rifle and a few meds, grabbing it Kathleen puts it in her left side pouch and went for her combat knife one that had been with her ever since she joined the odst's.

The knife had belong to her older brother, flipping it to the side she could see a skull painted on it's sides with two red stripes on it's handles. She had gotten this as a gift from her older sibling when she had visited him at the hospital, she had seen the state the man was in and it made her blood boil with anger, the one strongest person she looked up to was missing one eye with also a broken shoulder.

Kathleen remembered one time she had asked her brother about who had done this to him and all he said was not to worry about it that it was just an accident, she knew that it was bullshit, no accident was possible to have made him lose an eye and along with a severe injury.

That is until she found out the truth when she had a friend of her brother who worked on the ship one were the incident happened, the man had manage to hack into the ships camera and sent her a tape video, and as she was watching the tape there were two small kids who seems to be around the same age as her when she was fourteen years old, after that she saw that three to eleven men's began surrounding the two teenagers, among those eleven men was her brother, she scrutinize on why her brother would even think of trying to mess with two small teenagers who were little then those surrounding them, that's when things began getting interested for her when one of the men rushed in to punch a boy with shaved brown hair but before he could land a hit the other boy with dark black shaved hair came and tackled the man and began pummeling into the older man's face and swept another person from his feet.

She saw that the other boy went to reach for his colleague and the two were in back-to-back getting ready to fight. This amazed her for a bit and she thought how could a five foot eleven boy manage to tackle a six-foot-three two hundred three pound man and just when she was getting ready to see the whole thing the camera began going haywire as a static grey came on and the video was no more.

She guessed that either one of the two kids were responsible for her brothers state and she vows to find them and promised to herself that they'll pay whether they were superhuman or not, they'll pay she said thinking to herself.

The sound of a locker slamming closed made Kathleen turned her head that almost gotten a strained neck, she turned to see none other then one of her teammates Ethan gray. The man wore a glasses making him look like a school teacher, it looked like to her that he had already gotten ready. He looked down at her with a smile and offers a hand.

"Need some help kath,"

"Sure, thanks old man," She said yanking herself up which had almost made the man fall face forward.

Kathleen at first hated being called that name, only her brother had called her that and over the years she learned to get used to it and now but all of that ceased when she saw him sitting on the hospital bed, guessing the teasing would never stopped not while she was still alive Kathleen would made sure to have a nickname for people that calls her kath.

"Where's captain kranova and the rest of our team?"

"Kranova had already gotten ready and is waiting with pallern and jane at the hangar," Ethan answered her as they walked off.

"Great now I know that those two will say I owed them fifty bucks,"

Ethan snickered and said. "Don't you mean fifty credits,"

Kathleen snickered and elbowed him in the waist. "Don't push it old man,"

"Jesus, you hit like a man,"

Kathleen chuckles as she slapped him by the shoulder and spoke. "I'll take that as a compliment,"

As she strabbed her BRFiftySix on the back of her magnetic armor Kathleen then snatched her helmet from the bench and started towards the door as both she and Ethan left the armory.


Inside a particular chamber sierra zero-zero-five was seen passing by a couple of people who stood to the side watching him trekking up a metal steps, with every seconds he made his way other people such as scientists were busy working on their subject at the moment while some like the engineers was fixing things such as machines.

Six feet from where he is four people in white lab coats were seen working on five's Mjolnir armor as they were also fixing some slight impairments. One man held like a machine painter while he was adding the same coloring as the armor with dark olive green.

The four egg heads as some people calls them saw five and immediately , coming to a stop just two feet away from his armor five glanced up and down at the Mjolnir, he brings his right arm up and wiped a few dust off of it's right chest armor where the numbers zero-zero-five is painted in white.

Turning his head to the left where a woman was holding onto her tablet as she looked up at him. "Are you people done yet?"

"Yes Spartan, you've just happened to have arrived on time right as we got done. Please go on ahead and get strapped up," She said gesturing for five to continue.

"Thank you marilla,"

The woman was surprised by that, I'm mean not many calls her by her own name, some people called her egghead like many other of her colleagues and some calls her blonde or shorty, she would often ignore them and would even tease the people back but for once she appreciated that five called her by her first name and what made it better was that there wasn't any degenerate meaning behind his words.

First thing that five did before the rest of his armor were set on was that he puts his foot where the metal part of feet is at as the hissing sound of his armor calf clamped tightly as it closed for good. He then took a deep breathe in and spread both of his arms up in a cross formation when two technician from opposite sides had their hands on a clawed machine that was holding his multiphase carbide armor, it came from over his head and down as it finally hitched closed onto his bodysuit altogether with the armor plates that attached to his shoulder and forearms.

"You know I wonder sometimes how you big girls and boys are able to handle thousands pounds of armor and walk around with it for hours," Marilla said half jokingly.

"It's because thanks to brains like you Ms. Marilla," Five replied earning a thankful gesture from the woman.

To his right five saw the sight of his helmet and picked it up and was going to snap it back onto his head when the sound of a huge clank hit the ground. He turned to the direction it came from and saw that his kukri was seen laying on the floor.

It seems to him that the man that was going to offer him his combat knife had dropped it on accident, he appreciated his service even when he did not need it but it seems like the man insisted on doing it out of kindness.

"Sorry there five, I apologize for dropping your knife, I guess I didn't pay attention while I was checking it out,"

"Apologies accepted," Responded the spartan as he went to pick up the kukri and from the corner of his eyes hr noticed something right next to the man's right shoe. Picking it up he held out a notepad for the man who took it grateful for the aid.

From the top right corner of the room where a circular black speaker sticked into the voice of the captain spoke out gaining the spartan attention.

"Five, I believe it's time for you to head on over to the ships deck, we've got six more minutes before exiting slipstream space,"

Deciding not to waste anymore time five thanked the those who had assisted him with suiting up in his armor, proceeding with going for his BR55 and M9008-shotgun and placed it in his back where both weapons sticked onto his magnetic holder strips, and with the last thing he slit his kukri on the sheath that was on his right chest armor.

"Excuse me ma'am," Five said as he let a person passed by him to point where he had to duck under the door.


Star system Chosolor.

Planet Dwarka.

Time Nineteenth hundred.

Outside from the planet Dwarka's exosphere four hundred thirty four point nine miles above from the planets surface a blue'ish white light materialized in a swirling circle in space as it then started to get larger and larger till it was big enough for a halberd class destroyer to pass on out the portal with an incessant decelerated pace.

The portal then closes once more as the halberd destroyer drifted above one of dwarkas space stations.

Inside the ships deck a pelican two thrusters began whizzing as it can be seen starting to ascend off not while it's hangar was opened still.

"You folks better be ready, captains orders are too drop y'all off so we can leave before any covenant or insurrectionist ship shows up," Stated the ship's pilot.

"Yeah, yeah!" Responded a bothered Kathleen as she can see two of her comrades prepping themselves.

"Say, have you guys seen my new M6G Magnum, I just bought one yesterday," Said Ethan as he ravaged through his duffle bag.

"Why what happened to your old one?" Questioned Kathleen.

"I lost it during our previous mission, remember when the building had collapsed and I had to drag you and a unconscious pallern out," Ethan says replying in an edgy way.

"Oh right, well sorry you had to lose that thing, I know how long you had it since the your first deployment but hey at least you'll get a new and better one, well another one that is," Kathleen told him.

"But don't you have like five sets of weapon in that bag of yours?" Pallern says mildly knowing the man always carries more then most of them.

"Hey sometimes it's better to carry more with you," Replied Ethan as he zipped close the duffle bag.

The trio heard the sound of boots and saw that it was their squad leader kranova with alongside to his left the spartan was strolling with him as both of them strided towards them.

"Took you long enough commander," Kathleen said heading on over and offered to take a box crate from Kranova.

"Sorry team, I had to leave to bring back something I had left behind back at the chamber, oh and Ethan you dropped this,"

Ethan immediately went to catch the pistol being that kranova had thrown at him and almost dropped it.

"Where did you find this at?" He asked.

"You've dropped it in my room when you were in the rush to get Kathleen," Answered kranova.

"Excuse me,"

Kathleen Ethan and kranova stepped out of the way as the spartan walked passed them and set a box down.

"Alright, are y'all ladies and gentleman ready to go," The pilot said out loud as she peeked at the back to see the spartan giving a thumbs up.

"Yep, were green to go jane," Responded kranova.

"Good to hear y'all, hold onto something, this is going to be a bumpy ride,"

"God I never get tired of her cowgirl accent," Said Ethan earning a look of derision from the team with of course with the exception of five.

Kranova strolled by the three odst's and stood next to the spartan. "You ready spartan,"

"Yes sir," Responded five.

"Hood to hear," Says kranova as he then looked back to his squad. "Dagger team, are you ready,"

"Hell yeah sir!" The three of them replied with an earnest yell as they prepped themselves fully prepared of ammunition and strolled towards kranova and the spartan.
